あなたの夢に出ます。がんぼるぞい! translation: I am in your dream.
石の上冷たいよ!おすすめ!がんぼるぞい! translation: It's cold and comfortable to lie down on a stone. I recommend it to you.
一緒にパトロールがんぼるぞい! translation: We will do our best to patrol.
毎日暑い。がんぼるぞい。 translation: it is hot everyday.
夏だねー!(葡萄は食べちゃダメだよ!)がんぼるぞい!! translation: It's summer! (I shouldn't eat grapes.)
暑い日は帽子を被ろう!がんぼるぞい! translation: Wear a hat on hot days.
豪快に見えてほとんど飲めてない気がするけどがんぼるぞい!! translation: It looks exciting. But I can only drink it little by little. I will do my best!
スイカを食べるコツは、鼻を曲げることです。がんぼるぞい!! translation: The trick to eating watermelon is to bend your nose.
この水飲みづらいな!がんぼるぞい!! translation: This water is hard to drink.
早くヨシって言って!がんぼるぞい! translation: Give me permission as soon as possible!
僕が喋ってます。がんぼるぞい! translation: This is my dubbing.
僕はちょっと貫禄がありません。がんぼるぞい! translation: I'm not very dignified.
暴れてます!がんぼるぞい! translation: I'm rampaging.
ファンタジー。がんぼるぞい! translation: Fantasy
顔に何かついてますか?がんぼるぞい! translation: Is there anything on my face?
尖っている。がんぼるぞい! translation: Sharp
この顔したらオヤツくれるよね?がんぼるぞい! translation: When I make this face, you want to give me a snack.
楽しい!がんぼるぞい! translation: I'm fun!
食べ物ではなさそうです!がんぼるぞい! translation: This doesn't seem to be food.
見て!くうちゃんは僕の顔のサイズぐらいだね!がんぼるぞい! translation: Look! Kuu is about the size of my face!
細長い&丸い。がんぼるぞい! translation: Elongated and round.
何かを企んでる顔。がんぼるぞい! translation: Suspicious smile.
僕ちょっと恐竜っぽいので、ティラノサウルスレースに出たいです。がんぼるぞい! translation: I'm a little like a dinosaur. I want to participate in the T-rex race.