🇪🇺 EU is a leading force in green technology, but it seems @EUinHKandMO has a very different understanding of what is 🌱green. Can you guys tell us how the hugely unpopular, largest scale land reclamation project #HongKong ever seen Lantau Tomorrow is green? We are perplexed 🤯
University of Chicago’s Chinese student association compared Hong Kong activist Nathan Law (@nathanlawkc) to a terrorist in a letter opposing the school’s invitation to Law to be a guest speaker. The real terrorists here are the #CCP🇨🇳 and its supporters. hk.appledaily.com/news/20210523/…
Hong Kong comic artist vawongsir's latest: a recruitment poster from HK's National Security Police. “YOU can decide who will become the next Chief Executive!” 下一屆特首就由你話事👮🏽‍♀️ instagram.com/p/CNCtLG3JmyZ/
An incredible story of a lone Taiwanese girl helping Hong Kong refugee protestors establish new lives in Taiwan. But the question that many like her are asking themselves: Is Taiwan next? nytimes.com/2021/08/04/mag…
“Most of HK's pro-China elites may feel puzzled, even upset, by their marginalization. After all, they've been faithfully toeing CCP's line and, in the case of crushing the democracy movement, doing its dirty work. But they mostly have themselves to blame.”asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/Hong-K…
Revolution of Our Times: A powerful tribute to Hong Kong’s protest movement Director Kiwi Chow’s documentary charts the 2019 pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, framing the campaign’s victories and setbacks across nine gripping chapters. bfi.org.uk/sight-and-soun…
Slovenian🇸🇮 Prime Minister Janez Jansa called Taiwan a “democratic country” and said that Slovenia is in talks with Taiwan to open trade offices in each other’s territory. Slovenia is the latest EU🇪🇺 nation with plans to strengthen trade ties with Taiwan. politico.eu/article/jansa-…
"HSBC" billboard spotted in South London:
“One thing is certain, though: Whenever [the next Legislative Council elections] do take place, the elections won’t belong to the people of Hong Kong.” @rachel_cheung1 worldpoliticsreview.com/trend-lines/29…
The UK Government warns Hong Kong critics to avoid traveling to countries that have extradition treaties with Hong Kong. The unusual move underscores concern that China might reach beyond its borders to prosecute people for “national security” offenses. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
China’s Internet Firewall enabled the #CCP🇨🇳 to directly manipulate the thoughts of a billion people. Hong Kong, once known for its free Internet, is now moving towards this direction. TikTok and WeChat is exporting Beijing’s Firewall to the world. #ErrorCode404 #PageNotFound🖥️
Three years on, many questions remain unanswered. Only a handful of thugs were arrested. New Documentary: 721元朗襲擊事件三周年,我們一班獨立記者製作了專題記錄《721未完的案》,總結過去幾年間由民間社會搜集的線索,跟進幾個一直鍥而不捨希望追尋真相的當事人。 youtu.be/smIWjWLYqq8
“The human quest for freedom can never be quashed. Even if the power-holders might appear to succeed, freedom itself will remain irrepressible. Power can never unseat truth.” Why Beijing Shut Down Hong Kong’s Leading Pro-Democracy Newspaper? (@JiayangFan) newyorker.com/news/daily-com…
Will China’s national security law break Hong Kong as a business hub? The national security law has stifled democracy in the global financial center. vox.com/22605703/hong-…
An Australian-Hong Kong dual national is being prosecuted under Hong Kong’s National Security Law, and could face life in jail. Australian officials have been refused consular access to the man, because HK authorities no longer recognise dual citizenship. abc.net.au/news/2022-02-0…
Jem Vanston, a writer & poet from Swansea, has composed a heart-wrenching poem to mourn the death of HK and criticize apathetic Western countries We thank him for his moving words that resonate w/ our sorrow and encourage us to be hopeful. To see more of his work: @ACatCalledDog
According to @StandNewsHK, RTHK removed reporting on Chinese tennis player #PengShuai from its website.
According to the survey, many countries still view HK as Innovative, Dynamic, Enterprising, Resilient, etc. — hallmarks of Hongkongers’ qualities and values. But one has to be living in a box to think that HK is Secure, Democratic, Stable, Free and Safe. factwire.org/en/negative-vi…
Global Hong Kong Studies (at University of California) is launched! This is a new initiative to promote research and understanding of HK especially its connections and relevance to the world. The following online events are free and accessible worldwide. globalhks-uc.org
Happy Birthday @DavidAltonHL! 🎉🎂 恭祝奧爾頓勳爵七十華誕 福如東海 壽比南山! Lord Alton has been a key supporter for Hong Kong’s fight for freedom long before it attracted wide attention. We wish his lordship good health and many happy returns! twitter.com/hk_watch/statu…
The UK government must ensure Hongkongers will not be attacked and intimated by pro CCP organisations and gangs in the UK. Racism is an issue we must all work together to tackle, but at the same time we mustn’t let this issue to be manipulated by people with ill intentions. twitter.com/nathanlawkc/st…
Rewritten Schoolbooks Say #HongKong Was Never British Colony Curriculum revamped as Beijing exerts greater control. This is only the first steps of #CCPChina🇨🇳 rewriting our history. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
Gwyneth Ho, a Hong Kong activist, former reporter of StandNews. She has been in jail for over 739 days for what? Participating in an election in Hong Kong. Source: This is seen in NYC past Friday! @thecfhk