
fear of not being able to reach people out with his ‘messages’ , fear of these messages being returned back to him, undelivered.
💎 jihoona…umm..vlive…do you not have thoughts about going live? 🍚 since I have a lot of time i’ll see you in a bit then JIHOON LIVE???????
🍚 is everyone sleepy? (informal speech) see~ i told you? why did u suggest doing 128 rounds theres still a lot left I’m ok even if I don’t sleep. I’m ok. I dont have anything to do tomorrow since im in quarantine, I have no work. If I’m sleepy later I can sleep—
🍚 there is bug on the ceiling? where? i dont see it tho? well, there might be bugs if I see it i’ll catch it if I don’t then we sleep together
🍚 like I have been saying if you’re sleepy u can sleep~ we are doing this because of you all. all of you. we are doing 128 rounds because of everyone 🤨🖊
jihoon said for him he's so happy if he can just do this and eventually 'skip' a day of his quarantine. initially he wants to do a much shorter roundoff but the chatting room went crazy wanting to do 128 rounds so ofc he gotta do it (basically: its all our responsibility lol)
🍚 it so happens that I can’t do vlive often and such only at times like this I can do a long one? even better 😊 I like it
🍚 the right side becomes brighter right? cause the window is open and the day is getting brighter 😄 ITS ALMOST 5 AM THERE
🍚 im saying this again.. the day is getting brighter right now its 45 mins— ah no 4:50 am. it has almost been 5 hours. the person who made me do this until the day brightens is not me, but everyone. pls do not regret it
🍚 ——the people who are regretting this were probably asleep already. among the people who fell asleep fastest (last night), the ones who wakes up earliest could come back and join again *laughs*
🍚 am I not tired? im not especially tired. I could stay up as much as I want to. reason why I’m not tired is bcz I have no schedules for tomorrow so I can sleep all day if you think about if ofc I’m not tired, im actually worried about everyone I wanted to do 32 rounds but—
jihoon said next time he’s gonna do anime OST worldcup
🍚 (talking about ppl who are still awake) for me I’m okay! I can go sleep now and then just wake up the next morning I can sleep for 20 hours, as I’m someone who loves sleeping
12:39 AM 6:32 AM
🍚 i hope i can give you strength from this live... .... actually since im making u run together with me till dawn i think im making u tired more than me giving strength *laughs* but still, I hope I can cheer you up / give u strength
someone commented saying they werent able to sleep and now is preparing to go out to work .. jihoon said thank u, pouts, then said sorry, then laughs 🤣 twitter.com/applejuiceemoj…
we call it: the holy trinity
🍚 i was able to do a fun vlive right? normally… due to the short time or (us) being busy, (we) did a lot of lives on serious topics in a somewhat somber mood. Ofc those are also good but sometimes… something light like this… people doing a fun vlive is nice is it not?—(cont.)
🍚—(a fun vlive) definitely feels much more friendly! …honestly I dont particularly want to be remembered as someone that is serious to everyone… (because) with Carats… a singer that has a wall/barrier… ….It’s a no if Seventeen is like that …anyhow thats how i feel 🥺
woozi’s tooniverse tournament vlive total duration is equivalent to watching the entire Thor trilogy back-to-back woozi’s live = 5 hours 48 minutes Thor + Thor: The Dark World + Thor: Ragnarok = 5 hours 57 minutes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 standing ovation twitter.com/bloomof_youth1…
woozi’s vlive in played in faster speed = watching the room gets brighter ㅋㅋㅋ
presenting: boyfriend jihoon tease-scolding u for making him do 128 anime roundoffs all night long
🍚 recently I did the protagonist’s (Hikaru No Go) hair. as soon as I colored it I went “oh...? this is totally hikaru no go though” *chuckles 😆* I did the exact hair of Hikaru No Go’s protagonist
🐯 did I watch Woozi’s vlive? I fell asleep watching his live! fell asleep around the part where he talks about Death Note vs Naruto. he’s a good speaker, woozi (fyi death note vs naruto talk happened around 3am their time)
the reason behind jihoon’s applewatch wallpaper: Kotaro from Kotaro Lives Alone Initially ppl around him told him that his personality is very similar to Kotaro. when he himself watched it, he was very comforted by it & decided to set it as his wallpaper