
So... I keep seeing artists drawing Kimono or Yukata and getting it wrong, so I thought it was about time I did a tutorial on it... Here’s a thread on some basics on Kimono and Yukata. I’ll keep adding to this thread as I finish them. I hope this helps!:
I never imagined kimono and African designs would go so well together, let alone combine them together! A collab between Kyoto’s designer and Cameroon’s designer. And the naming is perfect: Wafrica (“wa” (anything Japanese) x Africa) twitter.com/dress_holic/st…
How to use References, the basics. If I come up with more I’ll post them later on this thread. *photos on the second image is from @AdorkaStock deviantart page.
#kimono Part 1: The basic shape of a kimono Kimono is all about straight lines and squares. There are no curves, and the only triangle bit is the collar area. The basic shapes are the same for men and women, but the holes in sleeves are different.
My kids and I love this series, and I’m so glad we were able to come across it and enjoy it! Here’s the humanized ponies I’ve drawn before: #MLP10thAnniversary
I can’t stress this enough, kimono collar is ALWAYS left over right!! It’s the same for any sexes, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS. The ONLY time it’s right over left is if it’s worn by the dead. Ghost characters usually wear it right over left, living characters left over right.
A pleading from a manga artist: Please don’t read manga from pirated websites. If the manga doesn’t sell, the series get cut, and the manga artists lose their jobs. If you want to read more from the artist in the future, please purchase their books from the right sources. twitter.com/0808gino/statu…
#kimono Part 4: Collar I see this mistake a lot... The kimono collar is ALWAYS left over right, no matter the gender. Right over left is reserved for the dead. Japanese ghosts are drawn with the collar right over left because they are the dead.
There have been cases of: Artist upload a sketch/wip on fleet → people screenshot the work → trace it, complete it, and upload it before the actual artist does and claim that they are the creator. And because twitter.com/tamatama_tamak…
Here’s my #SixFanarts ! (from @mcapriglioneart ) For the first batch I picked the characters that had the most requests. 最初は一番リクエストが多かった6人を描きました。
Here’s the rest:
描かずにはいられなかった…😅 #wednesdaynetflix #Wednesday
#kimono Part 8: Beauty in the shape This is part of the reason why we were so angry with Kim Kardashian’s attempted “kimono” The beauty of kimono is about straight lines, not curves of the body.
このシリーズで海外のフォロワーさんが増えました。 こういう文化の解説的なものが結構需要があるみたいです。 #これでフォロワーさん増えました
#kimono Part 2: Kimono accessories There are several accessories used when wearing a kimono. Men is just obi (a sash to keep the kimono in place) But women use a lot more to keep the shape of the kimono and the obi in tact. Kimono is a formal wear, so you never go bare feet.
WEAR A MASK Feel free to share! We all want this pandemic to be over. The sooner we all comply (TEMPORARILY mind you, it’s not permanent) the sooner we can get back to normal. #WearAMask #WearADamnMask
#kimono Part 3: Footwear Unlike flip flops, the straps are placed right in the center, and there is no difference between the right or the left. Men’s footwear is usually rectangular and wider, and women’s are oval shape and narrower.
None of the Japanese people I know are against it.. I’m all up for it, these redesigns I’ve seen look really awesome. White people please stop speaking up “on behalf” of people of other ethnicities, we’re perfectly capable of speaking up for ourselves when we need to thank you. twitter.com/monwinvo/statu…
#kimono Part 6: Yukata vs Kimono Yukata is casual, kimono is formal. Yukata is made as a summer wear, so the fabric is thinner and lighter. Women enjoy more western decorations for Yukata (like bows and laces) Kimono is more expensive and there are more accessories and layers.
That is interesting... someone stated that Japanese anime’s face profile is not modeled after a white person’s, but more closer to a cat’s profile. So this artist uses cat photos to reference the balance of the face profile for their drawings. twitter.com/rokuta02/statu…
I’m so angry at the people writing negative comments on my sister’s series on WEBTOON. Like, do you know what it takes to make a WEEKLY, FULLY COLORED series???? She’s not a robot. YOU try dealing with burnout and stress and being made to work over 10 hrs a day, 7 days a week.
#kimono Part 7: Men vs Women Although the basic shape of the kimono is the same, how they are worn is different. Unmarried young women wear Furisode (long sleeve kimono) on special occasions, like New Years and Adult Ceremony.
#kimono Part 5: Obi Obi is kind of like a sash that holds the kimono together. There are many different colors and patterns. There are also different ways to tie an obi. Some are appropriate for formal occasions, and some are more for celebrations.
#kimono Part 9: Wrinkles Because of the type of fabric, there are not too many wrinkles. There are also more fabric surface, so it doesn’t contour to the body shape.