
Reason why a lot of manga end before it’s supposed to. Even if it’s popular on social media, if the books doesn’t sell the publishers pull the plug on the series. twitter.com/ryuu1000/statu…
I’ll be tweeting this occasionally to help out my friend @link_papa who is looking to get work outside of Japan. Please let me know through DM if you, or someone you know want to hire him to help out! Here’s a message from him and the translation of it, and some samples:
Recently pay for manga artists are getting lower. Manga artists used to use the royalties from their books to cover the deficit and pay for the cost of living, but now the physical books aren’t printed or sold so their last hope is the royalty from the web/electronic books. twitter.com/ShiyoriM/statu…
検閲せずに、制限せずに、日本のクリエイターさん達はこのまま好きに作品を作っていて欲しいです。 実際の日本のアニメや漫画が好きな人達からの答えが読めますので、英語ですが是非読んでみてください: twitter.com/ChihiroHowe/st…
There are a group of people who are trying to change the Japanese animation industry for the better (fair pay, better working environment, etc), and they have a Kickstarter project for it! If you’re a fan of Japanese anime, please consider supporting this project ^_^ twitter.com/animatorsuppor…