tmrw mag
112 pages of Hanbin
Here - by Junhoe (rough trans)
"Somehow, things are still the same
but for some reason, things have changed
This world is not mine to begin with,
so how can I recklessly clap or point my finger
at everything that’s happening in front of me?"
@YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘
ID asks if he believes in destiny/fate because she believes that whether she gets to meet that person or not, the one does exist in this world.
Hanbin: I believe in destiny/fate...
ID talked about "Re-Birth", how she knew that nothing lasts forever, so people captured all these memories since there won't be any more moments after it ended.
Hanbin: Right. People live w memories. It means that people capture these memories so as to continue with their lives.
Hanbin says he is a person who has a pessimistic view of love, that's why he puts more thoughts (into writing about it) and does a lot of research
ID: Just by turning on your music and then stop thinking is the joy of my life
Hanbin: I'm honoured to be the joy of your life
ID: I just wanted to let you know this piece of good news. I’m going to get married next week. I’ve been your fan for 8 years and I was happy. Thank you for appearing in my life. I’ll always support you far away in the future.
Hanbin: Congratulations. I will miss you.
Hanbin: Celebrity is just a job. There’s always pain/hurt everywhere but I’m not going to be professionally cool about it but keep going forward. You should move forward together too so that there’ll be something at the end of it, won’t it? But if there’s nothing, so what!
An ID posted asking if this line “so go ahead and cry” was something someone told him before or something he told himself when he was really down, cos this line comforted her a lot.
Hanbin: I’ve heard these words many times, but it hits me the most when I tell myself this.
👧Idk when I'll be able to see you again, and this face... (points to self)
🐣I got it/I will.
👧(Plot twist) ...not sure if you'll ever rmb this face...
👧But you must know one thing
🐣What thing?
👧That I'll always be by your side
🐣Okay, I'll remember this *points*
He started saying he couldn't hear me well yesterday n today😩I told him I was wearing the 131 Presents tee + ID bracelet n he proceeded to show me his too.
👧Today's the last day to rewatch the con, so I did it just now
🐣That must be fun
👧I almost cried
🐣 Why cry...
I asked Hanbin how's his Korean history exam going (LOL!) and he said he couldn't do it lololol but that being said he still gonna challenge it anyway
This is not a staring contest 🙈
따라쟁이 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
When I asked if he had eaten, he said he hadn't and pretended to pout with sad face cos I had something delicious and laughed after🥺
Hope he had a good dinner after that!
OMG, I finally got to tell him how long I've liked him for 🥺🥺
At first, I told him I only started liking him last week HHAHAHA AND HE STARTED TO CONFUSE ME
But after I said 8 years, he was so surprised😭
This the guy I'll continue liking and loving🥺
So I played the foreigner card and told him we're all friends in our country(ies), and since it's the second meeting, so I requested for him to speak comfortably and we started talking without honorifics 🥺🥺
Hanbin remembers the stupid me who gave him the wrong orientation😅🙈
Fortunately, he doesn't have to tilt today 🙏
Am I the only old fashioned person who asks him how he's doing? Lol!
Hanbin: I'm good!