”I am Greta” documentary now streaming on hulu.
My generation, and those coming after, are the future. We deserve to be fought for. We deserve climate justice, social justice and equity.
The greatest activists of today are the ones who are actively - or passively - supporting the status quo by avoiding real and meaningful climate action.
The struggle to maintain business as usual is probably the most successful and powerful activist movement ever.
Two cat.4-5 hurricanes in two weeks time in the same place...
#Iota #Eta #Nicaragua twitter.com/weatherchannel…
"Frequent-flying “‘super emitters” who represent just 1% of the world’s population caused half of aviation’s carbon emissions in 2018."
11% of the world's population flew in 2018.
Everyone is not equally responsible for causing the climate crisis... theguardian.com/business/2020/…
Solidarity, science and common sense must always come first in every crisis.
Protect the people most affected and most vulnerable.
Both in the long- and short-term.
So once again, let's all act responsibly,
#FlattenTheCurve and #FightEveryCrisis
“Around the world, young women are fighting for our future. Our activism takes different forms but we are working together towards the same goal: changing political and economic systems to prioritize people and our planet.”
Thank you @Malala for letting me guest edit Assembly! twitter.com/Malala/status/…
School strike week 118. Because of new COVID-19 recommendations and the rapid spread, we’re back to #ClimateStrikeOnline .
If you strike, remember to keep distance and follow COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #flattenthecurve
Good to know! twitter.com/JohnKerry/stat…
We're very honoured by this!
But in all fairness @amazon , if you consider schoolchildren fighting for the right to a safe future to be a "threat to your business", then you seriously need to reconsider your priorities...
School strike week 119. Today is black Friday. Overconsumption is wrecking present and future living conditions and the planet itself.
Don’t buy stuff you don’t need.
#ClimateStrikeOnline #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #flattenthecurve #FaceTheClimateEmergency
We appreciate the effort, but we in #FridaysForFuture don’t wish to be linked to anything commercial.
Nor do we wish to gain from overconsumption.
The climate- and ecological crisis will only worsen by encouraging people to buy things they don’t need.
1/2 twitter.com/Fridays4future…
"The basic problem with this idea is that the technologies supposed to deliver these “negative emissions” currently do not exist at any meaningful scale." twitter.com/dwallacewells/…
"Australia has sweltered through its hottest spring and November on record, with both the season and the month more than 2C warmer than the long-term average."
”Let’s face facts. The state of our planet is broken. Humanity is waging war on Nature. This is suicidal.
Nature always strikes back, and is doing so with gathering force and fury.” - UN Secretary General @antonioguterres
If only words, pledges and setting distant hypothetical targets actually lowered our emissions then we wouldn't still be in this mess.
The longer we pretend we can "fix this" without treating the crisis like a crisis, the more invaluable time we'll loose.
This is outrageous. We stand in solidarity with @joshuawongcf and our friends in Hong Kong. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
School strike week 120. Because of the ongoing pandemic we are doing #climatestrikeonline .
If you do physical strikes, remember to keep social distance and follow COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations.
#fridaysforfuture #flattenthecurve #FaceTheClimateEmergency
The real news here is that Denmark will apparently go on extracting fossil fuels for another 3 decades.
To us children, this is not the "good news" that some people seem to think.
We're in a climate emergency. Act accordingly.
”Since 2015, around 33 million people have died prematurely due to air pollution.”
#EcologicalCrisis #FaceTheClimateEmergency
Idag är jag gästande chefredaktör för @dagensnyheter
Du kan läsa hela dagens tidning gratis i PDF-format. Ladda ner här dn.se/sverige/sa-kan…
Tack till alla som har bidragit och hjälpt till!
”Mina föräldrar klagar ofta på de dåliga vintrarna nuförtiden. De talar om hur de gick till skolan i –30 grader. Samtidigt påstår de att klimatförändringen är en konspiration [...] De ser själva vad som håller på att hända, men vägrar erkänna det.”
”Dags att välja. Och därefter, om liv är ditt val, dags att handla.
Eller inte.
Du avgör.”
- @MargaretAtwood i DN Kultur idag.
Att lämna över ansvaret för Sveriges största dagstidning till en omyndig, outbildad aktivist är helt obegripligt. Det är vansinne. Om det inte vore för det absurda faktum att vi befinner oss i en existentiell kris som fortfarande ignoreras av vårt samhälle.dn.se/sverige/greta-…