
VICE News will likely be bankrupt soon without a buyer. When you get it wrong as often as VICE did, it becomes hard (if not impossible) to trust them as a source for… well anything. Here are 10 headlines from the pandemic that didn’t age well for them:
“The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” —William Colby, Former CIA Director
This woman just went on @60Minutes and said “we took an oath as doctors to first do no harm”—only to be promoting mRNA boosters and disparaging drugs that have been on the WHO’s Essential Medicine List for decades. Her oath seems to only apply when it fits in with her agenda.
Jeffrey Epstein donated more than $9 million to Harvard from 1998–2008 and donated at least $850,000 to MIT between 2002-2017.
I hope both @WSJ journalists receive an award for their reporting on this new Epstein story. Exposing the powerful people named in the article is a feat most “so-called journalists” wouldn’t have the spine to do. Truth > Corruption; well done. @khadeeja_safdar @DaveCBenoit
In 2013, Epstein asked Mrs. de Rothschild for help finding a new assistant, "female.. multilingual, organized," she replied, "I'll ask around.” “In 2019, after Epstein was arrested, the bank said that Rothschild never met with Epstein.” They later acknowledged this was untrue.
“In 2014, Epstein called Ms. Ruemmler within weeks of her leaving the Obama White House... Ms. Ruemmler first met Epstein after he called her to ask if she would be interested in representing Mr. Cates and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Goldman Sachs spokesman said.”
“MIT said lawyers investigating its ties to Epstein didn’t find that Mr. Chomsky met with Epstein on its campus or received funding from him. Harvard declined to comment…”
quite a tangled web they wove…
BREAKING: Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Calendar just dropped. The calendar includes meetings with the man who’s now the current Director of the CIA, William Burns, among other prominent names including Rothschild, Kissinger and many more. on.wsj.com/428sDhP twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
if you don’t know who this is, episode #1979 on @joerogan will fix that for you
BROKEN (not breaking): Not one MSM news outlet covered our latest #TwitterFiles bombshell: Chuck Schumer’s former press secretary helped censor Tucker Carlson & anyone who shared an accurate Op-Ed link on Twitter 1.0 in 2021.
Destroying the lies spewed at him by mainstream media every time he speaks. Love to see this.
9. If Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance had nothing to hide, then why would he email his team in April 2020 telling them NOT to upload viral sequences from their “PREDICT” program research. (Some of those sequences would later be linked to Moderna/NIH’s patents filed in 2017.)
8. In 2020, Daszak went on 60 minutes to defend his research funding and work in Wuhan. Which now paints 60 Minutes in a pretty bad light for accusing Tucker Carlson & Rep. Matt Gaetz of a disinformation campaign for alleging the virus came out of a lab in Wuhan.
1. Back in February 2020 the New York Times published an Op-Ed titled: “We Knew Disease X Was Coming. It’s Here Now.” In hindsight, it now reads more like a confession by the author than an opinion piece.
Hey @YouTube—why am I seeing endless stories of people being censored—in some cases videos that have been sitting there for YEARS, as well as live streams with only intro music playing—citing them as medical misinformation? The only thing they seem to have in common was an… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
4. …prior to Busby working at Twitter, she herself had a political career history. Her prior job before starting at Twitter as a “Policy Communications Manager,” Busby was working as a Deputy National Press Secretary in the U.S. Senate for Senator Chuck Schumer, according to… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
NEW: Supplemental #TwitterFiles for WHO censored who when it came to a 2021 Op-Ed written by Tucker Carlson?
Read the thread, there’s a lot more to this story and more to come. twitter.com/texaslindsay_/…
7. Again, the NYT reported in January 2020 that U.S. officials claimed to be investigating hundreds of cases of suspected theft of intellectual property by foreign scientists, nearly all of them Chinese nationals. Some were accused of obtaining patents in China 🇨🇳 based on work… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
6. Back to the story. According to NYT: Federal prosecutors said Lieber made false statements to questions about his ties in the Chinese program to the United States Dept. of Defense. And was charged with misrepresenting his involvement and affiliation with the 🇨🇳 Wuhan Institute… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
5. Charles M. Lieber, Recipient of the Director’s Pioneer Award in 2017 (source: NIH web archive)