Great! twitter.com/Reuters/status…
“We are on a frontier of freedom & your fight is a fight for everyone. Our commitment is to be there for you until the fight is done” @SpeakerPelosi Also there @RepAdamSchiff @RepGregoryMeeks @RepMcGovern @USRepKeating & my own state's CO @RepJasonCrow ! apnews.com/article/russia…
So basically Ukraine has soldiers willing, motivated, committed to defeating Russia in Ukraine but they still need a LOT more equipment than they have been given @KofmanMichael #ArmUkraineNow twitter.com/Volodymyr_D_/s…
Yes! 100% agree. This would further open actions that could be taken against Russia. They are terrorists, war criminals, committing genocide. twitter.com/SamRamani2/sta…
In Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine it has not followed any laws of war/IHL. Russia’s uniformed military has murdered thousands of civilians -bombing theaters full of civilians, mass executions, to literally raping babies to death. Post-WWII “Never Again” has to be enforced.
Yes. I agree we should be talking about it. Disgusting. Veteran health care should not be a political pawn for any group. There should be accountability. twitter.com/MeidasTouch/st…
Amen #Azovstal commanders / defenders still alive, fighting. Legends. I don't want to know the details. The fact that they are alive, still there, is enough! #SlavaUkraini twitter.com/Gerashchenko_e…
"They [Ukraine] are defeating Russia...the price Ukrainian people are paying for this war is extremely high, but we're going to stay with them as long as they need our help... (how far will the U.S. go in support)...as long as it takes." Hell yes @POTUS cbsnews.com/news/president…
So Putin announces a "partial mobilization" calling up Russians (up to 300k) who have previously served in the military (they don't have a reserve force), give them 2 week of training, & send them to die in Ukraine. This will have little impact. It is a major sign of desperation.
I try to be understanding, but I really do NOT understand anyone, especially an elected representative, veteran, news source saying - "Ukraine is not our fight. Not our war. We should not be spending U.S. money to support Ukraine to fight Russia. We have our own problems."🧵
Every squad in the U.S. military should be equipped with a cheap, disposable drone (30 minute flight time min) for reconnaissance, targeting (FO), and attack. If they don’t, we are risking tactical losses.
An excellent article @TheStudyofWar I 100% agree. The U.S. "must help Ukraine liberate its territories and people through a large-scale counteroffensive or risk facing the same challenge with the same escalation risks under worse conditions in the future." understandingwar.org/backgrounder/t…
Wow! I love this for so many reasons! 💪🏻💪🏻#SlavaUkraini twitter.com/NikaMelkozerov…
The most accurate Ukraine map prediction I've seen yet. #SlavaUkraini @andersostlund
Russia has lost all of their “best” units, generals, and men. What has been cobbled together and what is being cobbled together will in all forms be unprofessional and weak. twitter.com/komitet2012/st…
Russia regularly threatens the world with its nuclear weapons further showing they will use violence and threats of violence to do whatever harm it wants in the world. Putin is a terrorist with a nuclear weapon.
"This is our 1939 moment...the Russian military isn't a military, it is a hoard of genocidal murderers...they are terrorists, Putin is literally a terrorist with a nuclear weapon. This is a global issue, not just about Ukraine.” My full talk w/ @AliVelshi youtube.com/watch?v=1Uv4Xl…
I have a lot of friends that are news hosts. I watch all channels. But @TuckerCarlson is a special kind of stupid. He should just move to Russia. I am sure he would be welcomed with open arms. twitter.com/Acyn/status/15…
Keep it flowing U.S.! Make it HIMARS'oclock everyday.
Another $725 Million in Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine (October 14) defense.gov/News/Releases/…
Worst job in the world. Head of Russian logistics in Ukraine. They are in chaos. They can’t move, supply, arm, feed, cloth, maintain their current forces and now rushing thousands of (many with no motivation to fight) civilians (basically privates) to the front. A doomed mission. twitter.com/TadeuszGiczan/…
Russia doesn't celebrate victory today. They march to defeat! They are losing in Ukraine on every measure (Diplomatically, Militarily, Informationally, Economically). The Russian military in Ukraine gets weaker every day, while the Ukrainian military gets stronger #SlavaUkraini
Why does it matter that a Ukrainian band won a singing competition? IMO it signals Europe and the free world stands with #Ukraine. The winner holds next year’s competition. #Kyiv #esc2022 #Eurovision Ukraine will win this war, soon, and be stronger than ever before.
Yes. Ukraine a member of EU now! twitter.com/DmytroKuleba/s…
I couldn’t watch the whole thing after “Ukraine has thousands of Nazis, I have interviewed them myself…Russia had no choice but to act.” Moscow Steve has made his bed and now he will sleep in it, worse than Hanoi Jane by far!! twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews…