EXO-L, do you miss our #CHEN like we do? Let's listen to 'Beautiful' OST that Chen made for his Heart4U series, and relive the cherished memories all over again! 💛💛💛 🔗 youtu.be/iWZosIUaEqE - mitten 🐈 #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
[200302] February YouTube views #CHEN Subscribers: 1.41M Overall views: 230.662.754* (+214.500) -does not include songs with CBX- ⚡youtube.com/channel/UC5vXj… -Twentyone *Approximately *Take with credit *info collected 20/02/29 #CHENtube #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
🎶 [#SPOTICHEN] 🎵 Call to all EXO-L's and Soondingies! Our #CHEN's monthly listeners are decreasing. But don't be disheartened-- just remember to stream Chen playlists at least once everyday! This is Chen 🔗 open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d… FCU 'You' Playlist 🔗open.spotify.com/playlist/4J9IQ…
There are 2 new positive Korean hashtags to trend in show of our love for #CHEN ! Please use them now 💛 #첸과의_찬란한_시간 (splendid/good time with Chen) #사월이_지나도_어여쁜_너 (You're beautiful even after April passed) Acc location: SK ✔ Korean VPN: On ✔ @weareoneEXO
Did your tastes change in March? What's your favourite #CHEN song right now? Reply below & share Spotify/YT links 💛 🐈's current favourite is still My Dear...since the day it released 😅 #첸과의_찬란한_시간 #사월이_지나도_어여쁜_너 @weareoneEXO open.spotify.com/track/3qbsRctN…
[200303] YOUTUBE | #CHEN's latest release in collaboration with Dynamic Duo has reached 700k (702,011) views! What better way to celebrate than giving this beautiful song another listen? 💛 🔗 youtu.be/K_Y-SYuH8JU #첸과의_찬란한_시간 #사월이_지나도_어여쁜_너 @weareoneEXO
[HASHTAG ANNOUNCEMENT] This March 6th marks 1 year since #CHEN created his YouTube channel. To celebrate this amazing event we will use: #.1YearWithChenTube Please DON'T use the hashtag before 12 AM KST Share & spread ⚡
[HASHTAG ANNOUNCEMENT] It's time to start using the hashtags to celebrate 1 whole year of #CHEN's Youtube channel; a space where he has shared his beautiful voice with us even more! 💛 ⚡ #1YearWithChenTube@weareoneEXO
#CHEN has blessed us with multiple covers of his own songs as well as other artists on his channel-- but which one is your all time/current favourite? Reply down below with links and don't forget to use hashtags! 💛 #1YearWithChentube @weareoneEXO youtube.com/playlist?list=…
Currently, #CHEN has 1.41M Dandelions subscribed to his Youtube channel! Did you subscribe already? RT or reply if you have and lets see how many Dandelions we have on twitter 💛 Let's give Chen his diamond playbutton next! #1YearWithChentube @weareoneEXO
There are videos by #CHEN that are so close to 1M! Please remember to stream it every time you miss our Chen, dandelions~ 💛 Flower (934k) ⚡youtu.be/LTW8ZLV1c_E Gift (708k) ⚡youtu.be/Y9KIH9pKyY0 Amaranth (766k) ⚡youtu.be/zHlDvTcu5us #1YearWithChentube @weareoneEXO
Can we try to boost this hashtag to show our love and support for Chentube? ♡ 200 RTs ♡ 50 replies Don't forget to use our hashtags! #1YearWithChentube #CHEN @weareoneEXO
Dear my dear, have you listened to Beautiful Goodbye today? Currently, the MV is at 16M views and nearly 1M likes! Please remember to leave a like & stream at least once everyday 💛 🔗 youtu.be/JrOrlhjIYVk - 🐈 #CHEN #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
There's 2 positive korean hashtags to use today, so let's try to trend them for our #CHEN! #활짝_만개한_너란_꽃 (You, the flower who is full in bloom) #나의_새벽별_에게 (To you, my star of dawn) Twitter account location: SK ✔ Korean VPN: On ✔ @weareoneEXO
There are many good things we'd like to say to #CHEN in order to give him strength and love. If you could pour your heart out to him, what are the well wishes you would say? 🥺 Let's try to get 100 replies with HTs 💛 #활짝_만개한_너란_꽃 #나의_새벽별_에게 @weareoneEXO
Use the RT as an 'I love you Kim Jongdae' button! Shall we try to achieve 200 RTs? 💛 Don't forget to use the hashtags, set your twitter account location to South Korea + use a Korean VPN so we can trend! #활짝_만개한_너란_꽃 #나의_새벽별_에게 @weareoneEXO #CHEN
A negative hashtag is currently trending in Korea regarding #CHEN. Report the hashtag on all your accounts. Please do NOT engage with any of the tweets or make even positive tweets using the HT, as it will bump it higher. #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
[200310] SPOTIFY || #CHEN × Dynamic Duo's 'You' has surpassed 1M listens on Spotify! Have 'You' listened this beautiful song yet today? Here's FCU's 'You' streaming playlist to get your fix 💛 🔗open.spotify.com/playlist/4J9IQ… - 🐈 #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
On a lonely (play along here 👀) Tuesday, why not spare 8 mins to watch #CHEN's Tipsy Live again? It is approaching 700k! Let's start our week right by spending time with our lovely Jongdae 💛 🔗 youtu.be/AWKG7-zU54o - 🐈 #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
Another negative hashtag is currently trending in Korea regarding #CHEN. Report the hashtag as spam on all your accounts. Again, please do NOT engage with any of the tweets or even make positive tweets using the HT. #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
Today marks 1 year after our #CHEN uploaded his first cover on Youtube, which was 'Sorry' by Yang Da Il! On a beautiful White Day, let's listen to Chen's heartfelt confession once more 💛 🔗 youtu.be/OvOOGkCDx4k - 🐈 #종대야노래해줘서고마워 #첸튜브_1주년 @weareoneEXO
The sweet first message we received from #CHEN as he shared his first video with us! We are eternally grateful for the covers that came after and are soon to come 💛 What was your reaction to his first video? Use the HTs! 👇 #종대야노래해줘서고마워 #첸튜브_1주년 @weareoneEXO
200313 || LDF Lotte Duty Free Official Website update with #CHEN [1/2] 🔗 ilottedfs.com/LDFmagazine/20… #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO