CHEN - Everytime (ft Punch) | Descendants of the Sun OST music video has reached over 150 million views on Youtube!! 🥳 Who loves this song? Let's watch it together! #CHEN #첸 #종대 #Punch #펀치 @weareoneEXO
[ Heart 4 U #CHEN] If you haven't checked out his segment, you can do so. Here is EP 1 for you to start off with. 😁 ⚡ - Virgo #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
CHEN's "Shall We?" MV is close to getting 10M views. Stream,Like,and leave supporting commenting for Chen. ⚡ - Virgo #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
Fanplus’ Voting event for Idols born/debuted in September starts on July 7, 5pm KST! When making an account, please enter our code as your referrer so we can both get 500 cash!! (Code: #637d57b9) #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
Are you ready to vote for #CHEN? September Birthday + Debut Fan Vote opens in 1 Day and 6 hours! #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
If you see any malicious post towards #CHEN or other artists, please report in this format Email: Subject:EXO CHEN/엑소의 첸 Content: 1. Year-month-date of post 2. URL 3. Author post (ID) 4. Post contents 5. Others (photos,videos,screenshot) #WeLoveYouChen…
“I'll promise you that I'll care for you Even if time passes and everything changes Even if the world ends, my love” Happy 7 years, Best Luck! 💙 🔗 #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
FanPlus Voting Event for Idols born in September. 12 days left until the voting ends. Current first prize: Chen ( winning by 15,110,132 votes) ⚡… - Virgo #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
Please vote for #CHEN (the first option) in this quoted tweet! The most voted in the thread will get a 15-sec commercial before Amazing Saturday (once) + commercial before rebroadcasts (10 times) #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO…
It's 29th July! #HappySoondingieDay! Let's celebrate it by streaming for #CHEN Join our streaming event starting 12pm KST on Spotify, YouTube, and other streaming platform of your choice. We also have some activities throughout the day. Stay tuned~ #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
#HappySoondingieDay! 6 years ago, #CHEN gave us the nickname soondingie (순딩이) which means ‘naive and pure’ or ‘gentle'. To know each other better, feel free to quote retweet below and answer with your story ^^ #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
#CHEN is trending!! Happy Soondingie Day indeed! Let us keep on celebrating and appreciating him everyday. 💛 #HappySoondingieDay #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
#HappySoondingieDay Streaming party will start now! Join us~ You can use the playlist we have made here Youtube:… Spotify:… For Melon/Genie users, you can stream #CHEN's discography. #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make a FANTOO account! For other clarifications and concerns, don’t hesitate to DM us. Thank you, and let’s continue voting for #CHEN. 💛 #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
#CHEN is currently 1st on FANTOO! Please keep voting for Chen and spread the word to as many people as you can! Tutorial will be linked below #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO…
Chen won the poll of Idols born in September with 1,361,349,359 votes. Breaking his previous record back in August with 997,737,134 votes. 🥰 Thank you to everyone who votes for Chen. #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
As #CHEN is currently the most voted idol on Fanplus in 2021, we encourage everyone to continue collecting voting tickets everyday as there is a high chance for him to be nominated on FanPlus Final Awards. Details about the awards below. Fighting! #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
#CHEN is nominated in IDOLCHAMP Birthday AD, September - CM BOARD final voting Voting ends 19 Aug. Chen is currently 2nd. Let's get him a win! 🔗 #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
210812 EXO-L JP FC Update Staff Blog: EXplOration Throwback #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
A lot of birthday ad voting happening! Vote for #CHEN 아이돌Live 🔗… FanAround 🔗… IDOL CHAMP 🔗… Mubeat 🔗… CHOAEDOL 🔗… THEKKING 🔗… #첸 #종대
[COLLABORATION] We're happy to announce a collaboration with our friend @StreamForKJM on stationhead. Join us on Saturday 21st at 5pm KST. Request your favorite SUHO&CHEN songs,make sure to tune in and bring your friends. ⚡ #SUHOXCHEN  #수호 #첸 #EXO
Do not engage with any negative HTs/posts/comments. Please help us clean the Korean trends and trend these hashtags for Chen. #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대를_믿어 #종대를_믿어
Please change your location to SK and post along with the HTs or any good and positive keywords that you have. #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대를_믿어 #종대를_믿어
Do you miss #CHEN? Let's listen to his song together while we wait for him. We almost reach 10m views! CHEN 첸 '우리 어떻게 할까요 (Shall we?)' MV… #종대랑_함께_걸어갈게 #종대를_믿어 #종대를_믿어 #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO