”Five countries responsible for 40% of oil & gas production have launched an unprecedented climate alliance – but leaving fuel in the ground is not on the agenda.”
Saudi Arabia, USA, Canada, Norway, Qatar to develop “pragmatic net-zero emission strategies”
Today I was guest editor in chief for Sweden’s largest newspaper @dagensnyheter (DN.se).
Here’s a 30 second summary.
The emperors are naked.
Every. Single. One.
School strike week 187. Next Friday is the global climate strike, find your local protest or register your own at fridaysforfuture.org/march25/
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #PeopleNotProfit
Two cat.4-5 hurricanes in two weeks time in the same place...
#Iota #Eta #Nicaragua twitter.com/weatherchannel…
For the last 12 years the Jåhkågaska Sami community has been defending its grazing lands by resisting this iron-ore mine. By doing so they have been safeguarding what keeps us all safe: biodiverse forests, intact carbon stock, clean water and air. 1/2
”Oil and gas companies are facing a potential bonanza from the Ukraine war/…/and many are using soaring prices and the fear of fuel shortages to cement their position with governments in ways that could have disastrous impacts on the climate crisis.”
"Carbon emissions from England's roads plan '100 times greater than government claims' "
”Since 2015, around 33 million people have died prematurely due to air pollution.”
#EcologicalCrisis #FaceTheClimateEmergency
"The Biden administration announced plans on Tuesday to open millions of acres for oil and gas exploration." "The sale could ultimately result in production of up to 1.1 billion barrels of crude oil and 4.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas." #MindTheGap reuters.com/business/energ…
Missa inte Världens viktigaste kväll kl 20.00 i TV4! I år är den viktigare än någonsin. Bli världsförälder eller höj ditt belopp på unicef.se @unicefsverige #världenskväll
”More than 30 people have died in the Indian city of Mumbai after an intense burst of rainfall caused a landslide and wall collapse, as changing monsoon patterns due to climate change lead to more extreme rains across India.”
När det blir min tur kommer jag #KavlaUpp eftersom varje kris måste behandlas som en kris.
Lots of insufficient climate "targets" and "pledges" being presented today. Our text from October explains why they equal surrender on the 1.5°C target. Same facts pretty much apply to all high income nations.
#NoMoreEmptyPromises #FaceTheClimateEmergency gretathunberg.medium.com/the-eu-is-chea…
I highly recommend you to watch these 5 very educational short films on feedback loops by @climateloops
To avoid the worst consequences of the climate crisis it's crucial to spread awareness and understand how these very complex and fragile systems work.
"The global food system is on course to drive rapid and widespread ecological damage with almost 90% of land animals likely to lose some of their habitat by 2050, research has found."
It's a bit like as if they would report on pandemics using only pictures of families in lockdown, happily cuddling up in the sofa watching movies and eating popcorn.
“There is no way to separate the fight for Indigenous rights from the fight for environmental rights, because we see ourselves as being the land itself. We are part of the earth and everything that affects the earth directly affects us.” - @GuajajaraSonia
"Out of the $14.6 trillion in spending announced by the 50 largest economies in 2020, only 2.5% has been for green activities."
UNEP and Oxford University are tracking the economic Global Recovery and it doesn't look too "green" - whatever "green" means...
"klimatfrågan skulle användas som förevändning att öka produktionen inom skogsbruket."
"Eventually the public pressure was too much, so you started to act. Not acting as in taking climate action. But acting as in roleplaying. Playing politics, playing with words, playing with our future."
My speech in print from today's #WorldAustrianSummit gretathunberg.medium.com/the-show-is-ov…
"Another variant is when we create and foster a sick economy which allows a very rich few to own more than the rest of humanity and models of production and consumption destroy the planet, our common home.
These things are interconnected."
@Pontifex calls out vaccine inequity. twitter.com/GlblCtzn/statu…
"Despite the economic recession induced by the coronavirus pandemic, more money went into the industry in 2020 than in 2016"
Since the signing of the Paris Agreement the world's 60 largest banks have invested 3.8 trillion USD in the fossil fuel industry.
"BP is planning to drill for fossil gas on the edge of the world’s largest cold-water coral reef."
I guess this is the latest addition to the UK's "Green Industrial Revolution" and "Build Back Better" campaigns.
It looks promising so far...
#MindTheGap independent.co.uk/climate-change…
"Antarctic ice shelf nearly the size of Los Angeles collapsed as temperatures soared to 40 above normal"
I am asking @TimmermansEU, @vonderleyen, @2021PortugalEU and @EUAgri to #WithdrawTheCAP
This CAP (EU’s common agricultural policy) will lock in 7 further years of climate- and environmental destruction.
Your legacies are at stake.
We say #NoMoreEmptyPromises