
そして購入したユーリー・ノルシュテイン作品集のBlu-rayも届いた〜!! Юрий Норштейн🦉
は!6/28発売の「ユートラ♨️」にDEAN FUJIOKAさんの「History Maker」が入りますよーーー!!
Nice jacket...Hiramatu_san works→
Don't send me a picture of spoiler. I know it well enough.
Dir.SAYO YAMAMOTO will go to France🇫🇷 in July✈️ ジャパンエキスポ2017:欧州最大の日本カルチャーの祭典が7月6日に開幕 アニメの大規模展示も mantan-web.jp/2017/05/24/201… @mantanwebより
This box is a free gift for buyers who bought the complete set of DVD or Blu-ray at "Animate" in Japan.(But the box is Limited in quantity.)
There are foreign fans who are misunderstanding that I drew all the jackets of DVD/Blu-ray, but I only drew this artwork for the box.
@kubo_3260_yuri 円盤ジャケットの絵を私が全部描いてると勘違いされてる海外の方がいたのですが、私がカバージャケットの絵を描いてるのはこのBOXのイラストだけですよ!(という英文はまた改めて…)
メキシコに持って行ったでかすぎるマッカチンティッシュケースは帰国時テキーラ瓶を守ってくれました。ありがとうマッカチン。 Makkachin saved the tequila bottle on my return from Mexico.
On behalf of them, I would like to thank you again.
I greatly appreciate that you took the time to love "YURI!!! on ICE". This animation was created by so many people.
It will take some time for me to understand all messages because my English and Spanish is poor😵
Thanks everyone for all the letters and gifts in Mexico!!!
ありがとうございます!佐賀の隣にある長崎の実家に帰省した時、唐津に列車で寄る(2時間ぐらい)と話すと「唐津!?遠かやろ?車で送って行こうか?」心配されるほどなのに2万人も…→ユーリ!!!誘客イベント2万2000人に|佐賀新聞LiVE saga-s.co.jp/news/saga/1010…
Muchas gracias!!! I'll never forget your singing"history maker".
Staff"What do you want her to draw?"(in Spanish) "Uno! Yuuri-kun!" "Dos! Victor !!" "Cinco! Otabek..." Me"OK"
The characters are arranged in descending order of request at autograph session. twitter.com/kubo_3260_yuri…
It's...........JJ style!!! #concomics
I drew so many characters at our autograph session. #ConComics