As devastating as this is - it can’t compare with the fact that this doesn’t dominate the news. Not even for one day. In the best case it’s just another news story among others.
As long as the crisis is not treated like a crisis the changes needed won’t be possible. twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…
School strike week 122. Because of the ongoing pandemic we are doing #climatestrikeonline .
If you do physical strikes, remember to keep social distance and follow COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations.
#fridaysforfuture #flattenthecurve #FaceTheClimateEmergency
Om inte för din egen skull så för de i riskgrupper, för personal inom vård och omsorg och av respekt för alla de som förlorat jobb, inkomstkälla, hälsa eller nära och kära i pandemins spår. Behandla alla kriser som en kris, lyssna på vetenskapen och visa solidaritet. God jul! 2/2
This may come as a complete surprise to some of you, but there are people speaking other languages than English:) And for that reason social media platforms have translate buttons. They work brilliantly. You should try it sometime - to connect outside the English-speaking world. twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…
Lloyd’s, the world’s biggest insurance market, will continue to insure fossil fuels for another decade.
"Amsterdam is the first city in the world that wants to ban advertising from the fossil fuel industry and ads for air travel from the city."
"The global food system is on course to drive rapid and widespread ecological damage with almost 90% of land animals likely to lose some of their habitat by 2050, research has found."
“It just proves that the climate and ecological crisis cannot be solved within today’s systems. There are no tools, no laws nor regulations that keep us from destroying the living conditions for life on this planet as we know it.”
School strike week 123. Happy holidays!
Because of the ongoing pandemic we are doing #climatestrikeonline
If you do physical strikes remember to keep social distance and follow COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations.
#fridaysforfuture #flattenthecurve #FaceTheClimateEmergency
“Any efforts to improve human health are doomed unless they address the critical interface between humans and animals, and the existential threat of climate change that's making our earth less habitable.” twitter.com/DrTedros/statu…
There's a myth that young people get anxious or depressed when people talk about the reality of the climate crisis.
My experience is the opposite.
The worst part is denial, looking away, downplaying or spreading false hope saying ”we'll fix this” without taking sufficient action.
Preliminary data show that the 2020 7% emission decrease is erased by a slightly weaker carbon land sink.
This is almost impossible to grasp... twitter.com/Peters_Glen/st…
Den förväntade CO2 utsläppsminskningen på 7% pga COVID-19 raderas troligtvis ut för att sänkor på land (tillfälligt?) försvagats. När kolsänkor försvagas eller blir till utsläppskällor ritas kartan om.
Men, vi har förstås fullt upp med andra nyheter... 4c-carbon.eu/sites/default/…
This is the place we call “normal”. But ”normal” was also a crisis, and it’s no place to return to after the pandemic. It’s a place we must leave to safeguard future living conditions. We must start to move towards a zero carbon society while leaving no one behind in the process.
This has been pointed out over and and over again throughout 2020 by leading experts and yet it has been pretty much completely ignored in the debate. twitter.com/swetac/status/…
Happy New Year! May 2021 be the year of awakening and real bold change. And let’s all continue the never-ending fight for the living planet. #FaceTheClimateEmergency #FightFor1point5
School strike week 124.
New year, same crisis.
Because of the ongoing pandemic we are doing #climatestrikeonline
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency
But, hey! Our leaders have set up some vague hypothetical targets decades into the future full of loopholes and based on incomplete numbers - so we can all continue to ignore the consequences of our actions, pretend everything is all right and go back to sleep! twitter.com/tveitdal/statu…