
I still get comments and requests on different East Asian traditional clothes all across different social media pages. Know the difference!! (I’m not too familiar with Chinese or Korean clothes, so I apologize if I picked traditionally inaccurate images)
#kimono Part 11: Hakama part 2 Hakama is worn over regular kimono. The common one women wear is a skirt type, where it’s completely open on the inside. This outfit was worn by female students in the early 1900s. Now it’s mainly worn for graduation.
The reason why Japanese manga is so successful in Japan that there is manga in every aspect of our lives, is because they have something for literally EVERYBODY. It’s diverse overall, like this↓ twitter.com/trishacuffari/…
Happy Halloween 🎃 今年は Witchtober 参加出来なかったのが残念😖 でもどうしても魔女は描きたかったので、子供の頃から好きなハロウィン映画「ホーカスポーカス」の魔女達を描きました。
検閲せずに、制限せずに、日本のクリエイターさん達はこのまま好きに作品を作っていて欲しいです。 実際の日本のアニメや漫画が好きな人達からの答えが読めますので、英語ですが是非読んでみてください: twitter.com/ChihiroHowe/st…
@wickedinsignia @MegZavala Gosh someone did that with my art recently too…😫 And they had the audacity to send that to me. I wasn’t sure if they thought I would be happy about it, or if they were trying to show that it can be easily done, but it’s pretty upsetting. Original← AI→
Time to post this again. Just to be clear, TRACING OTHER PEOPLE’S ART AND UPLOADING THEM AS YOUR WORK IS STEALING. (The lovely pink haired character drawing was provided by my sister @NovaKumiko )
Made it... 7/7 is a Tanabata festival (also called the star festival) in Japan, so here is a drawing of Orihime and Hikoboshi. 日本時間には間に合わなかったけど、織姫と彦星を描きました。 #copic #コピック
お待たせしました… 人魚の描き方、と言うかコツ? 自分が人魚を描く際気を付けてること、意識してることをまとめました↓
@bokukoui 実際に海外の方達になぜ日本の漫画やアニメが人気なのか聞いてみました。
#kimono Part 10: Hakama This particular one is called “Umanori-Bakama (ooh-mah-noh-ree-bah-kah-mah) which is used when men rode on horses (which is why the ends of the hakama is split like pants) Hakama is closer to skirts, since the crotch part is so low down and loose.
Reason why a lot of manga end before it’s supposed to. Even if it’s popular on social media, if the books doesn’t sell the publishers pull the plug on the series. twitter.com/ryuu1000/statu…
So I looked into different Kimono rental places in Japan, and there are places where they welcome LGBTQ+ people. I’m not sure how they accommodate to body types, but here’s a picture from one of their website. I could only find this one image, but they look awesome don’t they?
Recently pay for manga artists are getting lower. Manga artists used to use the royalties from their books to cover the deficit and pay for the cost of living, but now the physical books aren’t printed or sold so their last hope is the royalty from the web/electronic books. twitter.com/ShiyoriM/statu…
To the people who think manga is stupid and inferior. Manga takes a lot of skills, and a lot of thoughts and effort goes into it, no matter what the drawing style. ONE artist work on the story, character design, page layout, etc, unless the artist and the writer is different. twitter.com/MikeyBuysManga…
they uploaded it before the actual artist did, and because fleet disappears in 24 hrs, there’s no proof left of the fact that it was stolen. So if any of you are uploading sketches/wip there, be careful and keep in mind that this could happen to you too...
見ました、#私ときどきレッサーパンダ こんなに13歳の女の子を正確に描いた作品見たことない😂 #turningred
#kimono Part 12 Haori is like a cardigan, and it is also part of men’s formal wear. The length of the Haori depends on what’s trendy at the time. Haori for men and women has slightly different features. There are different types of Haori-Himo that you can mix and match.
I guess I’ll have to find a time to redo the referencing/copying/tracing post from a while back, because it seems like there are people misunderstanding some of the wording. I did get my English checked to see if it made sense,
今日の教会で完成させた落書き。 手を動かさずに座ってるだけだと話が入ってこないのでいつも何か描いています。
#mermay 11日目「Frustrated」(悔しい・イライラする) ラッコなら難なくお気に入りの石で開けてくれるかも? #mermay2021
#これを見た人はマーメイドをTLに放流しよう おお〜これならたっくさんあるぞ〜 4枚に絞れるか…
やっと出来た〜✨ オレンジと黄色がスキャナーで綺麗に出なくて、思ったより編集に時間がかかってしまった… 久々のアナログ絵。 やっぱり絵はアナログの方が楽しいです☺️ もっと時間作れるようにしよう…
To American friends, Happy Thanksgiving! I’m grateful for the support and friendship you have given me over the years, especially this year. I didn’t have time to draw something new, so here’s a turkey girl from years ago: