Nathan Law 羅冠聰(@nathanlawkc)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

“Under such high pressure from China, the diaspora from Hong Kong have more responsibility than ever to speak out and ensure we continue to draw international concern” Hong Kong activists say democracy fight to continue abroad…
A great reminder of what the CCP are doing to erode our core values and democratic system. Listen to this podcast to lean more about CCP's tactics. Into The Grey Zone: Hong Kong activist Nathan Law hopes his efforts will 'pave the way' for a return home…
“We need an alliance that includes major democracies in the world – and to combat the authoritarian expansion of China. ” #StandWithHongKong Nathan Law: “Erosion of Hong Kong’s freedom has reached a new height”…
A reminder: I will be testifying at the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing titled “The State of Democracy Around the World” at Wed 10am ET speaking on the crisis in HK and the ways to fight against the Global Democracy Decline. Stay tuned.…
Hong Kong Democracy continues to be a strong bipartisan issue, which keeps uniting the force for freedom and democracy. I hope this invitation builds a tradition that there is always a Hong Kong activist invited to attend #SOTU every year!…
A verdict does not bring justice, but at least it is not denied once again. There's a long road ahead to eliminate injustice — it may take forever. Yet, as long as we resist, we defend our dignity as human beings. The voice of the suppressed must be heard.
If you don't know what arrogance means, you can refer to the attitude of Regina Ip in this episode. Pathetic.…
The "fake election" of Hong Kong made it to the headlines. Less than a quarter of the seats in legislature are voted among ALL pro-Beijing candidates. The boycott from Hong Kong people shows there's no mandate to this legislature. Beijing is unhappy.…
1. This article aims at encouraging a global approach to tackle the democracy crisis. The decline of democracy has been ongoing for almost two decades, and many people suffer. It's time for us to rethink our approach to defend our democratic values.…
China needs to be held accountable for its violation of the Sino-British joint declaration. Hong Kong people should enjoy democracy and freedom NOW. #HongKong…
We need to work together and do more together to fight against the censorship of the internet and avoid it becoming another tool for suppressing our values.… via @BusinessInsider
It was famously said that Hong Kong was the only part of China where no citizen need fear the midnight knock on the door by the secret police. Things have changed I covered Hong Kong for decades. Now I am forced to flee China’s ‘white terror’ | Steve Vines…
In #China, CCP censors all online platforms and sometimes shuts down the internet in protest sites. Protestors need safe and free internet access to circulate information, and the world needs to know the truth. Should @elonmusk launch Starlink to support Chinese citizens now?
The world is watching.…
🏴While I am in the UK, I continue to fight for democracy. #StandwithHongKong Nathan Law: Why I fled Hong Kong | Comment via @YouTube
Media should stop directly quoting the Chinese govt's self-claim of "another version of democracy." China under CCP control is a one-party dictatorship. No accountability, no rule of law, no opposition voice, and no election to its leadership. It is NOT a democracy.
Some facts you have to know about latest Hong Kong protest development. #antiELABhk
I’ve repeatedly stated it: Hong Kong protestors fight against the dictatorial PRC regime, not the Chinese people. We stand in solidarity with brave dissidents in China and overseas. We have the same demands – to elect govts leaders, and determine our futures. #致四通橋彭載舟勇士
1. Rumor says that the HK govt’s Chief Secretary (No.2) John Lee is the ideal person in Beijing’s eye and picked as the next Chief Executive. It will be a nightmare for Hong Kong people, and signal Xi's intention to continue exerting pressure on this authoritarian police state.
Congress needs to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act to show that America stands unequivocally w/ the brave Hongkongers like Joshua Wong who are fighting for democracy and greater autonomy.…
7. But one shall never walk alone on the right path. The July 1 crowds show once again that the fire of Hong Kongers' determination will not be easily extinguished. We must sustain our resistance on all fronts.
3. I would like to use this precious moment to draw the world’s attention to the 12 Hongkongers that are still detained in China’s prison. For nearly one month, they are still barred from any access to family-instructed lawyers. I hope they can return back soon and safe.
The first time @joshuawongcf brought up the issue of Hong Kong Human rights Act was 5 years ago. For now, the passage of the bill seems reachable. I am glad that the @demosisto trio is here to continue the struggle. @jeffreychngo, the most knowledgeable one, is our treasure.
12. These are all crimes against humanity. None are normal. More protocols have been broken than I could count. The international community must pay attention to this kind of police brutality in Hong Kong. THREAD ENDS.