
jihoon said he does not exactly understand the concept of ‘seeing smtg & gaining inspiration’ as a song producer 💭 🍚 for me I received the most energy from my members & Carat. That’s everything. So between us.. there are so many of us honestly— (cont.)
🍚 As time goes by there are a lot of fun things happening. Between us there have never been any days where a day is not filled with laughter .. and so wouldnt this good energy connects to the good results generated? thats what I feel 👤👤👤 👏🏻
when boo said just now "we are not kids anymore" after contract renewal , "I'm not 17 anymore" makes so much sense
7 years is not short when u sit & process it yet these members pushed through for the sake of a whole despite the inevitable values differences 13 people in a group must have. That is what you call commitment
“the (ring) that got lotion stuck in it” SOONYOUNG PLEASE
you just can tell (if not clear enough) that this contract renewal is a truly big turning point for them. can't even imagine the things that happened that they were not able to share publicly to get to the full 13 members contract renewal we have now
if u give jihoon food and expected a lose lip interview, you got it all the way wrong 😂 he’ll focus on the food like his life depends on it
the words “of all the talented idols out there, and you choose us” still lingers in my mind. Just wanna grab each of their hands look them in the eyes and say “if I could return back in time and redo my life, I’d still choose you over and over again”
leaders moment during today’s prerec ✨ 🐯 carats (we are / I’m) gonna go hard now ㅋ 🐯 from now on it’s the real deal ㅋ 🍒 woozi-ya pls stop him would you 🍚 he cannot be stopped - do whatever u want 🐯 HERE WE GO the dynamics I love 😂 twitter.com/Poktan_bomB/st…
this is it THIS era is woozi’s selfie era
HAHA after prerec hoshi said “bye guys~” and woozi immediately go “there are people (in the audience) that is way older than you imma” 🤣 twitter.com/chewrross/stat…
cat line is seriously so CUTE
👼🏻 We went to Japan for our fanmeeting & I took a picture at the heart of Shibuya, fans lined up there and took the same exact picture pose ✨ the place that turned into the hot place: Jeonghan Photo Zone ✨ ft bb @hime1004_ HAHAHAHAHA GO GIRL
jihoon said he received lots of compliment from the staff during this concept shoot so he loves it LIKE OF COURSE
🐯 (answering Dino’s qs) do you know what’s Dino’s fav clothing brand is everyone? 🍒 don’t say the brand- 🐯 it’s Gucci 🍒 I SAID DONT SAY THE BRAND— 🐯 AHA OOPS ok cut this, do you know what’s Dino’s fav clothing brand everyone- 👥 IT CANT BE CUT HHAHAHA
op asked a friend (who is the winner of the fs) to send their regards to soonyoung but then hosh said 🐯 are you watching this video? horanghae~ 100% awareness he is being recorded 🤣
🐸 did u turn off ur screen? 🐱 oh? is my screen black 🐸 yeah 🐱 ah its ok I can see u anyway 🐸 .. but I can’t see u 🐱 I can see u 🐸 ???? i can’t see YOU 🐱 ayy its okay 🐸 no??? its not about whether u can see me or not IT’S NOT OKAY
even from their first time meeting IU can already say “you must be the members that gives a lot of strength to woozi (for loving all of their songs)” to hosh 🥹..
what a heart warming compliment to be given to jihoon 🥺💖 jihoon must have felt beyond honored as well to be receiving such an earnest compliment
IU’s Pallette special: ‘HOT’ Jazz Ver 🎸
🐯 *tried to swat the bee away* 🐯 it knows where the flower is soonyoung oh you oh youuuu 🫠🚑
boo recommends WOOZI x IU collaboration unit name as WOOU (우유 = milk) BIG YES 😭🫶🏻🥛
SEVENTEEN’s Blueming 🥹🫶🏻 (1)
hoshi tags IU on his story and wrote "sunbaenim, its a great honor☺️" 🥹
jihoon’s story update 🍚 Darling, you should be honored.. 🍚 @/dlwlrma (IU) you are awesome. Thank you 🥹🫶🏻🥹🫶🏻🥹🫶🏻🥹🫶🏻🥹🫶🏻🥹🫶🏻🥹🫶🏻