Parker Molloy(@ParkerMolloy)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

I loathe this man. Setting aside that I’m pretty sure that kindergartens aren’t doing lessons specifically on LGBTQ issues, the existence of trans people is not a “sexual topic.”
There have been 70 NYT opinion pieces that have included the words "cancel culture" in the past year. Each one somehow lazier than the last.
Has anyone at NYT ever met a normal person before?
This is actually a perfect example of so much of the “cancel culture” stuff: you’ve got a guy who’s been on an absolute tear banning media outlets and imprisoning dissidents pretending to care about “cancel culture.”
So this is something that started on right-wing sites, has been repeated by GOP politicians, and has been yelled about at school board meetings by Facebook-addled parents. Nobody is putting litter boxes in school restrooms. This is a figment of their imagination.…
This is insane, but it's what they do... in one direction only. When Trump won in 2016, outlets hired a bunch of Republicans. When Dems won in 2018... nothing When Dems won in 2020... nothing Republicans about to win in 2022... hire more Republicans. It's a pattern.…
No one: My brain: time to type "Danny DeVito as the virgin Mary" into #midjourney for absolutely no reason
This guy 2 years ago vs. this guy now. Hasn't learned a damn thing. Still functioning as a stenographer for cops.
"The photo was staged!!!" Yes. And? Where did they say it wasn't staged? They laid the documents out so they could take the picture, you goons.
I'd like to again remind people that Prager made a video where he explained that it was perfectly natural for men to want to bang hot mannequins.…
Garland has to prosecute Trump. There's just no excuse not to. I don't give a crap if his followers throw a little tantrum about it. He belongs in prison because he is a criminal. To not prosecute him is a betrayal.
"Oh, you can't charge him before the midterms!!!" Bullshit. You absolutely can and should. He committed a crime. Arrest and prosecute every single person who was a part of this. Now.
Also, journalists, you have an obligation to report the truth, not to treat right-wing excuses as though they're legitimate. Do you damn jobs. This is as clear-cut as it gets.
Republicans log on to Twitter every day and just start spewing insults at any group they don't like, but the second a Democrat even lightly criticizes a person or group, the GOP starts screaming about civility.
Note how the Republicans who are trying to ban books are just labeling anything they don't like "pornography." This is by design.…
It really bothers me how outside of people at progressive media watchdogs like @mmfa, not many people seem all that concerned about the right-wing effort to terrorize children's hospitals.…
Oz is now smearing two people who were wrongly convicted of murder, in case you're curious how his campaign is going.…
Aside from him framing it in a "forward"/"backward" way, these are objectively true statements about what the GOP stands for.…
My guess is that Biden's speech will be him saying a bunch of objectively true things... that the press will spend the next 24 hours debating whether or not it broke with his message of "unity."
This photo is from a speech in which Trump accused Democratic members of congress of hating the country, but sure thing.…
Pundits: "It's bad when either side does it!" Cool. So why is it that you only make a point of calling that out when one side does it, then? Pundits:
CNN is controlled by John Malone, a man who donated to Trump's "Save America PAC" (which was formed after the 2020 election to help Trump try to illegitimately cling to power). Just in case it's not clear what's happening over there lately.
Here was @brikeilarcnn covering that 2019 speech. Didn't say anything about the Marines. Go figure!…
@jeffzeleny You're such a liar