Hong Kong Watch(@hk_watch)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

This is a deeply disturbing development, the arrest of @JimmyLaiApple the founder of @appledaily_hk on charges of 'collusion with foreign powers' demonstrates once again the arbitrary, absurd, and draconian nature of the National Security Law. twitter.com/StuartKLau/sta…
Patten: Jimmy Lai and his colleagues' arrests are "the most outrageous assault yet on what is left of Hong Kong's free press. The arrests will be regarded as another large step towards turning Hong Kong into a replica of Beijing's police state." hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2020…
We welcome this initiative to hold individual British-born police officers serving in the Hong Kong Police Force accountable under UK law. Justice must be done and impunity for such horrific violence by the Hong Kong Police Force must end. twitter.com/hkfp/status/12…
Today's arrests, which are in clear breach of human rights, are part of a purge which is designed to stoke fear and silence dissent. twitter.com/galileocheng/s…
In light of further arrests under the National Security Law, we are calling democracies around the world to follow the example of the US and introduce Magnitsky sanctions on Hong Kong officials who violate human rights. See our Magnitsky campaign: hongkongwatch.org/magnitsky-sanc…
.@benedictrogers: "Britain and other like-minded allies must now follow the United States in imposing targeted Magnitsky sanctions against senior Hong Kong government and police officials and Chinese Communist Party leaders." capx.co/press-freedom-…
The arrest of young activists for their facilitation of an electoral observation mission is absurd. The EOM took place in November. The NSL is not supposed to be retroactive. The activists should be immediately released. twitter.com/Stand_with_HK/…
Co-founder @AileenCalverley testified at the 🇨🇦 Canadian Parliament and said: “For Hong Kong it’s five minutes to midnight. We hope the Canadian government will play its part and have the courage to enact sanctions,” nationalpost.com/news/politics/…
“Canada should work with other like-minded countries to coordinate a global response to the situation in Hong Kong”. “This is an idea put forward by seven former British foreign secretaries,” said @benedictrogers at 🇨🇦 Parliamentary hearing. theepochtimes.com/canada-should-…
Yet another example of the steady erosion of the rule of law in Hong Kong. It is increasingly clear that the Justice Secretary is only interested in bending the law to punish political opponents and protect police officers guilty of human rights abuses. twitter.com/rthk_enews/sta…
Yet another case of the Secretary of Justice abusing her power to protect individuals who are alleged to have injured pro-democracy protestors, and eroding the rule of law in Hong Kong in the process. twitter.com/krislc/status/…
'Hong Kong’s common law has traditionally allowed defendants to seek release unless prosecutors can show lawful grounds for their detention. But the burden is now placed on the defendant, under the National Security Law drafted by Beijing' reuters.com/article/us-hon…
Today @nathanlawkc & 19 UK parliamentarians have written to @DominicRaab @foreignoffice to call for the UK to join the US Gov in enacting targeted Magnitsky sanctions on Hong Kong and Chinese officials guilty of human rights abuses. hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2020…
Our chair @benedictrogers quoted in @HongKongFP “It is increasingly clear that the CCP plans not only to silence dissent on the streets but also in the classroom by censoring textbooks, purging academics, and sending students for patriotic 're-education'." hongkongfp.com/2020/08/23/con…
Hong Kong is rapidly coming under the direct control of the Chinese Communist Party, it’s surveillance state, and draconian punishments, which threaten the future for students’ freedom of intellectual inquiry and expression. The world must act in defence of Hong Kong's autonomy.
Hong Kong authorities have once again bent the rule of law out of all proportion to punish pro-democracy lawmakers for 2019 Yuen Long protests, while allowing violent thugs who assaulted passengers at Yuen Long to get off scot-free. bbc.co.uk/news/world-asi…
The Chinese Foreign Minister refuses a request to meet with Dutch parliamentarians to discuss the crisis in Hong Kong, amongst other issues. twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
Our Chair @benedictrogers on today's arrests "As the Justice Secretary & the Hong Kong Police attempt to bend the rule of law out of all recognisable shape, the international community must stand with pro-democracy lawmakers and activists in Hong Kong." hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2020…
Disturbing to hear that @HSBC is preventing executives at Next Media, a well known publisher of pro-democracy publications from accessing their credit cards and personal bank accounts in Hong Kong. We hope @DominicRaab will summon HSBC executives in the UK to discuss the matter. twitter.com/TMclaughlin3/s…
Beijing continues its campaign of targeting foreign journalists in Hong Kong, by weaponizing works visas as part of growing tensions with the international community. Under the National Security Law, Hong Kong is increasingly no longer an open international city. twitter.com/tomgrundy/stat…
An important letter from @nathanlawkc calling on the French President Emmanuel Macron to join the Italian, Netherlands, and Norwegian governments in raising human rights violations in Hong Kong and the National Security Law. twitter.com/nathanlawkc/st…
'A network of Hong Kong pro-democracy activists have disrupted a week-long European charm offensive by the Chinese foreign minister, Wang Yi, by demanding European leaders raise the issue of human rights.' theguardian.com/world/2020/aug…
8/31 anniversary. For many, the Prince Edward attack was the day that trust in the Hong Kong Police Force collapsed. Videos like this are important reminders of the drivers of protest, and why an independent investigation was one of the core demands. twitter.com/hkfp/status/13…
Hong Kong government officials are rewriting the official history to deconstruct Hong Kong's constitutional norms and human rights safeguards. It is unacceptable. twitter.com/alvinllum/stat…
The visa refusal of @HongKongFP editor @aaronMCN is the latest example of freedom of the press coming under pressure post-NSL. The world must stand up so this fundamental right is protected.