
Q: “Has Gain of Function stopped a pandemic?” A: “No, on the contrary I think it probably caused the greatest pandemic our world has seen.” —Robert Redfield
BREAKING: Robert Redfield says he tried to explain to Fauci—who’s an immunologist and not a virologist like him—that this virus isn’t natural.
Former CDC Director, Robert Redfield says Fauci & Collins locked him out of conversations because he had a different view on the Origin—what Fauci did was antithetical to Science.
JUST NOW: The only American that China allowed to be on the Origin investigation team was Peter Daszak… “like having the fox in the hen house.”
JUST NOW: the Biden Admin now blames the CDC for Novak Djokovic not being able to enter the U.S. to compete in upcoming tennis tournament due to his vaccination status.
Why did no one else on the plane die?
JUST IN: U.S. Marine Sniper was denied permission to shoot suicide bomber who killed 13 service members & 170+ civilians in Afghanistan
PSA: If you have a penis and you got an mRNA C•19 shot, you might want to watch this. Pfizer docs uncovered by the @DailyClout & @naomirwolf
BREAKING: Former CDC Director confirms America paid for coronavirus research through the NIH and DoD that caused the global pandemic.
Pfizer’s new “Bivalent” shot has never been tested in human trials—much less in babies & toddlers. Yet the @CDCgov, @US_FDA will likely approve them despite not knowing long-term risks of harm. Their disconcerting lack of ethics shows their greed & corruption has no limits.
Tucker Carlson tells @glennbeck he’s had the same phone number since 1995—but not one journalist has called/texted asking him for a copy of Jan 6th tapes. Instead, Tucker says he’s getting texts from Washington Post like: “Is it true you suck?” 😂
BREAKING: Former CDC head confirms Covid was likely the result of gain-of-function research—again, confirming that Fauci lied under oath
Tucker: Merrick Garland is a liar. No police officers died on January 6th
Tucker: More cops were injured during the BLM riots than at the Capitol on January 6th
Tucker calls out Republicans who attacked him for showing footage to the public: weak men are vicious men.
Fauci deliberately covered up the origins of the Covid virus: Redfield
Greenwald Nails It: I don’t care about left or right labels anymore—I care about who’s going to apply skepticism to these institutions of authority.
Twitter was asked to take action against, in other words CENSOR the TRUTH about vaccine side effects—or any other true stories or facts that might cause vaccine hesitancy. NOT ONE of the “leaders” policing Covid speech had health expertise. Censorship is dangerous. twitter.com/mtaibbi/status…
BREAKING: Journalist Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) will be testifying on the Twitter Files and the Weaponization of the Federal Government this morning. judiciary.house.gov/committee-acti…
Congressman Thomas Massie shows that the CDC was tracking all tweets from Congress members in a spreadsheet—and likely colluded with Twitter to censor his tweet about Natural Immunity, as well as other inconvenient truths about vaccines.
Matt Taibbi corrects the misinformed ranking member, Ms. Plaskett that he’s not a “so-called” journalist and counters her insult with a list of his impressive accomplishments. @mtaibbi
Congressman Matt Gaetz asks Taibbi and Shellenberger how they felt about the FTC—the federal government, specifically targeting them as journalists in an investigation.
BREAKING: Fauci goes on Cavuto to try and defend himself after the hearings yesterday revealed the Former CDC Director said Fauci left him in the dark on Origin phone calls.
After Fauci’s coverup & collusion was exposed in yesterdays hearing—Fauci awkwardly laughs in reaction to @Jim_Jordan’s testimony and smugly acts like he’s smarter than everyone, again.
JUST NOW: Fauci caught lying again by contradicting his own statements regarding vaccine risks in 2020