[🇯🇵🇨🇳 event] jmedia never failing with fanciful slow-mo effects and bgms on yuzuzu baby moves🐥 (when yuzu forgot his lines and sought help from Hina)
"To say that it was ½ short, should be closer to ¼. This could have been disputed. Because this is the axel quadruple jump." GHISLAIN SAID IT‼ SHOULD HAVE BEEN A Q‼
of course he deserves all the hugs in this world yuzu☝️ (front shot different angle to thn-finale)
"And then there were the hugs - always having those great hugs" G
13yr yuzu challenging 3A🥺 look at him whine😭 (it was also at this 08'training camp that he successfully landed his first 3A🥳) twitter.com/miruru1207yuzu…
🗣 Is skating fun? small yuzu: Yes! big yuzu: Really? LOL🤣😂 twitter.com/hanyu_nb/statu…
"Actually, bcs of C, pooh tissue case tht i've always bn carrying w me, is looking aft the house in🇨🇦 now. And bcs i came back to🇯🇵 on short notice, i made a new partner. It's like.. in a way, i'm having an affair. I'd like to get the real deal back asap, n be w it 4ever" LOL
"e.g. this is just a hand sticking out of a parka. Even if u do this..it wld nt bcm the wing, but if u do this.. i thk it wld prob look a bit more like the wing. Rather than character building, i'm doing it more like a technique" (how he uses his body, down to the fingertip💕💘) twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
内村san: "I said i'd def. like to do the rotation and spin. And I thought it wld be difficult to sync (our movements), but (impersonate yuzu's voice) "i wld fit in don't worry!" ..."oh ok please!" as we respect each other, i feel tht even our breathing sync easily" 🤭
"It is like my specialty / characteristic to be able to control my skating by centimeter...to land within 3cm or to lift off within 3cm (from camera)" --on 2nd yt upload KING
"The 4A this time has changed greatly, not only at take-off but also the entry."💎16 Every yuzu's program is a revelation✨️ [ᵖᶦᶜ ᶠᵒʳ ʳᵉᶠ. ⁿᵒᵗ ᵃᶜᵗᵘᵃˡ] ©️sankei
Y: "I'm (standing) so far back" Hongo san: "WHY?? Your face is small!! Don't do that!!" HE'S SO IRRITATING!! (+that laughter)🤣😂 ore俺* alert
Raison d'être「レゾンデートル」in short「Raison」「レゾン」song for new program means「purpose or reason for living」 More importantly, the value of being isn't comparing self to others, but consistent to one's definition in one's own worth ©️sanspo
2013WC when 18yr yuzu first perf. Notre Dame, he was competing w injuries and under immense pressure to secure all 3 spots in Sochi Olympic. He did it. “No matter how badly my knee and ankle hurt, even if I collapse in the end, I have to complete the program” A warrior.
so nice seeing him laugh out loud these days🥲
"Even if Hanyu is not a prince, his existence is the God of the World. I will be so depressed the entire day if i can't see Hanyu's smile." Matsumoto san 🤣🤣🤣 twitter.com/aoyamahanyu/st…
The surprise was SEIMEI in RONDO costumeㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ "It is my representative prog. I think it is also a prog full of memories for everyone. If it can leave behind, even if just a little, some good memories..."
Tessa V. talked abt yuzu in an interview w Vogue🇯🇵 in 2018 🔗vogue.co.jp/celebrity/inte… (on faoi18) .. and whn I saw Yuzuru's popularity in 🇯🇵, I thought it's just amazing. It's only natural, given his accomplishments so far. I think what's wonderful is tht he's kind-hearted 1/3
the governor of the Iwate prefecture is at the show!😲 and the trip is actually documented in his schedule (was wondering who these people in suits were🙇🏻‍♀️ sorry for my ignorance)
"he is a little meanie" N:"not a little, he's quite a meanie" Yuzu: BANG! BANG! N: "... wait ... the timing" "everyone pls calm down"😂🤣 Yuzu: 👏 hehe so playful! and he initiated the gunshot this time😭👏👏
baby yuzu went wahhh!! at his birthday surprise #1 🎂🥳🎉 (28yr? Not 8yr?🤣😂) (no shouting/singing, the crowd was asked to switch the bangles to their fav colours and wave) 🗣 It's gonna to be a great birthday, isn't? Y: I'm not born yetㅋㅋㅋ I'm really touched. TYSM! boy🤣
NTV☆Fukabori 10yr journey w yuzu (2011-2022) ㅠㅠ cutting onions here How it started with the cute playful yuzu in his natural state to how strict he is when it comes to skating... and the beautiful story unfolds Watch full youtu.be/q0Xa-ORLRZo
"Something that i think about a lot since i turn pro, that it is a really difficult thing to give one's best performance in a single attempt without the 6min practice.. [1/4]
[yuzu's msg for the international viewersㅠㅠㅠㅠ] "Thank you for watching from all around the world. I think i still have lots more to work on and i'll continue to do my best"