🐰 Hey you're watching the live now huh? Stop prank calling me. I don't like this ringtone. Is it not a prank call? I don't know
🐰 *phone rings again* Ugh, I don't like that phone ringtone. It makes me feel bad, like a horror movie
🐰 I got a phone call, I'll go answer it. *phone stops* Is it not? Did they call by mistake?
🐰 It was such a happy dream, and even though I knew it was a dream I didn't wake up. Ah, I wanna dream it again, I was so happy!
🐰 I followed them into the portal and it was a whole different world. And there, my body was so balanced and I was flying so well. Usually I'm flying for like a minute? But I was flying for like 30 minutes
🐰 But then a portal opened by the clouds, and there was a child. Like tinkerbell? A little larger but like a fairy, and they said "If you learn a spell you don't have to wake up from the dream" and they taught it to me. I learned it exactly, and they told me to follow them
🐰 The reason why the third time was the best, was that it was perfect. It was night so there were stars, clouds, the winds that you feel, scent? I don't know about scent, but the view... It was so pretty. I knew it was a dream too, like "Ah this is so pretty but it's a dream"
🐰 There's been many times where I knew I was dreaming, but it's hard to move your body. Even moving fingers. I was trying to fly, but I was going all over the place and then I woke up like *sigh*
🐰 The second dream was... Ah I can't remember well. I think, I was dreaming but I knew it was a dream. And I thought, "Oh if it's a dream, then I should try flying." So you need to control it with your head, it's really hard
🐰 Go downwards and continue downwards into the ground
🐰 There's another happy dream! Today's dream wasn't necessarily happy, it was pretty. But the happiest dream I've had... I've dreamt of flying about 3 times but the first time, I don't know if I was a game character but it was like creative mode where I was flying but I would
🐰 I looked it up (the dream meaning), and it could have a good meaning. It could also have a bad meaning, but I believe in things like that, like fate
🐰 They would grow and shrink and move, and I usually don't think much about what dreams mean but I wondered
🐰 I had a really happy dream, we were filming like a variety show? And there were people around me like staff, but I had a camera too. And there were so many stars, like a galaxy, even more than when we were in New Zealand. And the stars weren't still, they were like flowers? +
🐰 "I'm sad that I can't go to BTS concert"? I'm also sad I won't see you. Wouldn't it be a lifetime dream if everyone who loved BTS could see us? Would that be possible?
🐰 I'm excited about the concert, but I'm worried too
🐰 Go to Jimin hyung's room? I already did. I hugged him too
🐰 Sing Stay Alive? Have I never done it in a live? Ah but the song is so high, it was hard when I was recording.
🐰 Ahh the comments are too fast, I want to read the English ones but it's too fast for me
🐰 Ever since I started doing this (with his tongue) my snoring has gotten so much worse. Really. I hate snoring!
🐰 Whenever I take a photo or movie, I put my tongue on the roof of my mouth and they say it makes your jawline better so it's become a habit. And it's good for making you look better, but habits are scary. When I talk, my tongue clicks.
🐰 That's right! I really love Bieber, it was my first time seeing him live too. It was fun doing a stage at the Grammy's, but it was also such a good experience being able to see others perform too.
🐰 There's probably many people who don't understand what I'm saying right now, but vlive will translate later. I know it must be frustrating now, but please understand~
🐰 I'll become a singer like that, who can give shock and impact to others. So please support me!
🐰 At the end they did Leave the Door Open, and it was almost heaven. It was so good, I was thankful. I was grateful that they had a concert here and I was able to see it. I also congratulate them on their award, so cool