[Tipsy Live] #CHEN Beautiful goodbye with Im Hanbyul EXO-L, we miss Jongdae right? We have a chance to get new contents by streaming Tipsy Live! There are two more videos that await us if we reach 1M—1.3M views! 🔗 youtu.be/AWKG7-zU54o - 🌼 #JONGDAE #종대 #첸 @weareoneEXO
[200416] lottedutyfree Instagram Update With #CHEN and #CHANYEOL. ⚡instagram.com/p/B_CHGJhneJt/… - Virgo #첸 #김종대 #EXO #엑소 @weareoneEXO
[Tipsy Live] #CHEN Beautiful goodbye with Im Hanbyul Tipsy Live video finally surpassed 700,000 views!! We only need 300,000 views to unlock “The Way To Say Goodbye” on the spot duet by Jongdae and Hanbyul! 💛 🔗 youtu.be/AWKG7-zU54o - 🌼 #JONGDAE #종대 #첸 @weareoneEXO
Beautiful Goodbye MV is so close to gaining 17M views! Have you listened to this masterpiece yet today? Let's show #CHEN our love by streaming his song 💛 🔗youtu.be/JrOrlhjIYVk - 🐈 #JONGDAE #종대 #첸 @weareoneEXO
[#CHENtube] There are still covers by that have yet to reach 1M views! How about we take some time to stream them? 💛 Flower (953k) ⚡ youtu.be/LTW8ZLV1c_E Gift (746k) ⚡ youtu.be/Y9KIH9pKyY0 Amaranth (832k) ⚡ youtu.be/zHlDvTcu5us - 🐈 #첸 #종대 #CHEN @weareoneEXO
A group of very dedicated fans have created an online concert for us to be able to enjoy #CHEN's music while still in quarantine! We got our tickets already! Have you?😌 Get them here: bit.ly/daeconcert Thank you for your work @DAECON_💛 #DAECON #엑소 #첸 @weareoneEXO
Are you at the concert now? Share with us your photos! #EXO #CHEN @weareoneEXO #CHENConcertOnline
[200420] TRENDS #DAECON is trending at #13 in the Worldwide trends! Is it trending in your country too? Please let us know. Don't forget to use our hashtags. #EXO #CHEN @weareoneEXO #DAECON #ChenOnlineConcert #Chen #첸 #종대 #김종대
#DAECON is currently trending #12! While using this hashtag and enjoying the concert, please remember to use #CHEN's hashtags too so we can fill it up with fun and lovely posts 💛 #ChenOnlineConcert #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
#DAECON is now trending at #1 Worldwide!!! 💛 Thank you for making it happen! Meanwhile, the replay of the online concert is currently airing those who have missed it can still listen to it. 💛 #ChenOnlineConcert #CHEN #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
#DAECON is also trending at #6 in South Korea!! 💛 Jongdae, thank you for singing! #DAECON #ChenOnlineConcert #CHEN #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
#DAECON is the most popular broadcast on Mixlr right now with a total of 103,966 streams (currently). Congratulations to the team behind this successful online concert. 💛💛 #ChenOnlineConcert #CHEN #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
[200421] EXplOration Album is now out on digital platforms! Let us trust and listen to #CHEN and #EXO as we reminisce the 5th EXO Planet. 💛 Lights Out 🔗 open.spotify.com/track/1jz3RwyU… EXploration Live Album 🔗 open.spotify.com/album/1KKX3xvC… #CHEN #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
[200421] INFO | EXplOration Live Album can also be streamed via the official #EXO YouTube Channel! Lights Out 🔗 youtu.be/OTUKuPNb8pI EXplOration Live Album Playlist 🔗 youtube.com/playlist?list=… - dandelion 🌼 #CHEN #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
[200422] [SCAN] | #CHEN from EXO PLANET #5 - EXplOration Live Album (1/3) © lov3toC #첸 #종대 #김종대 #JONGDAE #EXO @weareoneEXO
❌ PLEASE REPORT ❌ A malicious hashtag is currently trending at 5th in Korea. Please do not engage and report the topic as SPAM. Thank you.
🚫 PLEASE REPORT 🚫 twitter.com/cotton_506 twitter.com/smroq18 ⚠️Click on the links and please Remember to NOT ENGAGE and just report and block these accounts. ⚠️ Thank you.
Isn't it a wonderful day to listen to #CHEN's songs? Shall We is very close to hitting 7M views! Let's all work hard to stream it today to show our love and support. We can do it right? 💛 🔗 youtu.be/AO1OqWwKj1A - 🐈 #JONGDAE #첸 #김종대 #종대 @weareoneEXO
[200426] Shall We? has surpassed 7M views on YouTube! 💛 Let’s celebrate by streaming both Shall We? and Beautiful Goodbye MVs. 🎉 Shall We? 🔗 youtu.be/AO1OqWwKj1A Beautiful Goodbye 🔗 youtu.be/JrOrlhjIYVk - dandelion 🌼 #CHEN #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
[#CHENtube] Are you listening to #CHEN's beautiful covers these days? Let's stream! 1M 🔜 party 💛 Flower (956k) ⚡ youtu.be/LTW8ZLV1c_E Gift (754k) ⚡ youtu.be/Y9KIH9pKyY0 Amaranth (844k) ⚡ youtu.be/zHlDvTcu5us #첸 #종대 #김종대 #JONGDAE @weareoneEXO
🚫 PLEASE REPORT 🚫 Twitter twitter.com/piyutiaraii twitter.com/Jeonila5 IG instagram.com/akunkrtiqueen_/ ⚠️Click on the links and please Remember to just report and block these accounts and NOT engage. ⚠️ Thank you.
We're incredibly happy to hear that Jongdae's started a new chapter in his life with his wife & daughter. We'd like to wish him & his family happiness, good health & prosperity in the future. We'll be here to support him through every step of the way. Congratulations Jongdae!❤
[200429] NAVER | Happy news should be celebrated happily! Comments feature has been removed, so please leave a POSITIVE reaction on the latest news article regarding #CHEN's baby 💛 🔗 n.news.naver.com/entertain/now/… #첸 #종대 #김종대 #CongratulationsCHEN #종대야_축하해