"Sverige måste först göra upp med sina historiska och pågående exploateringar av Sápmi. Därefter kan vi börja prata."
Fantastiskt reportage från Sápmi! Läs och dela. twitter.com/dagensnyheter/…
Today I was guest editor in chief for Sweden’s largest newspaper @dagensnyheter (DN.se).
Here’s a 30 second summary.
The emperors are naked.
Every. Single. One.
"När han höll ett informationsmöte om pandemier för tyska politiker blev han förvånad över hur många av dem som aldrig hade förstått att det finns ett samband mellan naturen och pandemier."
En av de viktigaste artiklarna i gårdagens DN. twitter.com/MariaGuntherA/…
According to @CopernicusECMWF “November 2020 was the warmest November on record, by a clear margin.”
The previous warmest Novembers, were in 2016 and 2019. climate.copernicus.eu/surface-air-te…
”I think we simply need to tell the truth. We should be adult enough to handle the truth. And the truth can be quite frightening in some ways – but it is also hopeful.”
Last week I had a long conversation with David Attenborough. You can read it here:
Richest 1% in Sweden emit about 43tonnes CO2 per person/year. 50% with lowest income emit 4,5tonnes according to Oxfam.
Other studies say Stockholmers emit way more than nat'l average
Lack of climate justice isn't just between countries, it's also within.
"To stay on track for global heating of no more than 1.5C, the carbon footprint of the richest 10% of Europeans must be ten times smaller by 2030, and that of the richest 1% 30 times less than now." twitter.com/Oxfam/status/1…
"Changes will only happen if we keep pushing—if we keep being very, very annoying, and repeat these things over and over again.”
"Popular debate has often pitted ‘behaviour change’ and ‘system change’ against each other, presented as a trade-off between two choices. As this chapter illustrates, however, system change and behaviour change are two sides of the same coin."
United Nations emissions #GapReport
Global average per capita CO2 emissions for
- Top 1% income earner: 74 tonnes
- Bottom 50% income earner: 1 tonnes
This is why #climatejustice is the heart of the #climatecrisis
We can’t #FaceTheClimateEmergency unless this is our focus.
@UNEP #GapReport
My name is Greta Thunberg and I am inviting you to be a part of the solution.
As #ParisAgreement turns 5, our leaders present their 'hopeful' distant hypothetical targets, 'net zero' loopholes and empty promises.
But the real hope comes from the people.
A huge thanks to Tom Mustill, Evie Wright and Fergus Dingle for turning my Paris Agreement Anniversary speech into a film!!
School strike week 121. Tomorrow marks 5 yrs since the Paris Agreement. 5 yrs of inaction and creating loopholes.
We can’t go on like this.
Time to move from distant ”net zero” targets to real zero with binding, annual CO2 budgets starting now.
#FightFor1Point5 #fridaysforfuture
The EUs so called "55% reduction target by 2030" has got nothing to do with a real 55% emission reduction.
Our article from October explains why all the proposed EU targets are far from being in line with the #ParisAgreement
#FightFor1point5 gretathunberg.medium.com/the-eu-is-chea…
UK and many other nations targets have basically the same problems. Like baseline manipulation, heavily depending on technology that doesn’t exist at scale and likely never will, consumption not included. And completely ignoring the aspect of equity.
This thread is a must read ahead of the UN Climate Ambition Summit today - and for anyone interested in a having a somewhat decent future... #FightFor1Point5 twitter.com/PatrikErdes/st…
"We must shift focus from mid-century net-zero targets to immediate, real emissions reductions in our own high-income countries. Reductions of at least 10% per year are needed."
The myths of "net-zero" debunked by 41 scientists. #FightFor1Point5
The ”net” in ”net-zero emissions” could be among the greatest - and most dangerous - loopholes ever created. The fact that our governments are using the same language as the worlds most polluting fossil fuel companies really says it all... #FightFor1Point5
At the #ClimateAmbitionSummit leaders celebrate their shameless loopholes, empty words, distant insufficient goals and
theft of present and future living conditions - calling it "ambition".
There are no climate leaders.
The only ones who can change this is you and me. Together.
“We need to step up our game” all our leaders keep saying.
Well then, please go ahead!
You don’t need UN summits, treaties or ”deals” to start lowering emissions.
Nor do you need to wait for anyone else.
You can start right this second!
No-one is stopping you.
"In other words, the Government has just committed to reducing less than 1 percent of the country's emissions by 2025".
Text explaining New Zealand's so-called climate emergency declaration. This is of course nothing unique to any nation. #FightFor1Point5
"It is hard to be encouraged by stories of meatless burgers or “moonshot technologies” when communities around you are battling an endless and worsening cycle of drought, famine, cyclones, floods and destruction."
- Vanessa Nakate. #FightFor1Point5 independent.co.uk/voices/climate…
”Direkt pinsamt är att Sverige är betydligt sämre på att skydda skog än i länder där regnskog avverkas som Brasilien och Malaysia. Enligt FN ligger Sverige på 99:e plats, medan Brasilien ligger på 33:e plats och Malaysia på plats 73.”
Yes. And as soon the rest of the money is received my foundation will donate that too. So far half of the prize money has been given out. In order to receive the other half I first have to travel to Lisbon - which is not possible today with school and the ongoing pandemic... twitter.com/Publico/status…
If this is how you act after declaring a "climate emergency" then maybe everyone hasn't fully understood the meaning of that term... twitter.com/Independent/st…