#Taiwan can join #WHA73 if @DrTedros issues an invitation or a related resolution is OK'd at the assembly. Claims by @WHO Secretariat to the contrary are wrong! We urge the @UN health agency to allow the country's meaningful participation in its activities, mechanisms & meetings.
Hosting old friends @SenChrisDodd & Deputy Secretaries of State Armitage & Steinberg at Taipei Guest House was an honor & a privilege. I'm truly grateful for the visit, & excited at the prospect of #Taiwan & the #US achieving even more together as forces for good in the world. JW
Which countries responded best to #COVID19? @DrTomFrieden, ex-director of @CDCgov🇺🇸, answers the question in an enlightening @WSJ piece. #Taiwan🇹🇼 earns accolades from the good doctor for its early actions that saved lives & avoided lockdowns. Learn more➡️on.wsj.com/35r08kT
Good mate @HonTonyAbbott knows I have a kangaroo in my heart. JW
.@iingwen’s #DemocraticProsperity mission to #Belize🇧🇿 was full of success from strong diplomatic ties; among them an address to parliament, hospital support, women empowerment & sheep breeding assistance. #Taiwan🇹🇼 feels sincere gratitude to our ally for such warm hospitality.
A special #Coronavirus briefing for @TaiwanFCC was held by @MOHW_Taiwan Minister Chen. He detailed the #TaiwanModel, as well as #Taiwan’s bid for meaningful @WHO participation & #WHA73 observer status. We thank the country’s media friends for telling the world #TaiwanCanHelp.
Very glad to host @MOHW_Taiwan Minister Chen at MOFA for the phone call with @SecAzar of @HHSGov. They had a lot to share while discussing the #Taiwan-#US response to #COVID19. JW twitter.com/SecAzar/status…
All systems go for #Taiwan's🇹🇼 trade & investment tour of #Slovakia🇸🇰, #CzechRepublic🇨🇿 & #Lithuania🇱🇹! NDC Minister Kung is leading a 66-strong group on the 9-day #EU🇪🇺 visit. Main goals? Tap post-pandemic opportunities & forge resilient supply chains for the democratic world.
Minister Wu held a productive & rewarding meeting with @JohnDennisFCO. He welcomed the new head of @UKinTaiwan to #Taiwan🇹🇼, & discussed ways of further deepening friendship & expanding exchanges between the 2 sides. We wish the #UK🇬🇧 representative all the very best in the role.
There's a cleareyed message trundling through the streets of #Geneva: #TaiwanCanHelp achieve #HealthForAll. But 1 rider has his own take: Taiwan's inclusion in the @WHO⚕️ will better protect you & me. It's time to put politics aside & save lives. Give #Taiwan🇹🇼 a voice at #WHA73!
Ex-Vice President Chen's keynote on #Taiwan's🇹🇼 democratic development at #FoDVilnius2021 in #Lithuania🇱🇹 was a hit! He shared the country's experiences & urged the free world to resist coercion. Our thanks to @ZygisPavilionis for the introduction & @LithuaniaMFA for the event. twitter.com/LithuaniaMFA/s…
Democracy is under attack. But #Taiwan🇹🇼 stands strong on the front lines of authoritarianism defending the free world's shared values. Watch @FareedZakaria detail the #IslandOfResilience's fight against China's campaign of coercion. Global unity can overcome common threats! twitter.com/FareedZakaria/…
Rewarding meeting between Minister Wu & friends from @Europarl_EN, @DeKamerBE & @SenaatSenat. The group discussed issues like the urgency of starting #Taiwan🇹🇼-#EU🇪🇺 bilateral investment agreement negotiations & need for the country's @UN🇺🇳 system inclusion. Taiwan is not alone!
Great to chat with @IndiaToday's @gauravcsawant when #China is threatening #Taiwan daily with its military might. Democracies, #India included, must unite to counter the global threat of authoritarianism. United we stand! JW ▶️READ bit.ly/3cg31LH twitter.com/IndiaToday/sta…
How is #Taiwan🇹🇼 responding to #China's rising military threat? Minister Wu answers on The Record in his talk with @greta via @newsmax. Get a rundown on our country's efforts to beef up defense capabilities, guard against authoritarian expansionism, learn from #Ukraine🇺🇦 & more. twitter.com/newsmax/status…
#InternationalWomensDay is a time to focus on the greatest threat facing humankind: #ClimateChange. Watch our #IWD2022 video & see how the power of women in #Taiwan🇹🇼 & #Taiwan4ClimateJustice approach can, in the words of @iingwen, leave a better world for future generations.🔽
105 European lawmakers want @WHO to right its #Taiwan wrongs & make the country a #WHA73 observer. We thank our friends from #CzechRepublic, #Lithuania, #Estonia, #Germany, #Netherlands, #Ireland, #Austria, #Slovakia, #Hungary & #Spain. Politics mustn’t jeopardize #HealthForAll. twitter.com/Taiwan_Today/s…
Big backing from 205 #US House representatives for #Taiwan’s #WHA73 observer status! Deep gratitude to all signatories of the letter to @DrTedros, especially @HouseForeign senior members @RepSteveChabot, @RepSires & @GerryConnolly. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp ➡️bit.ly/2WByWvL
This @Telegraph article highlights the government's gold-standard response as key to limiting the spread of disease. #TaiwanCanHelp by sharing its experiences with other countries. Read @niccijsmith's firsthand take on how #Taiwan is combating #COVID19. telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/03/0…
Minister Wu didn't mince words during our news conference on fallout from the global spread of the new #Coronavirus. @WHO must recognize #Taiwan is Taiwan & stop violating the health rights of the country's 23 million people! Read @Taiwan_Today's article. taiwantoday.tw/news.php?unit=…
Ex-Vice President Chen & his wife attended the unveiling ceremony for the #Taiwan🇹🇼 plaque at @AuschwitzMuseum in #Poland🇵🇱. The event recognized the country’s contributions to promoting freedom, human rights & related education efforts empowering societies worldwide. #WeRemember
A welcome banquet was hosted by Minister Wu for the senior congressional delegation led by @LindseyGrahamSC at historic Taipei Guest House. Spirits were high as guests reflected on the enduring #Taiwan🇹🇼-#US🇺🇸 relationship & rock-solid bonds shared by our freedom- & ... (1/2)
The people of #Taiwan are pouring out their hearts & showing real support for those escaping the atrocities of war in #Ukraine. At the same time, the government is working with fellow forces for good in #Europe to help. We must be doing something right when the #PRC is upset. JW twitter.com/Reuters/status…
Thank you for the recognition & warm message, @AusOfficeTPE Rep. Cowan. Ensuring access to materials essential for producing key items used in combating #Coronavirus is a win-win. #Taiwan will keep cooperating closely with #Australia for the benefit of the people & #IndoPacific. twitter.com/AusOfficeTPE/s…
Congratulations @NASA & @SpaceX on the 1st crewed mission into space from the #US in 9 years! We wish @AstroBehnken & @Astro_Doug a safe & successful #LaunchAmerica journey aboard Endeavour to the @Space_Station. #Taiwan salutes these courageous & inspiring @NASA_Astronauts. twitter.com/SpaceX/status/…