Timeline of #CCPChina🇨🇳’s position on Ukraine🇺🇦
Pro-democracy shops in Hong Kong supporting @appledaily_hk by offering the news outlet's employees free meals. Customers have also bought stacks of Apple Daily newspapers to be distributed for free at "yellow" shops. Resistance is still alive and strong at the community level.
Exiled Hong Kong activist @BrianLeungKP gave a speech outside the White House ahead of the #BidenXiSummit “This is not just a usual leader-to-leader meeting as they put it. The US is confronting a ruthless leader who would not hessitate to destroy freedom.” Video: @KongTsungGan
Using fashion to make a statement.
Poland🇵🇱-based Hong Kongers protested in front of the PRC🇨🇳 embassy in Warsaw yesterday! Thanks to PL4HK, Students for a Free Tibet (Poland), and Free Hong Kong Center. Photo credits: Anton Cherepenko (facebook.com/czerepenko.ant…)
Time and time again, Apple Daily vs other newspapers:
Hong Kong: Police raid Tiananmen Square museum bbc.com/news/world-asi…
Grace, a London high school student, started learning Cantonese four years ago as a personal hobby, mainly by studying online materials, Hong Kong dramas and music. Gives me hope that our next generation can learn about their cultural identity, even if they're growing up abroad.
#GlorytoHongKong borrowed version. What do you think?
A brave man who stands up for his principles. Respect. twitter.com/EnesFreedom/st…
Hong Kong's Security Chief PK Tang claims that Stand News' reporting on the 2 year anniversary of the CUHK seige is ‘fake news,’ and that the police had never entered the university’s campus. @StandNewsHK shows clips from that day of police entering campus and arresting students
The Anniversary That Won’t Go Away 🕯️ Hong Kong has banned the annual Tiananmen vigil in an attempt to emulate the way China has erased the memory of the event. It won’t be so easy. #TiananmenSquareMassacre #TiananmenVigil bloomberg.com/opinion/articl…
The University of Hong Kong has taken down all the posters and banners displayed on its famous “democracy walls” around its campus. news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/compon…
Thank you @uzurahiyoko so much for making such special poster for #HongKong. #NeverForgive #NeverForget
Danish Artist Condemns Hong Kong University’s Removal of His Tiananmen Monument After Over 20 Years: ‘I Think They Will Destroy It’ @VivienneChow @artnet news.artnet.com/art-world/dani…
It’s hard to think of something more disrespectful. #RIPShinzoAbe #Japan🇯🇵 twitter.com/Byron_Wan/stat…
BREAKING: Hong Kong singer, and former E-kids boyband member Tommy Yuen (阮民安) has been arrested for violating the National Security Law.
Happy #LunarNewYear Sometimes the bad times in our life put us on a path to the best times in our life.
Folks from Denmark supporting Hong Kong at DHL Run 2021, the world’s biggest running event. Love the T-Shirts💛 It's always heartwarming to see people from all over the world supporting HK's #FightForFreedom especially when things seem desperate. Thanks! facebook.com/DenmarkSupport…
There were never Rioters Only Tyranny Help us fight tyranny Join us at the Atlantic Council X SWHK event: bit.ly/3d9chhS #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
Everyone has their own way of lighting a candle tonight… twitter.com/surrealhk_/sta…
Friends from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Myanmar, Xinjiang, Tibet met together to rally against authoritarianism at Foley Square in NYC over the weekend. #MilkTeaAlliance #FightForFreedom Photo: @thirdbladephoto
Please sign this petition to sanction Hong Kong officials responsible for human rights violations. petition.parliament.uk/petitions/5852…