Standing by for another attack on the Kerch bridge. Ukraine has sent the message - they can strike it at will, get out Russian civilians, Crimea is Ukraine and it will be liberated.
We're getting lots of reports of Russians leaving boobytraps & other dangers in areas they invaded/occupied. Civilians must be careful. Inspect & look at anything they move. Really. Just an extra look underneath things can save lives. Follow 3 R's for UXOs johnspenceronline.com/urban-warfare
If this was HIMARS, it only proves the Ukrainians need more. A strike 60km behind the front line to hit Russian command posts, including where a 3-star Russian general. We were wrong to delay MLRS this long, we must correct that mistake @POTUS @NATO twitter.com/LanguageIearne…
No @POTUS didn’t say the U.S. won’t give MLRS. He said we will not give rockets that can hit into Russia. Which is political speak. There are many types of rockets that go with MLRS/HIMARS from 32km to 300 km. Give Ukraine all the weapons they need to destroy Russians in Ukraine!
Bucha should have changed everything. Today U.S. committed $100 million to security assistance for Ukraine (making $2.4 billion so far). For context. Around the time I deployed to Iraq in 2008 (2nd time) the U.S. was spending more than $9 billion a MONTH! cbo.gov/sites/default/…
"If Ukraine truly has the ability to send drones over 600 kilometers..." Spencer..."it will mean Russia will have to use a lot of resources...manpower, air defense capabilities, to defend a lot of sites they falsely believed were untouchable." @Newsweek newsweek.com/russia-map-ukr…
Love it. Suck it Iran. twitter.com/ChuckPfarrer/s…
I stand by the best response to the explosion in Poland caused by Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine (executed by daily Russian war crimes) is an immediate massive increase in lethal military aid so Ukraine can end Putin’s war of choice faster, especially ATACMS #ArmUkraineNow
I think a few European leaders (looking at your France/Germany) and billionaires need to watch this... over and over. twitter.com/apmassaro3/sta…
IMO Russia will be extremely challenged to achieve its goals in Eastern Ukraine & delusional on ideas about Southern Ukraine. The weapons flowing to Ukraine are huge & oh by the way Russia will be reminded of the intangibles that matter - troop morale, will to fight, & leadership
This just has to make the cover of major magazines like Time. #Azovstal will be a global story for generations. A story of brave men and women resisting evil. Historic. Legend. twitter.com/Kozatsky_D/sta…
"Look what they have done...This is the time. This is the moment. To fully support Ukraine in defeating Russia in Ukraine. Sovereign Ukraine. So they can win this fight for the free world." A few thoughts on the importance of what is happening in Ukraine. #ArmUkraineNow
Love the graphics. U.S. artillery in Ukraine a game changer. Coupled with counter artillery radars, now not only out ranging #Russian artillery but also destroying them! twitter.com/Biz_Ukraine_Ma…
The UN should do a general assembly vote that Russia’s decision to reestablish a blockade on all Ukrainian ports is illegal & that an international peacekeeping force will be put in the Black Sea to establish corridors. Without Ukraine’s food millions around the world will die!!
If this doesn't inspire you, we are not friends. Ukraine's fight is for freedom. It is a human right and must be fully supported by all means. 40+ million people have shown the world they will not live in subjugation, they will fight to the death to be free. twitter.com/DefenceU/statu…
The Belarus regime (especially Lukashenko) must be held accountable for their support to Russia's genocide from day 1.
Yes! .@CNN reporting The U.S. will send the Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine. Official announcement as soon as this week. Ukrainians will be trained to use them at a US Army base in Germany. cnn.com/2022/12/13/pol…
It’s up to us to ensure the U.S. population does not lose interest in helping Ukraine fully defeat Russia. Up to us to continually explain that not doing so will impact every U.S. life now & later. Russia cannot be allowed to upset global order. @AnaCabrera @AliVelshi @IsaCNN
Leadership! twitter.com/alina_bondarnk…
Horrible. Kidnapping over 1 million people. They must all be returned before any talk of peace IMO. twitter.com/AlexKhrebet/st…