taeyong, kai & lucas, a power trio
@superm LUCAS WE LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️
johnny was talking about how they were watching the show they (127) appeared on (in Indonesia) and suddenly Lucas appeared on the tv, so they saw his neo coffee ad 🥰twitter.com/younghosus/sta…
no thoughts in my head, lucas only
happy birthday to our prince hendery who’s like a real brother to lucas 🥺 we love you so much!!! thank you for making us smile and laugh every single day 💖💖💖 生日快乐啊 我们爱你 #HAPPYHENDERYDAY #黄冠亨0928生日快乐
“The hyungs are so nice, so we were able to get closer more easily than I thought we would” twitter.com/adorable_lucas…
Our prides on their way to the US 🥺
MC: ‘Lucas’ voice changes when he calls the hyungs’, how does it change? try calling taemin once L: ...taemin hyung. BH: AHHH it’s not this! L: (it’s because) everyone is here! L: ok... *tries again* Taemin hyung!!! BH: yes, it’s so cute Baby Cas 🥺
taemin adopted lucas
#Lucas “line” cuts #Jopping
centre lucas we love to see it
we love a man in sandals
Rip Lucas’ Instagram 191005-191005 💔
so so beautiful 🥺 cr. tsoi
thank you dispatch
191005 ©️ HKExpoHall
Lucas’ favourite part is his own part 🤣 (it really is the best part)
I just think Lucas and Baekhyun’s friendship is the best thing to happen ever
I just noticed Lucas said ‘neomu funny’ that’s so cute 😭😭😭