Hong Kong Watch(@hk_watch)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

A year on from the Yuen Long tragedy, where triads were allowed to beat up citizens with impunity, here is a message from our Chair and co-founder @benedictrogers. twitter.com/benedictrogers…
BREAKING: On 7/21, a cross-party group of 17 MPs sent an open letter to the Canadian PM @JustinTrudeau urging for sanctions to be applied against Hong Kong & Chinese officials involved in human rights abuse in the city. We are pleased to have helped facilitate this. Read more 👇
BREAKING: @pritipatel today announced the details of proposals for BNOs. We welcome this move, which is generous & includes some provision for 18-23s. However, some questions remain unanswered & we will call for UK to ensure that the policy is streamlined for Hong Kongers. twitter.com/StuartKLau/sta…
We are grateful to immigration and human rights lawyer @Perseus852 for helping us compile this explainer on the new BNO policy. Read more here: hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2020…
.@hk_watch and @ipacglobal have been part of a global campaign to call for an end to extradition treaties with HK. Success so far: 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 We are at 92% of our crowdfunding target. Donate so we can keep supporting HK on the international frontline: justgiving.com/campaign/hongk…
We are humbled by the generosity of over 10,000 supporters who have helped us reach 94% of our crowdfunding target. Thank you so much. 我們的眾籌現已達至94%目標。請繼續支持我們,讓我們可以為香港在國際發聲! Click here to donate, and help us reach 100%! justgiving.com/campaign/hongk…
Hong Kong's national security law is a significant blow to freedom of expression, creating a culture of self-censorship and fear. Publishing is only one of the industries where the chilling effect is being felt. ft.com/content/f1352a…
Our international lifeboat campaign calls on democratic partners to offer an insurance policy to any Hong Konger that needs it. Success so far: 🇬🇧🇹🇼🇦🇺 We are pushing EU, US, Japan, Canada and New Zealand to join them. 🇪🇺🇺🇸🇨🇦🇯🇵🇳🇿 Support us: justgiving.com/campaign/hongk…
This is a serious blow to Hong Kong's academic freedom. twitter.com/hkfp/status/12…
Other countries show that the cancellation of elections on public health grounds is unnecessary. HK's daily recorded cases is lower than comparable numbers in Poland & Singapore recorded when they held elections. Read our in-depth analysis here: hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2020…
The speed with which Beijing are using this law to make arrests is alarming. These charges are vaguely defined and carry disproportionate sentencing. twitter.com/jooeysiiu/stat…
News of mass disqualifications of democrats taking place today in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong government have today disenfranchised the majority of the population by barring the representatives who receive the lion's share of the vote. twitter.com/alvinllum/stat…
Patten: "This is an outrageous political purge of HK's democrats. The National Security law is being used to disenfranchise the majority of HK's citizens.” “It is obviously now illegal to believe in democracy, although this was what Beijing promised..." hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2020…
NEW: 69 @ipacglobal parliamentarians from 17 countries attacked the disqualification of Hong Kong democratic legislators. "The decision to disqualify democratic candidates elections represent an unacceptable obstruction of the democratic process in Hong Kong". twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
Statement by @DominicRaab on DQ: "It is clear they have been disqualified because of their political views, undermining the integrity of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ and the rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Joint Declaration and Hong Kong’s Basic Law." gov.uk/government/new…
"The Chinese Ambassador's comments are Orwellian, standing truth on its head. It is China who have flagrantly violated international law." "The UK should consider Magnitsky sanctions." @benedictrogers speaking on BBC World today. Support our work: justgiving.com/campaign/hongk…
We are delighted to announce that @benedictrogers will be joining our staff team as Chief Executive Officer from 28 September! 1/3
Singapore successfully held an election despite having higher daily and total case numbers. We are concerned that the Hong Kong Government are using public health as a pretext to stall the democratic process. twitter.com/StuartKLau/sta…
Analysis: Why Hong Kong's decision to suspend the Legislative Council elections is unnecessary, & an assault on freedoms. Other countries w/ higher reported daily COVID case numbers & total COVID cases show that elections can be safely held. Read more: hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2020…
Extradition campaign update: France 🇫🇷 won't ratify Hong Kong's Extradition Agreement. This is a very welcome step, although the existing French extradition treaty with mainland China remains a serious cause for concern. twitter.com/AFP/status/129…
It is unacceptable the way that the Public Order Ordinance is once more being abused to facilitate the arrests of pro-democracy activists. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
The postponement of the LegCo elections is totally unnecessary and an assault on freedoms. When Singapore held their elections, their daily case number was 4 times higher than Hong Kong's is currently. The Hong Kong Government should reconsider their decision.
HKW Chair and co-founder @benedictrogers latest piece describes the courageous work a band of advocates, campaigners, and organisations undertook to convince UK parliamentarians this week to call for sanctions against Hong Kong officials guilty of human rights abuses. twitter.com/appledaily_hk/…
This would be a huge and welcome development. Hong Kong Watch has consistently been campaigning for Carrie Lam and other party officials in Hong Kong to be subject to Magnitsky targeted sanctions for their violation of human rights in the city: hongkongwatch.org/magnitsky-sanc… twitter.com/alvinllum/stat…
This is a welcome and important milestone in the campaign for the international community to stand up for Hong Kong. For too long Carrie Lam and CCP officials have been able to act with impunity, suspending freedoms and violating human rights. hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2020…