If believing that we can change our system and our way of thinking in order to safeguard future living conditions for life on earth as we know it is considered “naive”, then what do you call believing that “net zero” from these “climate leaders” will save us?
#MindTheGap twitter.com/ENERGY/status/…
The quote below has been changed to:
"Thanks to human disturbance, the Amazon rainforest appears now to be releasing more climate-warming gases than it stores."
And although this is a major study it doesn't - as always - necessarily make it 100% true. twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…
"The death toll from floods hammering northeast Brazil rose to 20 on Monday, as the governor of Bahia state declared it the worst disaster in the state's history and rescuers braced for more rain in the coming days." #SOSBahia
In a way, this is hopeful, as it so clearly shows the gap between words and action. All the talk about "building back better" while at the same time building back the same, or even worse.
Just imagine how fast things could change if we were informed and started to demand action.
"Countries and regions with the highest incomes are getting vaccinated about 25 times faster than those with the lowest."
"The Horn, East and Central Africa are facing a profoundly alarming hunger crisis. More than 44 million people are in need of humanitarian aid as climate extremes have caused widespread food and water shortages." twitter.com/Oxfam/status/1…
This is a sobering reality check when it comes to carbon capture and storage… We desperately need to step up our game - but even more importantly we need to start changing our societies and not put our future completely in the hands of underdeveloped technology. twitter.com/KetanJ0/status…
"If the commitments of lowering all our emissions by 70%, 68% or even 55% by 2030 actually meant they aim to reduce them by those figures then that would be a great start. But that is unfortunately not the case."
My speech at #wef21 #DavosAgenda in print.
“total CO2 emissions from fossil fuel in the EU in 2020 amounted to 2600 megatonnes, in other words - wildfires this year generated 148% more than total EU fossil fuel emissions in 2020/…/this figure is likely to grow.”
"European lawmakers have voted to prolong subsidies for fossil fuel gas until 2027".
A few days ago the EU once again clearly showed their priorities and where they stand when it comes to the climate crisis...
”UK government to allow new North Sea oil and gas exploration”
UK petroleum reserves stand at ca 5.2 billion barrels, the combustion of these fuels would add a further 2.2 gigatons CO2, but now drillers will look for more ”climate compatible” oil...
Tonight 19:30 PST/04:30 ECT you can watch a live conversation between me, HH Dalai Lama, Dr Diana Chapman Walsh, Dr Susan Natali, Dr William R. Moomaw, Susan Bauer-Wu and Dr Thupten Jinpa Langri for 'A Conversation on the Crisis of Climate Feedback Loops.'
We need a loss and damage finance facility. We need climate justice. We need action.
Time is running out, which is why decision makers need to step up at #COP27
#GenerateAction ⏰ @CYPavilion
"The unspoken subtext of this year’s Cop26 climate conference is clear to the young: that we, the suit-wearing, SUV-driving generation, will do our best within the limits of what big business can tolerate, and what elderly voters will accept."
"The world is witnessing a "gold rush" for new fossil fuel projects, according to a new report"
"'If all these plans materialise they will either end up as massive stranded assets or they'll lock the world into irreversible warming,' the CAT report says."
“Four countries in the Middle East saw temperatures surpass 50C at the weekend amid a continuing pattern of record-breaking heat for the time of year.”
Some very good points in this article. But still: the problem isn’t what we call these targets but what they contain and that they’re now being used as excuses to postpone real action. They've proven to be very loophole-friendly while leaving out huge parts of our emissions. 1/n twitter.com/James_BG/statu…
Yes. And as soon the rest of the money is received my foundation will donate that too. So far half of the prize money has been given out. In order to receive the other half I first have to travel to Lisbon - which is not possible today with school and the ongoing pandemic... twitter.com/Publico/status…
I want to send a massive thank you to all the contributors for your invaluable expertise and stories, as well as to everyone who made this possible! And a special thanks to my fantastic editors Chloe Currens and Cristopher Richards.
"The remains of 751 people, mainly Indigenous children, were discovered at the site of a former school in the province of Saskatchewan."
“Even something as radical as reforesting the entire tropics – far beyond any plausible real-world policy outcome – would have less influence on the climate than you might think."
Burning biomass is considered "climate neutral" since the forests eventually absorb the carbon again. But in the timeframe we have for reaching the Paris Agreement - and avoid setting off irreversible feedback loops - this is nowhere near the case. 2/3
This story from @CBSNews exposes the truth behind EU's "climate policy". This is what the EU's so-called "green" image is largely based on. And this deforestation is of course not only taking place in North America...
#StopFakeRenewables cbsnews.com/video/wood-pel…
"A 2018 study estimated it would take 40-100 years or more for forests to recapture the carbon emissions from burning the wood pellets, if ever, because forests are subject to hazards like disease and fires."
This is one of many loopholes making net zero targets insufficient. 3/3
"China continues to build coal-fired power plants at a rate that outpaces the rest of the world combined. In 2020, China brought 38.4 gigawatts of new coal-fired power into operation, more than three times what was brought on line everywhere else."