
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ … bye 😢 #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ 😸: today is a viewable live, and also my last viewable live at akdong seoul. i hope… this isn’t the last time. i’m sure there will be another chance in the future. #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ a mom fan sent a message! here’s chenle’s response~ 😸: wow, how beautiful. i wish you and your husband will be together for a long time happily, and i wish your… son? i wish that your child can be youthful and bright, + #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ lailai and chenle were talking about how they first met, and it was at the company. lailai said his first translating job was with chenle, and chenle was like “… nct 2020?” and lailai said “i’m leaving” 😭 it was ridin! #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ chenle says he feels so lucky doing akdong seoul, because everyone is so kind. everyone tolerates him well, and whenever he comes to the studio, it doesn’t feel like work. + #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ with my little tree hole, chenle says though he gave many suggestions, he learned a lot from it too. he wouldn’t usually think of such things, but when he reads listener letters, he’ll think of solutions, so he learns as well! #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ lailai said the deepest impression he has was his first viewable radio! lailai said his hands were shaking as he entered, guozhen and zhuama were there too’ chenle asked if GZ and ZM could come into the studio right now, they’ll discuss in a bit.
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ chenle says doing radio was always joyful, there was never an unhappy time. during promotions, he gets really tired and he’s like d3ad on the way to the studio, but once he chats with the guests, he’s back to his original self! #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ chenle says a lot of listeners started learning chinese because of akdong seoul, so he feels gratified. he tells listeners to not give up when he’s no longer the dj because learning a new language is good! #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ chenle says lailai’s korean is better than zhuama! lailai said during his first viewable radio, chenle said he did better than zhuama. then chenle said “i think you play pubg better than her too” because they played yesterday 😭 #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ chenle asked zhuama what was her most memorable moment (of chenra) and she said “if you cried it would be that” but chenle said that would be hard 😭 #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ mid conversation, since zhuama and guozhen already joined them in the studio, chenle goes “actually caoli jiejie should come in… pd jiejie too” #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ chenle said the prerecording for the episode with pd jiejie dragged for super long because pd jiejie was so shy, caoli jiejie had to coax her to do it! 😭 #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ chenle said everyone at akdong seoul is really positive and happy, so there was never an unhappy moment there. #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ chenle said many people sent in messages today, they even wanted to read real-time messages but it was going too fast. he said although they couldn’t read every message, they can feel all the support. #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ he says he can meet everyone at akdong seoul, he can play pubg with zhuama, attend guozhen’s class, see lailai during fansigns, and even go to chuyuan’s house to see his son and pet his cat! 😭 #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ THE NEXT AKDONG SEOUL DJ IS #KUN ! #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ chenle said his biggest help at akdong seoul were pd jiejie and caoli jiejie, even though they probably don’t feel it. because during prerecordings and live shows, there’s no physical audience so he doesn’t know + #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ + the reactions of the listeners. whenever he does crazy things, the two of them are laughing outside. seeing them laugh is his biggest motivation because it makes him want to continue making them laugh and keep going. #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ chenle’s recommendation today: dear dream by nct dream #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ chenle says though today was his last live show, tomorrow and sunday are already prerecorded! guozhen said “not holding back at all” and chenle said “the listeners already know. the moment i make a mistake, they go ‘it’s live’” #HeyLeDPlayThatSong
#HeyLeDPlayThatSong although after this, we will no longer have this platform to interact with chenle, i hope he can still feel our support everyday, every hour and every minute! ♥️ #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러
210910 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 ♥️ from chenlebar: good evening le-d! this is chenlebar. distance is incapable of blocking sincerity. the pulsing radio wave transmits the sound of an extremely warm heart. thank you for the 300+ nights with your company, + #HeyLeDPlayThatSong