
BREAKING: Newly Obtained Emails Show Numerous Safety Signals Were Found By CDC. However, CDC fails to explain what they meant by some safety signal findings were “expected” such as: Female Breast Cancer, Crohn’s disease & Bell’s Palsy. link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/exclus…
Unlike the celebrities who continue to cash in checks from Pfizer (such as, John Legend, Pink, Martha Stewart + more) @FiveTimesAugust has created a campaign to help raise money for those injured by Big Pharma products. Here’s how you can help: fivetimesaugust.com/fightforyou.ht… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
An inquiry found that a 23-year-old Australian woman died after ‘catastrophic reaction’ to Covid vaccine. She died ‘unexpectedly’ in her sleep after two doses of the Pfizer C•19 vaccine. news.com.au/lifestyle/heal… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
BREAKING: Functional Neurological Disorder after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination found in the younger cohort. MedPage reports a study found most common was an acute onset, and tremor in Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry medpagetoday.com/neurology/long…
JUST IN: Senator Rand Paul grills Moderna CEO on the increased risk of myocarditis for young boys after receiving mRNA shots. CEO says his kids have had 3 or 4 doses of mRNA.
BREAKING: Moderna CEO tells Sen. Rand Paul that they paid the NIH $400M in royalties last year.
Did you know about 70% of the generic drugs that @MdBreathe prescribed her patients were rejected because the FDA lied in a tweet about it only being for horses—despite it being prescribed to more than a billion people around the world. The FDA can not be trusted. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
This man wasn’t buying what Fauci was selling—no fear here.
Orwellian times lead to dystopian outcomes theepochtimes.com/physician-assi…
Two people I follow just got suspended. @elonmusk can @Twitter start publishing a daily public list of which accounts got suspended and what TOS were violated? More transparency is really needed here.
Elon fact-checked Biden… again. 😂 I love the new twitter. twitter.com/POTUS/status/1…
BREAKING: CBS LA Weather Forecaster collapses live on air
The Chinese woman Fauci was allegedly involved with: twitter.com/TheChiefNerd/s…
Full Interview by @AprilMossTV can be watched here. Be sure to follow April’s new channel for more interviews like this one: rumble.com/v2dlxt6-exposi…
BREAKING: Journalist Ava Chen alleges that Fauci had a sexual relationship with a Chinese virologist that worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. She encourages Journalists to (FOIA) their email exchanges and contact congress to investigate.
Hey @ViralityProject I’m so thankful you’re no longer able to censor these stories on here. Children are dying and being permanently harmed by the damage you caused via censorship. One child harmed by lack of informed consent is one too many. Shame on you and the @CDCDirector. twitter.com/Storiesofinjur…
The week before Valentines’ Day last year, two brothers from Mississippi, an 8 y/o & 12 y/o, got their 2nd dose of Pfizer’s C•19 shot. 8 days later, the younger brother was found blue & lifeless in his bed. He died. He was only 8-years-old. Report was filed by the clinic.
I started actively using Twitter in January 2022. Then in August, I was “permanently” suspended for posting a clip of @TuckerCarlson reading a Lancet study about the C•19 shots. Then in December, I was back. Thank you @elonmusk for freeing the bird & all 100K of you! ❤️🥰
@realstewpeters Hey @realstewpeters I made this video. It took me 3 days working around the clock to compile. I don’t appreciate you stealing my clip and not even acknowledging me as the source. What respectable journalist would do this? texaslindsay.substack.com/p/fauci-vs-fau…
BREAKING: Florida Surgeon General says a new The Lancet study shows anyone who got the vaccine is more likely to contract Covid•19 than someone who did not get vaccinated. Will the CDC tell you this? No.
Pussycat Dolls band member, Jessica Sutta, says she was severely injured by her 2nd dose of the Moderna—interview is live right now: theepochtimes.com/exclusive-jess…
BREAKING: CDC sees 40% increase in maternal mortality in 2021—one of the worst in U.S. history. Unsurprisingly, @NPR fails to even acknowledge the new mRNA therapeutic—also approved in 2021, despite it not being fully tested for their cohort. stocks.apple.com/ATiP0a6V_RsSiz…
Why Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine were shut down from the start.
NEVER in my life have I read a more powerful obituary than this one. Wow. “She had been vehemently opposed to taking the vaccine, knowing she was in good health, of a young age… But, slowly, day by day, her freedom to choose was stripped away.” obits.oregonlive.com/us/obituaries/…