
#CHENLE weibo post ♥️ @.KHCHENLE : my last day of work, thank you pd jiejie, caoli jiejie and all guests for treating me so well. for almost a year, really every time i’m here is happy and relaxing, i hope that we can still do akdong seoul together next time 😏😏 #辰乐 #천러
guozhen reposted #CHENLE’s weibo post ♥️ GZ: teacher ma is shouting at you to attend his class 🤓 #辰乐 #천러 twitter.com/squishyychenle…
#CHENLE commenting under his own weibo post ♥️ @.KHCHENLE : i really do like this big akdong seoul family, everyone is really so good and so kind, being able to work together makes me really happy, i hope in the future we can have an original team comeback 😏😏🥱🥱 #辰乐 #천러
btw chenle is still online on weibo rn , he’s been online for almost 30 mins now !
#HeyLeDPlayThatSong from akdong seoul ♥️ “we will support you forever” #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러
daegal playing with guozhen’s dog !! 😭♥️ #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
guozhen posted on instagram ! ♥️ #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
lailai posted on instagram ♥️ “last viewable with le-d, congratulations le-d on your graduation. i wish #CHENLE a bright future, walk the diamond road only” + #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러
#littlesunstreehole chenra was a place of comfort for a lot of us and also a big platform for little suns to interact with chenle , my favourite part was hearing chenle and little suns tease each other so it feels kinda sad to have it taken away so early 🥲
chenle’s dj aura is so … unexplainable … like he got two other guests to join him and his existing guest , making the decision live on radio even though they weren’t originally supposed to be there 😭 “everyone should just come in and we can chat” 😭
#MONSTAX talking about chewing gum ! ♥️ #NCTDREAM
210911 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ caoli jiejie said she remembers the time chenle did his first live broadcast as a special dj, she walked out of the studio and told pd jiejie “he’s not nervous at all!” chenle said it’s because the guests always give him a relaxed feeling!
210911 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ chenle said “seoul is my second home now, so my first home is shanghai, then my third home is changsha” because he lived in changsha for 4 months. caoli asked how it is there, and chenle said “the crayfish is too delicious”
210911 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ chenle says since he doesn’t have radio anymore, he’ll feel like something is missing. he always comes in and is able to speak whats on his mind, and someone is always there to listen (as chenle says “because it’s their job to listen to me”) 😭
210911 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ caoli jiejie said “doing akdong seoul with lele, he has grown a lot, but i’ve learned a lot from him too”. because although chenle is born in 2001, sometimes he says things that makes her think he doesn’t seem so young!
210911 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ chenle says whenever he listens to candle light and dear dream, he thinks of how the dreamies have grown as a group, and their past memories
210912 videocall fansign #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 chenle today ! © StarPinna- m.weibo.cn/3293857701/468…
210912 videocall fansign #RENJUN #仁俊 #런쥔 renjun today 😭 © rurururubb m.weibo.cn/6589640411/468…
210912 videocall fansign #RENJUN #仁俊 #런쥔 ♥️ © 飒亚 m.weibo.cn/1781671434/468…
210912 videocall fansign #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 op added more pics ! © StarPinna- m.weibo.cn/3293857701/468…
210912 videocall fansign #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 🗣: which side of kitty’s face is softer? 😸: they’re about the same © CHURCHUR_ m.weibo.cn/2811938331/468…
210912 videocall fansign #RENJUN #仁俊 #런쥔 ♥️ © 凯西Cathy出哇哟 m.weibo.cn/6304268526/468…
210912 videocall fansign #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 🗣: today is the last radio show 😭 😸: on the friday show, we received many fan messages but there were too many and we couldn’t choose all of them (regretful face) © 咯咯莫呀 m.weibo.cn/7437012463/468…
210912 videocall fansign #RENJUN #仁俊 #런쥔 🗣: what activities will renjun have next? 🦊: idk either, i need to ask our manager 🗣: then could you do a live when you’re free? 🦊: actually i want to do a live later! 🗣: ah really? pinky promise! © rurururubb