lumark, long time no see 🥺
lucas hugging jongin 😭
as expected from our sporting king, he beat taeyong at an arm wrestle
@superm lucas, you’ve worked so hard! can’t wait to see your new performances, we’ll always support you no matter what 🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ WE LOVE U
lucas is officially a successful fanboy 😭 so happy to see him get the chance to work with and learn from Kai, who he really admires and looks up to ❤️
this fancam deserves 500k views
interesting merch options from SM
superm tracklist 1. Jopping 2. I can’t stand the rain 3. 2 fast 4. Super car 5. No manners
Lucas’ superm photocard message: Super M lets get it yo! (eng) Thank you <3 (kor) (Seems like he wrote in chinese for the other photocard too)
wong yukhei: taller than a refrigerator and a horse
taemin talking about how handsome lucas is and how he resembles minho 🥺
Taemin said they always compliment Lucas for being handsome and one time Lucas complimented taemin back and said that he’s so handsome and cool, so taemin replied “oh really? do you want to swap faces with me then?” And lucas was like “oh.. no....” 😭😭
Taemin asked him again at the end of the clip if he would swap faces and Lucas was like ..y-yes...
Baekhyun’s first impressions of Lucas: “I didn’t know he was this cute. Honestly I hadn’t seen Lucas that much, I’ve seen Ten, Mark and Taeyong lots before but since I havent met Lucas that much.. but when I saw him I thought he was so handsome and his..
..voice was like this *imitates deep voice*.. however, he’s so cute and these days he has a lot greed for high notes. I think he might take my parts from me. Mark also said they should have a high note battle hahahah
Lucas said his reaction to joining superm was “wahh... really daebak” and then Baekhyun told him to stop lying 😂😂