
[2022.04.15] iKON ONLINE FANMEETING ‘LIMITED’ Event date: May 21, 8 pm KST This fan meeting will include events such as ‘live on-site viewing benefits’, ‘video call event’, ‘autographed poster, CD, behind-the-scenes polaroid giveaway’. #iKON #아이콘 @YG_iKONIC
Donghyuk: iKONIC, you've been waiting for a long time, right.. Now let's gather!!!!! ❤️ Jinhwan: Leggoo Junhoe: Oh yah oh yeh oh yeah oh yeah~~~ Donghyuk: Get ready?? Yunhyeong: Shall we have fun?? 🤤 Chanwoo: Run~~~~🐎🐎 Bobby: 1 HOW CUTEE @YG_iKONIC #아이콘
This song is so beautifully made. It takes you down memory lane, makes you reminisce the good n bad times. Very sentimental, comforting yet bittersweet. We dk if this is gonna be the last, but thank you BIGBANG for everything 👑 Until whenever #BIGBANG_StillLife @YG_GlobalVIP
[2022.04.01] Junhoe: "Hello everyone! It's June! I'm sending my regards at this late hour ehh My bday wasn't a big deal, yet I received wishes from many people, so I had a very, very happy n valuable bday! I'll never forget what you've done n will always be thankful. See ya!😘"
Bobby: When Treasure appeared at the end, it really feels like YG Family! It was so cool. #iKON @YG_iKONIC #TREASURE
Jinhwan: We worked hard on this cover video to support our Treasure members. I hope they enjoyed watching this and I hope they do their best for their activities. Treasure, fighting! #iKON @YG_iKONIC #TREASURE
Hanbin said "Don't lose your smile" 😭
Hanbin: "With that in mind, I'll perform the last two songs. I hope to see everyone again through a better opportunity and a more cheery image next time. Don't lose your smile." #WeAllAreOneWithBI #HANBIN #비아이 @shxx131bi131
Hanbin: "First, thank you so much for inviting me here. I'm delighted doing this right now. Audiences who're watching this, hello. Nice to meet you. I can't find good words to say, but I hope (my songs) can comfort you n make you relax at least for a bit." #WeAllAreOneWithBI
Nobody: Yunhyeong: "The sound is coming from the chair, y'all. Just in case anyone asks about it, I'm not farting, okay?" Ok, Yunhyeong.
About the song Cosmos Hanbin: "I made this song really quickly, and I listened to it very often before the album release. Somehow, I don't get sick of it. That's probably why it is nice to listen to. Personally, I feel that this is a song that makes you excited and hyped up..."
Not at Hanbin’s choice of words when he could just say it like normal people: "I will continue to work hard" Instead, he chose to say (literal translation): "I will continue to live diligently" But it’s the Korean words that give it so much genuineness🌸
What is 2022 to B.I Hanbin: "2022, please, I want to now look at my fans' faces and interact with them, do performances, and also chat with my fans. I really hope this will be a year like that." B.I TINGTERVIEW BEHIND CUT #HANBIN #비아이 @shxx131bi131
What was 2021 to B.I Hanbin: "I released my first solo album in 2021. It was a year where I was able to meet and interact a lot with the fans after a long time, so it was very precious. It was a precious year that I'll never forget." B.I TINGTERVIEW BEHIND CUT #HANBIN #비아이
About hiking Hanbin: "...Since we’re all living in Seoul city, there’s not much chance to get close to nature, so it’s pretty healing to go on a hike and breathe in fresh air while chatting with my friends. I think that’s how I find the charm of hiking." #HANBIN #비아이
About upcoming contents in 2022 Hanbin: "I had this BI.zip previously. So I’m planning to gather the stories about my album or the behind-the-scenes and put them together into long video clips on YouTube." B.I TINGTERVIEW BEHIND CUT #BI #HANBIN #비아이
A video message to the B.I 5 years later Hanbin: "...I’m not sure what you’re currently doing, but don’t strain yourself and don’t be discouraged because of the changing variables. Try your best to enjoy the process cos this is what you chose to do, anyway..." #HANBIN #비아이
Chanwoo: "Thank you so much for celebrating my birthday this year too! As much as the love I have received from iKONIC, I will become a more mature and amazing iKON Chanwoo! I love you~!!" #OurPrideCHANWOOday #스물다섯_반짝이는_찬우별
Fan: Oppa oppa oppa (..) I love you!!!! Bobby: Change your nickname to prove that //Fan's nick is "Lovely Donghyukie" 😂😂
Bobby shows concern for a fan who got hospitalised by waiting for her responses and then exchanging comments 🤧 SWEETEST Fan: Jiwon-ah I'm hospitalised and bored. Hangout with me Bobby: What happened.. @YG_iKONIC #iKON
Fan: What do you think about Yunhyeong's TikTok handle? Bobby: He does TikTok..?! 😂
[220119] Hanbin: "Bing Bong, wait for me. I'll certainly come and get you!'! Let's go to the moon"
[220119] Hanbin: "B B u t I should sleep heeheeh Hanbin-ah, you decided not to have ambitious goals as it’s the new year, but in the end, you tried your best to set a goal at the start of the year..."
[220119] Hanbin: "Wwww Let's get to workkk~~hanbin-ah~~ (image caption: Created with 100% Passion) (manga screenshot: Do you need a reason to not want to lose?) (photo)" Note: Manga is from Haikyuu, a famous quote by Hinata Shoyo!
Hanbin: "Whatever that is at the end of the path, I will still love all of you and cheer you on, so don’t worry. Also, don’t try so hard as you’re already doing just well and you’re already beautiful. So let us smile a lot more next year. From Hanbinnie" @shxx131bi131