Nuice Media(@nuicemedia)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Cases: 5,504,418 (+46,643) Recoveries: 4,778,039(+41,805) Deaths: 147,844 (+258) Active cases: 578,535 (+4,580) Vax 1: 190,672,288 (+141,174) Vax 2: 143,774,691 (+494,396) Vax 3: 9,809,490 (+267,325)
President Joko Widodo publicly called for an end to the war but Indonesia is not a signatory to the United Nations draft resolution to end the war in Ukraine which was obviously vetoed by Russia because they can.
Whoa... 61k recoveries Cases: 5,457,775 (+49,447) Recoveries: 4,736,234 (+61,361) Deaths: 147,586 (+244) Active cases: 573,955 (-12,158) Vax 1: 190,531,114 (+220,605) Vax 2: 143,280,295 (+763,049) Vax 3: 9,542,165 (+306,076)
They should call this ragin’ by mandiri. Not lovin’ it.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy speaking in Russian appealing to the Russian people to help end the senseless war
OMG is that a 6.2 on land? Praying every is safe
Whatever it is that he’s high on, we don’t want any of it. This is one heck of a bad trip.
Misguided influencer Indra Kenz has been charged with fraud and money laundering with a potential prison time of up to 20 years for his involvement in the illegal binary option platform Binomo. Maybe he’ll now think that being in prison is a privilege too?
Just Reddit being Reddit
New cases dropped to below 60k but more than 300 deaths reported. Cases: 5,408,328 (+57,426) Recoveries: 4,674,873 (+42,518) Deaths: 147,342 (+317) Active cases: 586,113 (+14,591) Vax 1: 190,310,509 (+217,607) Vax 2: 142,517,246 (+710,916) Vax 3: 9,236,089 (+261,132)
Statement from Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Teuku Faizasyah on the situation in Ukraine: “We will honour international law and UN charter when it comes to the recognition of a country's territory.”
A famous Indonesian designer who makes fashion items using human body parts was said to be a recipient of Brazilian body parts sent to Singapore. Brazilian Police is investigating.
The Mayor of Banjarmasin, Ibnu Sina, claimed that there was never a discussion to move the capital and the law never underwent a public participation stage. He plans to challenge the move to the Constitutional Court
We are back to >60k new cases again Cases: 5,350,902 (+61,488) Recoveries: 4,632,355 (+39,170) Deaths: 147,025 (+227) Active cases: 571,522 (+22,091) Vax 1: 190,092,902 (+207,044) Vax 2: 141,806,330 (+763,929) Vax 3: 8,974,957 (+262,683)
If you work around Mega Kuningan in Jakarta, heads up. A big rally is expected on Friday. For once we agree with the protest. India’s insistence on the ban on hijabs in classrooms prevents female Muslim students from taking part in classes, tests, and exams. It’s discriminatory
Not so fast Ferguso Cases: 5,289,414 (+57,491) Recoveries: 4,593,185 (+38,474) Deaths: 146,798 (+257) Active cases: 549,431 (+18,760) Vax 1: 189,885,858 (+191,776) Vax 2: 141,042,401 (+621,930) Vax 3: 8,712,274 (+218,650)
Hey, I don’t know about you, but it’s 22/2/2022
That’s a big quake north of East Nusa Tenggara
For the first time in a while active cases went down. Cases: 5,231,923 (+34,418) Recoveries: 4,554,711 (+39,929) Deaths: 146,541 (+176) Active cases: 530,671 (-5,687) Vax 1: 189,694,082 (+47,165) Vax 2: 140,420,471 (+119,384) Vax 3: 8,493,624 (+37,012)
Lord Luhut shared some numbers regarding the most recent deaths due to Covid-19. 73% of 2,484 deaths since omicron arrived have yet to be fully vaccinated, 53% senior citizens, and 46% has comorbidity, predominantly diabetes. These percentages are not cumulative, may overlap.
The US government’s latest list on websites and companies that facilitate, benefit, or turn a blind eye to piracy and counterfeiting include three of the largest e-commerce companies in Indonesia 🤭
Religious minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has issued a directive regulating the use of speakers at mosques and prayer houses. Outdoor speakers can only be used at certain periods outside of the call to prayers with a volume of max 100dB and in tune voice.
When you’re affluent enough to treat a hospital as a hotel for the delivery of your child and book an entire wing for the extended family. Is this a wise decision by the hospital, and how do you think this affects their ability to provide services for others?