"Regrowth takes time the world does not have to solve climate change”
Over 500 scientists tell world leaders, to stop treating the burning of biomass as “carbon neutral”.
”You can help end this madness.”
#StopFakeRenewables wwf.eu/?uNewsID=21284…
"Det är vansinnigt att ge enorma subventioner till något som förvärrar klimatproblemen."
Rapport efter rapport efter rapport ogiltigförklarar Sverige och EUs miljö- och klimatpolitik i grunden.
Varenda möjlig kolsänka måste maximeras, men vi gör tvärtom.
School strike week 130.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency
Shell plans to expand their fossil gas production by over 20%.
But hey!
Someone will end deforestation and create a new magic forest the size of Brazil, completely unaffected by the sustainability crisis that'll forever remain a giant carbon sink.
That's the beauty of "Net Zero". twitter.com/SimonLLewis/st…
A beautiful winter day in Stockholm! Very cold across Central Europe and central North America today. Still Northen Hemisphere +0.5°C above 1979-2000 baseline. climatereanalyzer.org/wx/DailySummar…
A small piece of advice for humanity:
when you're in a hole - stop digging.
A crisis created by lack of respect for nature will most likely not be solved by taking that lack of respect to the next level...
“In total, with their dirty business they have channeled $24 billion into coal, oil and gas companies already since the Paris Agreement.”
Join us in calling out Standard Chartered Bank. Tag @StanChart , use
#RaiseYourStandards & #CleanUpStandardChartered
"Vanessa continues to teach a most critical lesson. She reminds us that while we may all be in the same storm, we are not all in the same boat."
So proud of my friend Vanessa Nakate!
#Time100 #FridaysForFuture #ClimateJustice
"Norway, the UK and Canada are not climate champions. They are climate hypocrites."
These nations "all plan to keep producing fossil fuels, investing in new projects and explorations."
#FaceTheClimateEnergency edition.cnn.com/2021/02/17/wor…
"If Norway also continues to drill as planned, the total emissions from its known oil and gas reserves will amount to roughly 15 gigatons CO2, according to CICERO, a Norwegian climate research institute. That would eat up 6.5% of the remaining carbon budget for the whole world."
Freedom of speech and the right to peaceful protest and assembly are non-negotiable human rights. These must be a fundamental part of any democracy.
#StandWithDishaRavi twitter.com/FFFIndia/statu…
School strike week 131.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency
”We are pushing nature to its limits. /…/ We are creating conditions in which epidemics flourish” - Dr Mike Ryan from WHO telling it like it is.
This is exactly the clarity we need from world leaders in order to bring real hope to the world. #FaceTheClimateEmergency twitter.com/rice_e/status/…
"One of the UK’s most eminent environmental scientists has called the government’s failure to block a new coalmine in Cumbria 'absolutely ridiculous'".
This is worth sharing for the picture alone!
This is exactly what approving a new coal mine looks like.theguardian.com/environment/20…
"Ett träd som fälls och blir biobränsle har vuxit i flera decennier, och det tar lika lång tid att få ett lika stort träd igen.
Och det är tid vi inte har." - @steffesundstrom aftonbladet.se/debatt/a/Qmj2J…
Risken med otillräckliga ”fossilfria” reklamriktlinjer är ökad greenwashing. T.ex en ”DN-certifierad” gröntvätt för företag som i hög grad bidrar till den klimat- och hållbarhetskris där fossilindustrin bara är en av väldigt många bakomliggande branscher.
"Industry-designed bills to silence climate protests are under consideration in Arkansas, Kansas, Minnesota and Montana. More are likely to come."
Stay strong. As outrageous as this is, it means you are winning.
#KeepItInTheGround #DefendTheDefenders
I just realized how many times I've unknowingly asked myself this question. twitter.com/ronnui_/status…
We are in a climate- and ecological emergency. What should we do?
I know!
Let’s ban plant-based-dairy-from-displaying-allergen-info,-being-sold-in-cartons,-using-images-of-their-own-products-and-explaining-the-climate-impact-of-food. That’ll fix it. twitter.com/GeorgeMonbiot/…
”The climate emergency is already hitting ’worst case scenario’ levels that if left unchecked will lead to the collapse of ecosystems, with dire consequences for humanity.”
"Recognize the moral responsibility that wealthy nations have to the rest of the world and put a value on nature that goes far beyond money/.../We may finally create a stable healthy world where resources are equally shared".
- David Attenborough twitter.com/UN/status/1364…
"If we continue on our current path we will face the collapse of everything that gives us our security/.../And if the natural world can no longer support the most basic of our needs, then much of the rest of civilisation will quickly break down."
If you needed more solid proof that the climate- and ecological crisis can not be solved within today's systems, well here you go. twitter.com/FridayForFutur…
Smittan ökar och nya rekommendationer införs. Följ dem!
Det är orimligt att skolor stängs, att redan hårt pressad vårdpersonal får ytterligare ökad arbetsbörda och ännu flers liv & hälsa riskeras för att ett fåtal inte tar sitt ansvar. Undvik resor. Bär munskydd. Håll avstånd.