Responding to the withdrawal of the bill:
We fight for democracy and autonomy. The movement will continue.
Hong Kong has become a police state which the personal safety, way of live and human rights of HongKongers are not guaranteed. This has evolved into a movement that fights for restriction on police excessive power, autonomy and democracy. We have no reason to give up now.
My fifth op-ed on the Summer of Discontent:
“The ways in which the Hong Kong government suppress them will only further enrage and unite Hongkongers and the international community. “
Such as UN peacekeeping forces. Thank you and we will stay strong.
showing that the only purpose of their brutality was to sort their anger to violence but not dispersing the crowd.
We, Hongkongers are experiencing a humanitarian crisis and we hope that people all over the world can help us in anyway you can think of.
Also, they beat up innocent people causing them seriously wounded. Some passengers kneeled before them asking them to stop but the response they got was beaten ever harder. Meanwhile, the police haven’t arrested the passengers after they got beaten up,
got into the carriage and indifferently beat up all the people in it regardless they are protesters or simply passengers. They ignored the weapon guidelines and fired tear gas indoor in the carriage which is in fact lethal.
【please spread out】
To people all around the world,
We, Hongkongers just experienced a terrorist attack planned and executed by the Hong Kong Police Force. At about 10pm today (31 Aug 2019), HK police force rushed into our railway system in Prince Edward station,
It’s what you call “warzone”. The police brutality is real.
[clip from the internet]
Police stormed into the MTR platform and compartment and attacked passengers. Obviously there were citizens who were shocked. Some were extremely frightened and hurted.
Police stormed into the MTR compartment and attacked passengers. Some were extremely frightened and hurted.
Hong Kong is full of stars. Hang on!
#antiELAB #FreeHongKong
What's happened in the past 30 hrs:
Jimmy, convenor of CHRF, attacked;
Andy, convenor of National Party, arrested;
KP, applicant of Yuen Long march, attacked;
Joshua and Agnes of Demosisto, arrested.
Hong Kong has become an authoritarian police state.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told reporters the leaders of Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States France had all voiced "deep concern" about the situation in Hong Kong.
Police working with patriotic thugs. They both serve the same boss. twitter.com/anti_elab/stat…
We must protect ourselves and stop the CHINA monitoring system spread to the world. twitter.com/Jordan_Sather_…
Police brutality is real. twitter.com/hoccgoomusic/s…
ROAD of freedom. twitter.com/yuenok/status/…
Salute to the ONLY HK tycoon that vocally supports Hong Kong democracy and freedom. We need more entrepreneurs like Jimmy.
nytimes.com/2019/08/23/wor… via @nytimes
Guest comment: Nathan Law Kwun-chung: Hong Kong “is a battle for survival and for freedom”
Feel free to share my voice.
2 months of protest and more than 2million of people marching down the street. We are still here to support Hong Kong Democracy.
5. The Chinese student association at Yale earlier released a clarification on the psuedo statement (written in Simplified Chinese) against me circulating widely online. I apperciate its responsible attitude in this fight against white terror. THREAD ENDS.
4. I’ve already informed my school and the local police department, both of which are worried and monitoring my situation. My personal safety is their top concern. I sincerely thank them for their prompt response.
3. They abuse the freedom of speech and internet freedom, which they don’t enjoy in their home country, to spread terror misinformation, which should not be tolerated in civilized countries.