[200921] Trends | #AngelChenDay is still strong at #1 on Worldwide Trends, and Happy Birthday Chen is trending at #18! Keep tweeting and sending your love 💛 #ILoveChenFrom #AngelChenDay #HappyChenDay #종대에게_물드는_우리의가을
How many RTs can we get for happy bouncing Chennie? Let's go for 921 in honor of his birthday! 💕 #ILoveChenFrom #AngelChenDay #HappyChenDay #종대에게_물드는_우리의가을
[200921] Trends | #AngelChenDay and 'Jongdae' are both trending worldwide at #1 and #5 respectively. Thank you everyone for working hard, let's keep going! 💛 #ILoveChenFrom #HappyChenDay #종대에게_물드는_우리의가을
#CHEN Lysn Update💌 There's been a birthday update for our Jongdae on Lysn!🌼 Please go check it out and leave a lot of nice comments and lovely wishes🥰 #AngelChenDay #HappyChenDay #EXO #엑소 #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
[200929] YOUTUBE UPDATE Are you missing our JONGDAE? Its never too late to binge watch all his uploaded videos on his Official YouTube Channel. Subscribe to his channel now! 📍youtube.com/c/CHEN/featured #JONGDAE @weareoneEXO #첸
[200930] LYSN UPDATE Our #JONDAE's Chuseok greeting on LYSN: "I hope you enjoy a lot of delicious food on Chuseok, have a good time with your loved ones and friends, and heal your busy life for a while!! Also, always pay attention to your health ..." @weareoneEXO #첸
Hello! We have prepared a special hahstag event to celebrate the 1st anniversary of Dear My dear era! Please stay tuned, the announcement is going to be at 9 PM KST <3 Spread the word! #CHEN #JONGDAE #EXO @weareoneEXO
[HASHTAG ANNOUNCEMENT] It has been a year since Dear My Dear era!! Celebrate #CHEN’s wonderful music with us by using: 🌼#.365DaysWithShallWe 🌼#.1YearWithDearMyDear ⚠️ Please remember to use it at exactly 12AM KST. Thank you for your usual cooperation. 💛 #첸 @weareoneEXO
[201007] YOUTUBE UPDATE Cover by CHEN - 'Gift' (MeloMance) has finally reached 1,000,000 views! 📍youtube.com/watch?v=Y9KIH9… Keep streaming! #CoverbyChenGIFT1M #JONGDAE @weareoneEXO #첸
[201007] YOUTUBE UPDATE All the videos uploaded at CHENTUBE finally reached million views. Keep on streaming/watching all our Jongdae's videos and songs! #JONGDAE @weareoneEXO #첸
CHEN 첸 Digital Single [안녕(Hello)] 🎧 2020.10.15. 6PM (KST) 👉 chen.smtown.com #첸 #CHEN #엑소 #EXO #weareoneEXO #안녕 #Hello @weareoneEXO
JONGDAE is now trending 2nd Worldwide while #Chen is trending 5th. Everyone seems to be so excited, we are too 🤗 #첸 #엑소 #EXO #weareoneEXO #안녕 #Hello @weareoneEXO
[201012] EXO Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook updated their display picture and header with #CHENpbs.twimg.com/profile_images…pbs.twimg.com/profile_banner… #EXO #HELLO #HelloCHEN #엑소 #첸 #종대 #안녕 @weareoneEXO
jongdae is trending 12th Worldwide. We honeslty cannot wait for more contents to unlock. Tell us how excited you are !!!! #EXO #HELLO #HelloCHEN #엑소 #첸 #종대 #안녕 @weareoneEXO l
[HASHTAG ANNOUNCEMENT] To hype up the MV teaser for our #CHEN's 'Hello' we will be using the following hashtag: #.HelloMVTeaser ⚠️ Please do NOT use before 6PM KST. #EXO #HelloCHEN #Hello #엑소 #첸 #종대 #김종대 #안녕 @weareoneEXO
[201013] SMTOWN YouTube update with #CHEN CHEN 첸 '안녕 (Hello)' MV Teaser ⚡ youtu.be/wAFCm3zzDwg #HelloMVTeaser #첸 @weareoneEXO
[201013] SMTOWN VLive update with #CHEN CHEN 첸 '안녕 (Hello)' MV Teaser ⚡ vlive.tv/video/217671 #HelloMVTeaser #CHEN #첸 @weareoneEXO
[201013] SMTOWN Naver update with #CHEN CHEN 첸 '안녕 (Hello)' MV Teaser ⚡ naver.me/Gyjzsh9w #HelloMVTeaser #CHEN #첸 @weareoneEXO
[201013] Trends | #HelloMVTeaser is trending #1 worldwide! 🔥🔥 #CHEN @weareoneEXO
#CHEN is nominated for Soundtrack Master on FanPlus. ⏲Open : Oct 14, 17:00 KST 💝 1st place : LED Screen 11 x 7.3m at Yonsan i-park twitter.com/fanplus_app/st…
[📢] Regarding #CHEN's Birthday Project. Please read the statement below and try to understand our decision. We also plan on starting a last minute fundraiser to further our support to Chen's upcoming releases on Korean sites. 🌼 Donation form: docs.google.com/forms/d/17MhaV…
GOALS ANNOUNCEMENT✅ These are the goals we have set for #CHEN's new single 'Hello'🌼 We remind you these are set with the purpose of being met and therefore broken. We always hope for greater results😉 Let's work hard to make this release a success!💛 #HelloCHEN @weareoneEXO