Krišjānis Kariņš(@krisjaniskarins)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

On behalf of the Latvian Government, I congratulate the #US President-Elect @JoeBiden and Vice President @KamalaHarris ! We are looking forward to work together with our close friend and ally to strenghten the transatlantic bond and 🇱🇻🇺🇸 bilateral relations!
The Russian military aggression against Ukraine’s sovereignty, people and democracy is totally unacceptable. It is Putin’s responsibility to end it immediately. Latvia is closely working with the EU and NATO partners. We call for NATO Art4 consultations.
Necieņas izrādīšana pret Latvijas valstiskumu, vēsturisko pieredzi un Krievijas kara Ukrainā upuriem nav pieļaujama. Šodien notiekošais Pārdaugavā nav attaisnojams. Sagaidu atbildīgo dienestu rīcību un @MGolubeva_LV skaidrojumu.
Dārgie Latvijas iedzīvotāji! Šajā brīdī ir būtiski vārdos un darbos parādīt, ka esam demokrātiska valsts! Putina noziedzība pret ukraiņu tautu nav krievvalodīgo vai Krievijas miermīlīgo iedzīvotāju īstenota. Būsim vienoti pret agresiju - tikai tā mēs palīdzēsim sev un Ukrainai!
菅義偉首相@sugawitter、日本国🇯🇵内閣総理大臣就任おめでとうございます@kantei! ご成功をお祈りするとともに、今後国際的な課題に共に取り組み、より緊密な協力関係を構築出来ることを楽しみにしています!🇱🇻🤝🇯🇵 Sincere congratulations on H.E. Yoshihide Suga’s appointment as 🇯🇵 PM!
Visiting Kyiv to reiterate Latvia’s unwavering support for #Ukraine as long as it takes.🇱🇻🇺🇦 Ukrainian victory is crucial for a free Europe.
It is unacceptable that Russian tourists enjoy life in Europe, while Russia brings death and destruction to Ukraine. The Baltic countries and Poland have agreed to introduce measures to restrict the entry for Russian citizens holding EU visas. 🇱🇻🇪🇪🇱🇹🇵🇱…
Krievijas uzbrukums Ukrainai ir nepieņemama vēršanās pret tās suverenitāti, demokrātiju un sabiedrību. Esam ciešā kontaktā ar partneriem ES un NATO par turpmāko rīcību, prasam uzsākt NATO 4.panta kosultācijas. Mūsu dienesti strādā pastiprinātā režīmā. Būsim modri un vienoti.
Congratulations to our Polish friends celebrating the National Independence Day! Historically Latvia and Poland share close cooperation in many areas, look forward to strengthen our ties of friendship even further! @MorawieckiM 🇱🇻🇵🇱
Had a good call with @VP @KamalaHarris reaffirming close Latvia-US ties, strong support to Ukraine and the need to impose strict sanctions on Putin’s brutal regime. Additional US military presence in NATO’s Eastern Flank is highly appreciated. 🇱🇻🇺🇸
Congratulations to Likud and @netanyahu for election victory. Our wishes for success to Israel with forming a new government! Latvia and Israel share a strong bilateral relationship, I look forward to developing it further. 🇱🇻🇮🇱
Rīt, plkst.10:00, esmu sasaucis ārkārtas valdības sēdi, lai uzklausītu atbildīgo ministriju un iestāžu ziņojumus par drošības situāciju reģionā un būtu gatava tālākai rīcībai. Latvija ar NATO sabiedrotajiem ir gatava jebkurai situācijai savu iedzīvotāju un teritoriju aizstāvībai.
A liberated Ukraine must join #NATO to prevent another war - my opinion in @FT…
Reiterated Latvia’s strong support to #Ukraine in a meeting with @ZelenskyyUa in Kyiv. Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration is our common goal. Latvia’s political, military and humanitarian support will continue for as long as it takes. Слава Україні! 🇱🇻🇺🇦
Félicitations à @EmmanuelMacron pour la réélection à la Présidence de la République Française. Je suis heureux de continuer notre coopération et nos efforts à construire une encore plus forte Union europeénne et renforcer les liens de l’alliance transatlantique. 🇱🇻🇫🇷🇪🇺
Congratulations to @JustinTrudeau on winning in general elections. Look forward to work on strengthening of 🇱🇻🇨🇦 bilateral relations and maintaining strong transatlantic link - a cooperation between like minded partners is the key to address our common global challenges.
Barbaric war crimes by Putin’s army in #Bucha and across Ukraine will not go unpunished. Sanctions against Putin's regime must be strengthened, including immediate steps in energy sector. Support to Ukraine has to be increased by all relevant means straight away.
The Putin regime’s unprecedented military invasion of Ukraine calls for strong reaction of the Western world. Tonight we took the unanimous decision to close Latvian airspace for Russian airplanes. The decision is coordinated with Estonia and Lithuania, in force at 24:00.
Had a phone call with @JustinTrudeau today to discuss and condemn Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and what additional help we can provide to Ukraine. Thank you Canada for your strong support of security in the Baltics by strengthening your presence in @eFPBGLatvia ! 🇨🇦🇱🇻🇺🇦
Allied solidarity and determination to defend every inch of its territory is rock solid - greeting multinational troops in Ādaži @eFPBGLatvia together with @valstsgriba , @jensstoltenberg , @sanchezcastejon , @JustinTrudeau .
Latvijā ir nopietns #COVID19 uzliesmojums. Mēs varam apturēt #COVID19 , sekojot drošības pasākumiem - #rokas, #distance, #maskas. Aicinu turpmāk ierobežot savus sociālos kontaktus, lai nepieļautu, ka vīruss atņem mūsu līdzcilvēkus. Apturēsim to, strādājot kopā!
Hoy damos la bienvenida a @sanchezcastejon por su visita a Riga.Muy agradecidos por el despliegue adicional en @eFPBGLatvia .Seguimos fuertes y unidos en nuestro apoyo a Ucrania por la invasion del régimen de Putin y en nuestro común esfuerzo para proteger la democracia y La Paz.