@photocard_app [AD Proposal]
We are For Chen Union, please support our proposal by liking and retweeting this tweet 💛
Thank you very much < _>
(*in Hangul 'Thank you for singing Jongdae-ya).
#CHEN #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
#CHEN’s OST ‘너의 달빛’ (Your Moonlight) for SBS drama ‘Do You Like Brahms’ to be released today at 6PM KST!
🔗 naver.me/FFw6y8ly
Please don’t forget to prepare your music site passes and support ‘Your Moonlight’! 💛
#JONGDAE #첸 @weareoneEXO
For our #CHEN’s OST ‘너의 달빛’ (Your Moonlight) for SBS drama ‘Do You Like Brahms’ to be released today at 6 PM KST let's use these hashtags:
Please use it later at 6 PM KST!
@weareoneEXO #첸 #너의달빛 #엑소 #EXO #브람스를좋아하세요
[200908] YOUTUBE | Official MV for #CHEN's OST Your Moonlight from the drama 'Do You Like Brahms' is out now! Please listen and leave a like!
🔗 youtu.be/Og4g6eIZ-uI
@weareoneEXO #첸 #너의달빛 #엑소 #EXO #브람스를좋아하세요
CHEN 첸 [브람스를 좋아하세요? OST Part.3 - 너의 달빛]
Melon: kko.to/-ZMx-JcYp
FLO: flomuz.io/s/a.BzOSV
Genie: mw.genie.co.kr/detail/albumIn…
NAVER: naver.me/55Xjh7kI
Bugs: m.bugs.co.kr/album/994566
#첸_우리_달빛 #첸 #너의달빛 #브람스를좋아하세요
Are you listening to Chen's beautiful voice with us? Let's be sure to show it lots of love and all streaming platforms 💛
Drop your streaming screenshots below with the HTs!
@weareoneEXO #첸 #너의달빛 #엑소 #EXO #브람스를좋아하세요
For focused streaming, we recommend watching the Your Moonlight OST MV from 1TheK's channel 💛
🔗 youtu.be/E_Anrap33oM
@weareoneEXO #첸 #너의달빛 #엑소 #EXO #브람스를좋아하세요 twitter.com/ForChenUnion/s…
It's been a while since our Chen released a solo track! How many people are streaming right now?
Try and give us
♡ 219 RTs
♡ 92 replies
Don't forget to use the hashtags!
@weareoneEXO #첸 #너의달빛 #엑소 #EXO #브람스를좋아하세요
[200908] INSTAGRAM | real_pcy & oohsehun Instagram Story update with #CHEN
Supportive exo family! 💛
🔗 instagram.com/stories/real__…
🔗 instagram.com/stories/oohseh…
#오후6시_첸OST_너의달빛 #첸_우리_달빛 #YourMoonlight_CHEN @weareoneEXO
📊Your Moonlight 📊 8pm KST
Genie # 24
Bugs #24
Please keep streaming 💕
#첸_우리_달빛 #엑소 #첸
Please remember to leave a 5 stars review on the OST to improve its rating!🌼
🌃 kko.to/fyP15GnDH
#YourMoonlight_CHEN #EXO #CHEN #첸_우리_달빛 #엑소 #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
[200909] YOUTUBE | Your Moonlight MV is currently at 317k views & 108k likes respectively. ✊
Have you streamed today? Don't forget to leave likes and positive comments too!
🔗 youtu.be/E_Anrap33oM
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#YourMoonlight_CHEN #CHEN #첸_우리_달빛 #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
[200911] YOUTUBE | Full version of NIve × CHEN 'how do i' Sing Along Challenge is now on Youtube!
Please watch and leave a like as well as positive comments. 💛
🔗 youtu.be/jz-KqF2jJ7I
- 🐈
#CHEN #첸 #너의달빛 #엑소 #EXO #브람스를좋아하세요 @weareoneEXO
[200915] YOUTUBE | #Chen's Your Moonlight OST MV is now at 794k views and 176k likes.
Can we get this MV to 1M soon? Be sure to watch at least once everyday & drop positive comments + likes!
🔗 youtu.be/E_Anrap33oM
- 🐈
#YourMoonlight_CHEN #첸_우리_달빛 #첸 #종대 #김종대
Cyber bullying affects people everyday more. Tell us your story with
#FightAgainstCyberbullying and let's spread awareness about it.
This is violence and we must stop it! Don't be quiet anymore 💪
#AlwaysTogether #CHEN #ForChenUnion @weareoneEXO
[200918] YOUTUBE | #Chen's Your Moonlight OST MV is now at 903k views and 181k likes.
We are nearly at 1M! Keep streaming and leave likes + positive comments 👏
🔗 youtu.be/E_Anrap33oM
- 🐈
#YourMoonlight_CHEN #첸_우리_달빛 #첸 #종대 #김종대
[200918] #CHENTUBE | Our #CHEN's birthday is fast approaching, and there is only one cover that's yet to reach 1M-- Gift by MeloMance!
As our Gift to Chen, can we try streaming to hit 1M?
🔗 youtu.be/Y9KIH9pKyY0
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#첸 #종대 #김종대 #엑소 #EXO #JONGDAE @weareoneEXO
[Streaming Party] Join us to a streaming party to celebrate Chen's birthday ⚡💛
📌Hashtag: #.Chentember_StreamingParty
📌Start: 8 PM KST
We will share a playlist on Spotify & recommendations for YouTube!
#AlwaysTogether #CHEN #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 #EXO @weareoneEXO
We share with you our Spotify's Playlist for our mass streaming later at 8PM KST. Please spread the words!
The hashtag #.Chentember_StreamingParty will be used when the streaming starts.
#AlwaysTogether #CHEN #JONGDAE #첸 #김종대 #EXO @weareoneEXO
Our streaming party has officially started 😄
Here is our playlist: open.spotify.com/playlist/2WiJA…
Dont hesitate to include more songs and videos into the playlist and YouTube recommendations.
#Chentember_StreamingParty #AlwaysTogether #CHEN #JONGDAE #첸 #김종대 @weareoneEXO