We hope Hong Kongers abroad can help preserve Cantonese “In early June, a report launched by China's Education Ministry urged Hong Kong to recognise the legal status of Mandarin and simplified Chinese, while integrating Mandarin into student assessments.” abc.net.au/news/2021-06-1…
Many of us try not to buy items from #CCPChina🇨🇳. But what are alternatives? Lithuania🇱🇹 and its people have been very supportive of Taiwan and Hong Kong’s democracy movement. As such, they are bullied by the #CCP🇨🇳. They produce high quality products, please support 🇱🇹 exports!
Hong Kongers will not be silenced by the #CCP🇨🇳 twitter.com/_laujessie/sta…
Despite freezing temperature, Hong Kongers in Toronto🍁 organized a “drive thru protest” to raise awareness and support the arrested #HK47. Within 2 hours, the HongKongerStation team raised ~HKD130K to help with legal fees for the 47 arrested Hong Kongers. twitter.com/joetay1212/sta…
What unites people? Armies? Gold? Flags? Stories. There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it. – Tyrion Lannister
The #CCP🇨🇳 cannot change Hong Kong overnight, but every night they will remove another piece of Hong Kong’s identity, it’s culture, and it’s history, until any hint of Hong Kong being different is erased.
China is not just shackling Hong Kong, it is remaking it: And it does not think global finance will object. A painful read from @TheEconomist that summarises the essence of what has happened to Hong Kong, and what is likely to come in the future: economist.com/briefing/2021/…
Hong Kong police have arrested a man for insulting the Chinese national anthem 🇨🇳, after he allegedly booed the anthem while watching an Olympic event at a mall. theguardian.com/world/2021/jul…
The hatred is mutual. Plain clothes police officers hastily getting rid of the flowers that citizens laid in memory and respect for Mr. Leung today. twitter.com/studioincendo/…
John Oliver's episode about Taiwan ends with: “Taiwan is 23 million people, who in the face of considerable odds, have built a free democratic society and they very much deserve the right to build their own future in any way they deem fit.” Also featured HK reporter Yvonne Tong
There have been almost daily anti-BBC articles in Chinese state media since mid-February. Read about the increasingly effective disinformation tactics used by #CCPChina🇨🇳 deployed on social media platforms inside and outside the great firewall: bbc.com/news/56364952
“Hong Kong is not just Hong Kong on the world stage. This is a frontier of a larger confrontation—between democracy and dictatorship, freedom and unfreedom. This thriving, energetic, free city is being taken over by an autocratic government and squelched.” nationalreview.com/2021/04/on-hon…
The path to freedom is a long and difficult journey. But there will be light at the end of the road.
Outside China: “You want to talk about tennis? Let us tell you about Tennis and #PengShuai!” Inside China: Impose media blackout of discussions of Peng’s case. Even words such as “tennis” and the surname “Peng” have been censored or shadow banned online. hrw.org/news/2021/11/2…
Exiled Hong Kong activist @BrianLeungKP gave a speech outside the White House ahead of the #BidenXiSummit “This is not just a usual leader-to-leader meeting as they put it. The US is confronting a ruthless leader who would not hessitate to destroy freedom.” Video: @KongTsungGan
The fight against tyranny is not one fought alone. We're all in this together. #MilkTeaAlliance The latest artwork from @badiucao commemorating the 32nd anniversary of #TiananmenSquareMassacre.
Map of Chinese Government-financed projects that were implemented between 2000-2014.
They are literally taking democracy away. twitter.com/alvinllum/stat…
Arrested for protesting with a blank sign. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ twitter.com/KevinRothrock/…
HK teachers quit under National Security Law's shadow “The day I resigned, I told my school: ‘If one day, some students downstairs chant slogans, I would have to call the police to arrest my own students’. I couldn't do that. And I couldn't hold my tears.”reuters.com/world/china/ho…
China orders media outlets not to live broadcast next month's Oscars, after the Hong Kong protest documentary “Do Not Split” was nominated for best short documentary. #StreisandEffect #StandWithHongKong bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
The Official #Cannes2021🎬 webpage for “Revolution of our Times” lists HONG KONG as a Country. 🔥🔥🔥 festival-cannes.com/en/films/revol…
These are the kind of leaflets that the Hong Kong government 🇨🇳 is distributing alongside water bills. “Here's how much water you used last month. BTW, please report on your neighbours using this online website if you notice anything suspicious.” Source: redd.it/qeo2ng
The Denmark🇩🇰 politicians who helped Hong Kong dissident @tedhuichifung flee Hong Kong are facing “real risk to their safety” per Denmark's intelligence agency: twitter.com/aaronMCN/statu…