1.85 Million Dandelions! 🌼 It’s a nice day to listen to By #CHEN covers. ⚡️ youtube.com/c/CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
[Tipsy Live] CHEN - 사월이 지나면 우리 헤어져요 (Beautiful goodbye) with Im Hanbyul ... ⚡️youtu.be/AWKG7-zU54o #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
We are now down to the last 100,000 views for Tipsy Live before we get our first bonus content. Thanks to everyone who keeps on streaming, and those who reminds everyone to stream everyday. 💚 ⚡️youtu.be/AWKG7-zU54o #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
[Tipsy Live] CHEN - 사월이 지나면 우리 헤어져요 (Beautiful goodbye) with Im Hanbyul ... ⚡️youtu.be/AWKG7-zU54o #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
[Tipsy Live] CHEN - 사월이 지나면 우리 헤어져요 (Beautiful goodbye) with Im Hanbyul ... ⚡️youtu.be/AWKG7-zU54o #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
‘믿고 듣는 첸’ Trust and Listen to #CHEN 🔗 bit.ly/3kL9spU #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
It has been two years since #CHENtube was created and since then, nothing has been more exciting than the anticipation for his next cover. Thank you for singing, CHEN. 💚 We shall wait until you sing for us again. #첸튜브_2주년 #종대야노래해줘서고마워 #CHEN #첸 @weareoneEXO
He truly has the sweetest voice. Don’t you miss hearing him sing live? 🥺🥰 ⚡️bit.ly/3chQ4NB #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
[INFO] #CHEN’s OSTs and collaborations —Your Moonlight, Nosedive, Make It Count, and Love has been made available again on Spotify! Listen to your favourite Chen tracks now and follow his official Spotify channel. ⚡️ open.spotify.com/artist/0UEP2XB… #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
[INFO] #EXO_CBX’s OSTs — Be My Love and Someone Like You are also back on Spotify! 💚💙❤️ Follow EXO-CBX’s official Spotify channel. ⚡️ open.spotify.com/artist/3Lz3vEN… #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
Today is White Day in South Korea! 🤍 Let’s celebrate White Day with #CHEN! ⚡️bit.ly/3vmfOkI #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
Through the collective efforts of everyone who loves Chen, Tipsy Live with Im Hanbyul finally reached 1M views!! ⚡️youtu.be/AWKG7-zU54o #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
Something great to celebrate tomorrow? 👀 🔗 youtu.be/JrOrlhjIYVk #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
[HASHTAG ANNOUNCEMENT] It’s our second April with Soloist #CHEN! Time surely flies fast but his great music will never fade with it. Let us celebrate by using the hashtag: #.2AprilsWithChen ⚠️ Please use it with the Korean hashtag at exactly 12AM KST #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
[HASHTAG ANNOUNCEMENT] It's time to start using the hashtags to celebrate our Chen's 2nd anniversary as a soloist! Send your love in every tweet! 💛 #2AprilsWithChen #첸_솔로데뷔_2주년 #2YearsWithSoloistCHEN #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
When did you first start being a fan of our dear Chen? Reply with HTs! 🐈 started falling for EXO during Kokobop era! Blond Chen is love, blond Chen is life 💛 #첸_솔로데뷔_2주년 #2YearsWithSoloistCHEN #2AprilsWithChen #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
"Sleep well, sleep well, on this night At least that much in your dreams I wish for you to be at peace I wish for you to be happy." - Good Night. What's your favourite lyric from Chen songs? #첸_솔로데뷔_2주년 #2YearsWithSoloistCHEN #2AprilsWithChen #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
Are you subscribed to Chen's youtube channel? He is almost at 2M subs! Let's show our love and support 💛 #첸_솔로데뷔_2주년 #2YearsWithSoloistCHEN #2AprilsWithChen #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO 🔗youtube.com/c/CHEN
Did you watch Chen's first ever busking? How was your reaction? Reply with HTs! #첸_솔로데뷔_2주년 #2YearsWithSoloistCHEN #2AprilsWithChen #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO 첸, 사월의 버스킹 (CHEN’s APRIL BUSKING) vlive.tv/post/0-18256964
Let's start saving up votes for #CHEN on Fanplus in preparation for his birthday! You can follow this tutorial twitter.com/ForChenUnion/s… If you need more friends, you can also reply your username below and add each other #EXO #엑소 #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
#Chen - Hello music video has reached 9.9m views! Let's watch together and get it to 10m views! youtube.com/watch?v=qJf8Ef… #EXO #첸 #엑소 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
Happy 9th Anniversary to #EXO! Thank you for the 9 years of great music, passion, and hardwork. Let’s meet again soon! #9ToEternityWithEXO #9YearswithEXO #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
HAPPY 5 YEARS WITH LIL’ SOMETHING (썸타)! #CHEN’s collaboration with Heize brought us our extremely adorable Floor Director. 😍 Stream Lil’ Something on Spotify 🔗 open.spotify.com/album/2Ed9rE7v… Youtube 🔗 youtu.be/Npxqg9p1Q94 #첸 #종대 #JONGDAE @weareoneEXO
Vibe has also released an acoustic version of the song which is available on Spotify! Let’s give it a listen. 💛 썸타 (feat. CHEN) - Acoustic Ver. 🔗 open.spotify.com/track/0gth4iAl… #CHEN #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
#CHEN is selected as one of the candidates for High Pitched vocalist contest! Get your FanPlus accounts ready as the voting will commence today, April 8 at 5pm KST! The winner gets Yongsan i-Park 11m&7.3m LED + Subway AD. Fighting!! #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO twitter.com/fanplus_app/st…