How misinformation campaign works in China.
#HongKong twitter.com/ForumAthens/st…
Democracy was a cherished dream in Hong Kong. Over the years, we have seen the repeated efforts of activists, lawmakers, colleagues... We cannot let their efforts go in vain.
Hong Kong’s autonomy has been tragically destroyed buymeacoffee.com/nathanlawkc/ho…
He chanted political slogans and jailed for 5 years and 9 months. 2100 days.
Wonder who else would still call Hong Kong a FREE city. It's worse than most authoritarian countries.
Hong Kong jails protester for chanting political slogans ft.com/content/573727…
The camareman was panic when he was the shirt. twitter.com/demosisto/stat…
//“For the people living in democracy, they have to be vigilant about the political situation and to defend freedom by themselves”
“We lose our freedoms when we no longer truly believe in them” //
Hong Kong activist presents 'Freedom' book in UK hongkongfp.com/2021/11/05/hon…
Thank for the invitations @FareedZakaria. Talk to you soon. twitter.com/FareedZakaria/…
We're not helping govt to redefine democracy.
//Despite the ubiquitous advertisements from the government, election sentiment in the public has never felt so low.
People do not want to vote for a rubber-stamp chamber and pretend everything is all right.//
Ridiculous . twitter.com/damon_pang/sta…
3. We also discussed #China's broader strategy to tighten the grip on Hong Kong and its future challenges in the global arena. I specifically highlighted the opposition camp's successful primaries held earlier this month, in which more than 600,000 people cast their votes.
//Nathan Law congratulated Kaohsiung's people for the recall vote:
"When we have liberated Hong Kong, I hope Hong Kong will be like Taiwan is now, the envy of others."// abc.net.au/news/2020-06-0…
//”I am honoured to have Nathan as my guest,” Scott said. “Nathan is an inspiration in the fight for freedom and democracy, and he has sent a powerful message to Communist China that the people of Hong Kong will not back down or be silenced.”// scmp.com/news/china/art…
Don't forget that Xi wants to launch a war on Taiwan as Putin did to Ukraine. Their ambitions are the same.
We must think ahead -- to stop the next invasion from happening.
Ukraine calls on China to condemn Russia’s invasion aje.io/5anbpf via @AJEnglish
4. The Hong Kong government sees our younger and vocal generations as terrorists, while police violence is neglected or even praised by the authorities. What kind of a government is this?
Hi Rep.@IlhanMN, thanks for concerning the rise of Asian hate crime. I think we should not conflate the concepts of regime and people: we need a tough policy on CCP and education on treating everyone equally.
Please don't forget CCP commits genocide behaviors to Muslim minority. twitter.com/IlhanMN/status…
1. Elected members are accountable to the public and should answer concerns from them. Instead, I received an email from @cllralexyip, who worked with Christine Lee in the BCR, requesting me to take down an article about his connections with Beijing to avoid “further steps.”
A friend saw #Freedom in a New York bookstore.
It’s been a few months since its publication — feedbacks have been great, and I'm so grateful readers learned more about Hong Kong and the values of democracy.
It’s an entry book to Hong Kong movement and activism. Hope you enjoy it
What a BIG LIE promoted by the Chinese influencers, suggesting that all these massacres were committed by Ukrainian but not Russian soldiers.
The Chinese state has been supporting the invasion and hope that they can justify their potential war in the future. twitter.com/TGTM_Official/…
As of this time last year, China had more than 121 gigawatts of coal under construction: more than being built in the rest of the world combined.
Hong Kong knows China lies on human rights: they’re lying on climate action too. Period.
wired.com/story/china-is… via @WIRED
An important thread to understand China's propaganda. twitter.com/jeffykao/statu…
The scenes of Iranian police opening fire and beating protestors are terrifying. Hong Kong police committed the same brutality during the 2019 protest, which ignited many more HKers to protest.
Stand up and fight against tyranny. twitter.com/Vahid/status/1…
From a student protest leader, the youngest elected legislator in Hong Kong, to a political prisoner and exiled activist … these all happened in my 20s.
And this is the story I want to share.
#Freedom is available in the US & Canada on 7th Dec.
//“I still want to be a reporter from the bottom of my heart. I’m not afraid to sit in prison. But how about the people who work with me? Will they sit in, too, because of my work? ”//
‘We fought the good fight’: journalists in Hong Kong reel from assault theguardian.com/world/2022/jan…
🥮Happy Mid Autumn Festival!
Continue to stand with Hong Kong💪
4/5 But their governments have left them with no choice. When the freedom to dream and to be treated with dignity is curtailed, even breathing can be a crime.