Yuji Naka / 中 裕司(@nakayuji)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Rieko Kodama passed away on May 9, 2022. I have very fond memories of her because we were Sega colleagues and created Phantasy Star and Sonic together. I wasn't sure about the funeral pictures, but I wanted everyone to remember her. May she rest in peace. Rieko Kodama, forever.
Thank you for your birthday message. Today I'm 54 years old. How many games will I be able to make by the retirement age, including the original action game that I'm currently making at Square Enix? I'd like to work hard to develop a game that everyone around the world can enjoy.
🦔Sonic Movie 2 Comparing the Japanese and international versions, Tails' expression has changed. #SonicMovie2
Happy Birthday Sonic! Thirty-one years ago, I programmed Sonic at the location you see in this video. Can you see me programming Sonic to run at high speed on the smooth ground that is his life? You can also see Sonic's program. #SonicTheHedgehog
Thanks for the birthday wishes message😊 I turned 57 years old. I spoke with Sega President Sugino-san today at the Tokyo Game Show and I got the feeling that he is putting a lot of effort into Sonic. I hope it will be a good year for Sonic.
Happy Birthday NiGHTS! 26 years ago, NiGHTS was announced at this Sega Saturn new software presentation. Bomberman and Enemy Zero were announced together. I've recently been flying FPV in the sky with a drone like NiGHTS. #NiGHTS #NiGHTSIntoDreams
SEGA Official uses Michael Jackson's music. means this. twitter.com/nakayuji/statu…
🦔 I miss this commercial. I'm running on the right side. Did you find it? We all ran on a big treadmill and took a picture. 🦔このCM懐かしいです。右側に僕が走ってますよ。見つけられましたか?大きいランニングマシンの上をみんなで走って撮影したのですよ。 twitter.com/sarchonedd/sta…
🦔A 97% audience score for Sonic Movie 2 is amazing. I can't wait for the August screening date in Japan. #SonicMovie2 twitter.com/SonicMovie/sta…
🦔Congrats!!! Can't wait to see it in Japan! #SonicMovie2 twitter.com/SonicMovie/sta…
Thank you for your birthday message. Recently I've started studying programs again, and I'm making a simple game for smartphones with Unity. It's not a big deal because it's made by one person, but programming for making games is fun. I hope you can play the app.
Game creators create games with care for the people who play them. Don't you think that people and companies that cannot take care of games are no good? Instead of talking behind my back, don't you think you should tell them directly before removing them?
I feel like I'm being misunderstood a lot, probably because I don't speak English and I'm using a translation tool. Sorry.
To celebrate the success of my first son's junior high school entrance exam and my second son's first success on stage, I gave him an OLED switch, Arceus, and a Pokémon card. He took 11 exams and passed 7 of them. I was so surprised that it was beyond my imagination.
オリンピックの選手入場曲で、ソニックの曲流れましたね。感動!! この2つが僕が関わったゲーム曲ですね。しかしなぜにPSOじゃなくてPSUなんでしょうね。 ◆ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ「Star Light Zone」 ◆ファンタシースターユニバース「Guardians」 nikkansports.com/olympic/tokyo2…
Thank you for your birthday message. I am 55 years old today. #BalanWonderworld made by Square Enix will be released worldwide on March 26, 2021. I will do my best to finish it. You can play on 6 platforms in 24 languages so that everyone in the world can enjoy it in the same way
Happy Birthday Sonic 28th. This is a 1990 photo of Sonic 1 under development. And Sonic 1 is a program to examine the ground. 誕生日おめでとうソニック!28回目だね。これはソニック1開発中の1990年の私の写真とソニック1の地面を調べるプログラムです。 #Sonic28th
The power of sonic fans is amazing. It is good to go in a good direction. Thank you so much for loving Sonic. twitter.com/fowltown/statu…