僕を見てると眠くなる効果があるらしいです。眠れない時は僕が添い寝してあげます。 がんぼるぞい! translation: When you look at me you become sleepy. If you can't sleep, I'll sleep with you.
これは、ボルゾイの愛情表現です。がんぼるぞい。 translation: This is Borzoi's expression of affection.
一緒にお散歩楽しいなぁ!がんぼるぞい!! translation: It is fun to take a walk together.
運動をして、免疫力を高めよう!がんぼるぞい! translation: Exercise and boost your immunity!
ウツボに見える?僕でした!がんぼるぞい! translation: Does this look like a moray? This is me.
僕たちに歯向かうやつは許さない!がんぼるぞい! translation: I won't allow anyone to face us.
寝るのも免疫力が上がるよ!健康的に!がんぼるぞい!! translation: Sleeping also increases immunity. Let's be healthy.
いつどこから襲ってくるか分かんねえな!がんぼるぞい! translation: He doesn't know when and where to attack me.
僕たち、時々、稀に仲良し!がんぼるぞい! translation: We sometimes, sometimes, rarely get along.
ねこねこパニック!がんぼるぞい! translation: Cat panic!
∪・ω・){くうちゃん寝たかな?平和だなぁ。がんぼるぞい! (*ΦωΦ*)・・・ translation: ∪・ω・){Did Kuu sleep? It's peace. (*ΦωΦ*)・・・
飼い主が噛まれてる!助けなきゃ!がんぼるぞい! translation: I help because my owner was attacked.
クゴゴゴゴ…… 誰だ 我が眠りを妨げる者は がんぼるぞい… translation: Who? Who hinders my sleep?
遊んで…?がんぼるぞい… translation: Will you play with me?
眠くなったら寝たい。がんぼるぞい。 translation: I want to sleep when I get sleepy.
∪・ω・){いつも僕の寝床を取られます。がんぼるぞい… (*ΦωΦ*){一緒に寝たいだけなのに!ビビリすぎ! translation: ∪・ω・){He always takes my bed. (*ΦωΦ*){I just want to sleep together. Don't be so scared.
いつも寝る時に邪魔されるので、邪魔し返します。がんぼるぞい! translation: He gets in my way when I'm always sleeping. So I will revenge.
ねぇくうちゃん…せっかく取れたのに何やってるの?がんぼるぞい! translation: Hey, Kuu. What are you doing after you finally get it?
飼い主にめちゃくちゃ叱られました。がんぼるぞい… translation: We were scolded terribly.
たまにワニに似ています。がんぼるぞい! translation: I sometimes resemble a crocodile.
刑務所での面会の様子です。早く出たいので模範囚になれるようにがんぼるぞい! translation: This is a prison visit. I'll do my best to become a trusty sooner.
僕の罪名ですか? ゴミ箱を荒らしたことによる窃盗罪です。 反省してます。がんぼるぞい! translation: Want to know why I was jailed? My crime is theft by vandalizing the trash. I am remorse.
僕の悪戯なんてかわいいもんでしょ!こういうのを窃盗って言うんだよ! 僕はイイコ!がんぼるぞい! translation: My mischief is not a crime. Theft is such a situation. I am a good long boi!
くうちゃんはまだ10ヶ月だから、悪戯は罪にならないんだって。 理不尽!がんぼるぞい!! translation: Kuu is only 10 months old, so he won't be guilty of mischief. That is unreasonable.
突然飽きます。がんぼるぞい。 translation: I suddenly get bored.