It's really the end of One Country Two Systems
#HongKong was once a bastion of freedoms, where it is okay to dream, it is okay to love, it is okay to yell at your elected officials. It is no longer. But we fight on, it may take us 5 years, 10 years, or who knows how long. But one day, #HongKong will be ours again.
The EU must now take concrete action to sanction Hong Kong officials. Great concern without action is just empty words. The EU must do what is needed to defend democracy, or risk being a hypocritical promoter of European values. #EU must #StandwithHongKong #47NSL…
Each day, Hong Kongers helplessly watch the slaughter of our democratic values, among the countless injustices committed by #CCPChina🇨🇳 that affect not just our city, but the entire free world. If the world do not stand up against them, they will simply treat the world as a joke
Leo Yau, from Bond Ng Solicitors, who are representing several defendants, was arrested by the police outside the court. The police did not give further reasons.…
Hongkongers in London gathered around Piccadilly Circus earlier today to show their support to the 47 pro-democracy candidates who are facing #NSL trial today. Liberate Hong Kong flag and British Hong Kong flag were in displayed and “Glory to Hong Kong” anthem was sang.
In exile @tedhuichifung, who also participated in the primary, joined the demonstration, citing he felt angry and emotionally devastated that the 47 are being charged and has trouble sleeping. He wishes his peers know Hongkongers will not give up easily. Source: @StandNewsHK
4 defendants were admitted to hospital tonight in #HongKong during a 14-hour hearing over their #NSL charges. The hearing will assume in 7 hrs, leaving little time for them to recover. Political abuse of psychiatry by a totalitarian regime on display.…
We stand, we fight, we resist. #香港人撐住 Photo Credit: AFP
When things get tough, the tough gets going. We are Still here.
#Myanmar has their election stolen and their votes stolen as their military is trying to take over. #Beijing trying to steal #HongKongers election: They detain/ jail all pro-democracy elected officials. #ElectionsStolen!…
Why would @EUinHKandMO think @ReginaIplau, who frequently denies systematic forced sterilisation and rape of Uyghur women by China, denies human rights violation by Hong Kong Police, is a suitable person to promote #StandUp4HumanRights for #InternationalWomensDay ?
Our beloved Grandma Wong shows her determination & bravery once again in #HongKong. She has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on HK. She is a representation the heroic spirit of #Hongkongers and our love for freedom. #womenshistory
Stopping people from leaving their country, nothing could be more Communist than this. #HongKong is the new #EastBerlin.…
We are all witnesses to the tragic demise of Hong Kong.…
Jeremy Tam and others like him facing trial under China's National Security Law, are the role models who embody the core values that Hong Kongers hold most dear to our hearts. Thread 👇…
The latest move from #CCPChina🇨🇳 to control our beloved public broadcaster RTHK. All programs must now be personally reviewed by the newly-installed RTHK chief, before they are allowed to be aired.…
RTHK: The election committee that chooses Hong Kong's chief executive will participate in the nomination of *all* Legco candidates and pick some members of the council itself, as part of drastic changes to the HK's “election” system planned by #CCPChina🇨🇳…
One Country, Two Systems is only an illusion. //Lord Patten said China's Communist Party had "taken the biggest step so far to obliterate #HongKong's freedoms and aspirations for greater democracy under the rule of law"//…
🇪🇺 Concrete action is needed. EU-China investment deal (CAI) cannot continue to proceed. If the EU wishes to be a defender of human rights and European values, the EU must hold China accountable for its abuses in #HongKong.…
Actually, Hong Kong “elections” are more like this:…
“We have now ‘show trials’ to make the democrats examples of how the party-state fights and struggles with the enemies… The law is viewed by the #CCP🇨🇳 as a mere tool to facilitate their agenda. To implement the law is to implement the will of the party.”…
Despite freezing temperature, Hong Kongers in Toronto🍁 organized a “drive thru protest” to raise awareness and support the arrested #HK47. Within 2 hours, the HongKongerStation team raised ~HKD130K to help with legal fees for the 47 arrested Hong Kongers.…