
the sketch the final
『目をつけていたの!』 #FEエンゲージ #FireEmblem
the Rats in the Walls
新年快乐~🧨🧨 happy lunar new year! here is a thread for color keys I did for a short animation project called ‘风物有时节’ in ‘BiliBili 拜年纪’ for lunar new year and these are illustrations‘ locations: Henan/Fujian/Jiangxi/Hubei
彼を愛する神々は彼の目に霧を吹き飛ばし、真実は彼に贈られました he gods that favored him lifted the veil on his eyes. Thus the truth was gifted to him
wondering if you guys are interested in getting a book about my Persona 5 Kawakami fanart
鳥は空へ 屍体は土へ #SoundHorizon
#NobodyArtistClub Hi! my name is Arthur(古白)I'm working as BG designer/ visdev artist in animation and doing some narrative on my own
歓びの朝も 哀しみの夜も 全ては君の物 ​​​​ #soundhorizon
#LVMSpoilers #LVMCrew #TheLegendofVoxMachina A parting gift I've done warping on S2, somehow I just like 104 a lot and decided to do a fake anime end card... the exaggeration, the shape language...you never truly able to appreciate CH design unless you start to draw it..
白夜極光リリース半周年おめでとう!ベツレヘムの登場が楽しみです! #白夜極光 #白夜極光ハーフアニバーサリー P.S. RTした方から公式より1名様に素敵なプレゼントが用意されております。ぜひ参加ください!
川上貞代 | サボっちゃ pixiv.net/member_illust.…
少女が倒錯的にイヴを愛し続ける限り彼女の念能力はめいろを守り続けるだろう #めいろの金魚図鑑 #にじさんじ念能力
#soundhorzion Elysion ~楽園幻想物語組曲~ Ark| Baroque | Yield | Stardust