Finallyㅠㅠ!! long awaited yuzu appearance on Tetsuko's Room 2hr special for its 48th yr of broadcasting!! T: "no matter what (you're) pleasing to the eye. [Y: TY😆] small face.. beautiful face.. lean (body) [Y: i'm embarrassed☺️ nono] various things everything" 🥰🥰
220723 Asahi yuzu/patrick best rivals🥲 "Learning practice techniques from the best"
Yuzu's comment before the show "I practiced hard for this show. Although i'm nervous about performing in front of everyone, I put in my very best on stage." FAOI22 Kobe D1 opening (4/7)…
220723 Asahi Q:The reason for not having much issues with skate boots
"Turning professional, there is no need to meet the competition schedule forcefully under poor body conditions, or to compete with others based on ambiguous evaluation criteria by third parties' judgment." 🔥 also how he spits fire at privileges and yuzu's presence saved the day…
"Actually, it was a real pity. If that 4S was successful, his score wouldn't lose out to NC, 13 points, if this was added, he could have fought for the first place."
"Usually, yuzu is very prudent. Most of the time he will say something like “What do you think about this video?” But it was different that time, he said “Check this out”." ㅋㅋㅋㅋ yuzu waiting in anticipation after dropping the bomb ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
🗣 EVERYONE!! We are TV broadcasting, but THIS IS A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY (yuzu lost it here🤣😂"This is embarrassing XD") IT'S SCREENSHOT TIME RIGHT NOW!! ((the last part was soo cute and funny at the same time🤣😂))
220810 NTV "4Lo-3T combi that has never been executed in international competitions" "I wanted to show that it has this much potential. I'm, in essence, an athlete, and if this can be an opportunity to show that i'm pursuing it further.." FLEX✨️
curious kitty on the move🐾 "It's the one that i always watch on TV! Makes me want to see what's behind etc. It's a very solid construct, isn't it. But (if go up the stairs) it's going to break right? Amaz~ing.. I'd like to let a cat in here, run around mindlessly.." NTV😘💕
yuzu live on Teremasa the day his move to🇨🇦 was announced "I want to be a skater who's able to do everythg.. starting this yr, I'm thinkg of working hard overseas, really to do my best in what i set out to do" ..11 yrs ltr, he went back as 'The G.O.A.T' 'Legend' to bid farewell…
"Before GP series NHK cup, a video reached Tsukiji sensei "If i didn't see it wrongly, he landed (4A). And, beautifully." ...The next day, a reply came "I couldn't do it anymore due to an injury. It was an injury on the right ankle." can we see the video too~~🥺…
"I've given thought about the VTR, setlist, and various other things incl the production, and i was able to create something that i could show everyone without compromise. If you could watch over the new Hanyu Yuzuru and the show"…
he malfunctionedㅠㅠㅠㅠ forcing a huge laughter on the verge of crying "Thank you everyone for the HDB boardsㅠㅠ I'm happy to be bornㅠㅠI felt once again that I'm glad to be alive☺️"
talking about PC SEIMEI, yuzu said he was feeling anxious bcs he couldn't practice much due to injuries, he said everyone's support really played a huge part, that he gained strength from the cheering (b4 covidㅠㅠ) "I am going to land this jump!!...wwaaahhh uuuuiieeee"🤣
"..become a pro skater eventually, and when i did tht, w the money earned, this is something realistic but I want to donate and show my support. This is the start of my life, this is my dream now." "Please look after me"😁 [27yr yuzu at 16yr yuzu: "Didnt change""Didnt change"]
"I think it would be great if I could do an ice show with Hanyu Yuzuru as a genre. I've been able to continue skating bcs of everyone's thoughts. My program definitely exist for everyone out there, and in that sense, Hanyu Yuzuru is a medium.."
(~04:43) To be honest, I did wonder "Why am i doing this?" "Why are my scores getting lower when I'm doing better" But when supporters/viewers said "Indeed Hanyu kun has gotten better right, hasn't he?" "He has improved like this right" ... [1/2] 🔗
"Even so, this is unbelievable. He is too amazing. He did almost everything on his own... Of all times, when yuzu was challenging 4A, the hardest of all jumps, we had to conduct everything online." ...not to say when yuzu finally did it but got injured... that emotional pain
🗣 so you do not have any special skin care routine "That's right.. (but) as i'm working as an ambassador for the brand sekkisei, i recommend the use of lotion. Be sure to buy it." Best spokesperson🤣😂
a total of 9,614 questions received! (only 48qns in the studio) the QnA segment was really intense😅 (+ all the other qns throughout the show) thank you yuzu for answering them all, with much elaboration💕
230226 fuj1 s-p@rk "The reason why i did roncapu was bcs i cldn't grasp the dream that time (Beijing Olympics). While of course there're still dreams to be accomplished like 4A, i skated incorporating the image akin to "I'll cont. to push on towards that (fulfilling my dreams)"
S-Park 220724 "I would like to challenge the definition of a pro that everyone has in mind. In order to hold my head high and say w confidence that 「This is my figure skating」 「This is the stage I chose」 (to self) "Do your best!" "This is not the end" "This is the start!!"
Y: If Mami sensei wasn't there when i first started skating, I wouldn't be where i am today. Thank you. M: I think (you've had) many difficult times and still do today.. [Y: Yes hehe (his teary eyesㅠㅠ)] but don't give up.. [Y: I'll do my best] this boy🥺…
Qn. Please tell us your resolutions for 2023. Of course, your long term aspiration is fine as well. ... "If my perf live on, i think i'll be extremely happy.. I want to always do my best so that my perf can be that source of strength" (his answer really makes meㅠㅠ)…