John Spencer(@SpencerGuard)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Version 3.3 of the "Min-Manual for the Urban Defender" is out. Improvements on earlier content that was rushed. Medical section coming very soon. Ukrainian version on the site as well. #urbanwarfare #IStandWithUkriane
Yes please @LEGO_Group I will buy one for each of my three kids, and one for me of course. Immediately!
I dislike reporting that the illegal Russian war has transitioned to a protracted phase, even worse analogies to Russia facing an insurgency. Russia controls no city, very few "safe" areas. Ukrainians are killing Russian soldiers daily. Get more weapons, ammo in. Ukraine can win.
"the moral is to the physical as three is to one” Napoleon. The soldier's will to fight is everything in war. Russians are demoralized. Ukrainians motivated. Urban terrain is the great equalizer. Now Russians are being hunted. Putin will exhaust Russia militarily & politically.
Wow, check that out. The mini-manual for the urban defender (latest version here: but in an actual mini manual printed format. I love it! #urbanwarfare #IStandWithUkraine…
I am considering adding a basic first aid section to the "Mini-manual for the Urban Defender." Not my area of expertise per se, but all soldiers are taught/trained on basic first aid to save our fellow soldiers' lives, buy time to get the soldier to a trained medic or doctor.
The good guys treat prisoners of war humanely. They protect them. They follow the 5 S's #urbanwarfare
Ukraine launches website to guide militia on how to fight Russia…
Version 3.2 of my "Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender" is out today. Mostly copy edit updates. All new images coming. #urbanwarfare Translations in Ukranian and Japanese on the site as well.
私の「アーバンディフェンダーのためのミニマニュアル」が日本語で利用できるようになりました(ウェブページの一番下までスクロールしてください)。すべての新しい画像はまもなく登場します。 #urbanwarfare
My name is John Spencer. I'm the Chair of Urban Warfare Studies. I have studied & written about urban warfare for near 10 yrs. If I was defending a city, this is what I'd say/do. The manual is rough draft. It will be updated often. PDF download available
Мене звати Джон Спенсер. Я кафедра досліджень міської війни. Я воював у пеклі, яке є міською війною. Я вивчав і писав про це майже десятиліття. Я радив багатьом військовим. Це мої розпорядження для захисників міста.
My name is John Spencer. I am the Chair of Urban Warfare Studies. I have fought in the hell that is urban warfare. I have studied and written about it for almost a decade. I have advised many militaries. These are my standing orders for the urban defenders.
.@ZelenskyyUa & #Ukriane is teaching the world what military leaders have known for centuries. Soldiers don't fight for dictators or when forced, coerced, or paid to. They fight for a cause, for their families, and for each other. Ukraine has the will & power. They will prevail.
I personally don't think Russia has the ability or time to siege #Kyiv with the intent to starve or bomb it into submission. Supplies would still get in (like the 1992-96 Siege of Sarajevo) They are running out of time, losing political support in Russia & soldiers dying everyday
Civilians in #Ukraine are running out of water because of Russia’s illegal war & sieges of cities. There are ways to make water safe to drink. Collect/melt snow/rain. Boil water found. Add 2 eye drops of bleach to a liter. Or 5 - 10 drops of iodine. Thanks @reallesstroud
A picture of Ukrainians studying resistance tactics, including my material!! I am both humbled and extremely proud. #urbanwarfare @ZelenskyyUa @KyivIndependent @KyivPost @CNN @AnaCabrera
Hey @FareedZakaria I just heard you @CNN say Ukraine still in a David and Goliath situation. Bring me on your show & I can argue why I think at this point it is reversed. Urban terrain great equalizer. Defense strongest. Even Russian Grozny approach won't work now. #urbanwarfare
If anyone asked me, I would add every M40 Gas mask (older version of what we used in the US Army) in existence to the #Ukraine️ list of urgent needs (just as a precaution @ZelenskyyUa ) they protect against many chemical & biological agents. Can be purchased by anyone.
The battle of #Kyiv is coming. Ukrainians must never stop preparing the defense: blocking all roads/alleys/doors/windows, setting up caches/fighting positions, putting holes in walls 2 move between bldgs & shoot thru, digging, & being ready to both get underground/ready to fight!
This makes me very sad. Like I am not doing enough. I have girls this age. We (the world) must do more to help Ukraine. I understand all the political and escalation lines. I don’t care. We can and must do more.
I speak for no organization. As a person, a human, I strongly believe we (the west) can & should do more to help #Ukriane fight Russia. They are fighting for us. Dying for us. Children, pregnant women. I understand the escalation concerns/constraints, but we can/must do more, NOW
Just to be clear, there is no military purpose to fire a thermobaric rocket (aka vacuum/flame bomb which sucks the oxygen out of the air, room, lungs & replaces with fire) into any dense urban area. If done it should be rapidly investigated as a war crime.…
Prepared urban defenders have the advantage. In 2016, it took over 100,000 security forces 9 months to take Mosul against 5 to 10,000 ISIS. It took hundreds of thousands of Soviets to take Stalingrad. Russia doesn't have the numbers. Kyiv can hold. Ukraine can win. #urbanwarfare
To the Ukrainian people fighting. You MUST to block all the streets. Slow vehicles down so you can shoot at them or throw Molotovs at them. You must be inside buildings. Anyone with a weapon on the streets can be seen by Russians and hit by rockets or artillery. @KyivIndependent